Quick Analysis

U.S. Left Follows Familiar Pattern

Judge Kavanaugh, in his rebuttal to Democrat attacks on his nomination, broke convention and cited Democrat goals to essentially overturn the results of the 2016 election. In the unlikely forum of a hearing to rule on a nomination for U.S. Supreme Court, an important threat to Constitutional order was given its greatest exposure.

The U.S. is not alone in this deterioration of democracy.  In Europe, the European Union has  engaged in tactics that replace rule by the people with rule by bureaucrats.

There is an extraordinary move by U.S. leftist elites to functionally ignore and overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election. The hard left, which has attained near-controlling influence over the lion’s share of the media, academia, and the leadership of the Democrat Party has engaged in nearly every conceivable tactic, including violence in the streets, a false sense of hysteria created by the media, attempts by the Ninth Circuit Court to impose unconstitutional restrains on the lawful ability of the President to restrict potentially harmful travel from terrorist-infested lands, and illegal negotiations by out of office pols to conduct foreign affairs as though Obama was still in office.

This is greater than the normal roughhousing by Democrats against Republicans in the U.S. It is a rejection of the concept that the majority, not the elites, have the final say, and in the sanctity of the concept of recognizing the results of the ballot box.

The immediate aftermath of the 2016 presidential voting was violence in the streets, reportedly well-funded by leftist billionaires. That tactic continued into the inauguration itself.  It was followed by attempts by Ninth Circuit judges to unlawfully hamper specific presidential directives on travel, and various moves by Democrat state attorneys general to engage the White House in groundless legal squabbles. Some Democrat-governed city and state governments sought to limit federal jurisdiction in immigration by declaring themselves “sanctuary” areas. The  recommendation of firmer CIA director John Brennan, (who has admitted to voting for a Communist Party candidate for president) to federal employees to disregard the directives of President Trump is perhaps the most troubling and unsettling example of this entire strategy.

A disturbing pattern of Democrat candidates for state attorney general openly campaigned on a platform of attacking the White House, an issue certainly outside of their job description. Sean Maloney, an unsuccessful Democrat primary candidate for New York State Attorney General campaigned, in numerous TV commercials, predominately on a platform of “fighting Trump.”  It’s a reflection of the well-funded effort to offset the 201 election results by any means necessary.
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This cannot be seen solely as a Democrat vs. Republican issue.  It must be understood as a move by the now hard-left dominated Democrat Party leadership to ignore the principles of the Constitution and the traditions of the American Republican in its bid to gain and keep power.

Obama made no secret of his contempt for the Constitution and the normal functioning of democracy.  His belief that he didn’t “have to wait for Congress,” and his acting on that by  enacting legislation-like executive orders, his signing off on what were, by any standard definition, major foreign treaties without the advice and consent of the Senate, his use of federal agencies to attack political rivals all attest to this. His presidency is over, but his leftist belief that the Constitution was an impediment that could be swept aside when convenient endures.

It follows a pattern that has become all too familiar over the past century in socialist nations.  It is no coincidence that as socialism becomes more mainstream within the Democrat Party, elitist and historically familiar socialist tactics become more common.  Soviet Bolsheviks, German National Socialists (Nazis) Chinese Communists, Cuban revolutionaries, and Venezuelan Chavistas all engaged in a similar timeline.  Allege to represent the poor or downtrodden, turn various segments of society against each other, and ignore democratic practices as a self-serving elite takes the reins of power under the pretense that they know better than the general public how to govern.

American leftists like to portray themselves as being “of the people.” That is clearly nonsense. Their love of high taxes, excessive bureaucracy, their determination to condone massive illegal immigration to dilute voting power, particularly in poor communities, their moves to crush free speech, all point to an elitist mob that will use any excuse, exploit any issue, and exacerbate any situation to gain power.

Photo: U.S. Supreme Court (Supreme Court photo)