Quick Analysis

The politics of ignoring reality

Debates and differences in ideologies and viewpoints are a healthy exercise for a democracy. Government officials, however, harm the nation when they base their actions solely on politics or personal philosophy, and not on objective facts or an honest review of the outcomes and results of their strategies on similar issues.

Unfortunately, a lack of objectivity in reviewing the results of past decisions is epidemic in the United States government today, both in domestic and foreign affairs. The impact can be felt on the streets of American cities, and in the air, sea, and battlegrounds of hotspots throughout the planet. Two examples, among many, illustrate the problem.

For several decades, violent crime had been at moderate to low levels throughout the nation. However, in the wake of several incidents which received widespread publicity, and despite significant errors in early media perceptions of the nature of the incidents, it became a popular trend for many government officials and their supporters in the press to portray urban law enforcement as racist and overly aggressive.

President Obama commented on a racially-tinged shooting incident in Florida, and made what many consider inappropriate comments in an ongoing investigation. New York City’s Mayor de Blasio campaigned for his office on a platform of distrust for the NYPD, generally considered the most professional such force in the world. News organizations competed with each other to give air time to professional provocateurs, such as Al Sharpton, well known for his prior false statements regarding the police, and his long history of intentionally provoking racial unrest.  The federal Justice Department intervened in local issues in a manner that clearly conveyed their unproven assumption that police departments across the nation were instruments of racism.

The results should surprise no one.  After decades of moderate crime levels, violence is increasing in key cities. In Los Angeles, reports the L.A. Times, violent crime is increasing for the first time in twelve years. In Baltimore, some neighborhoods have seen as many homicides so far this year than they did in the entire 12 months of 2014, reports CBS. In New York City, the Daily News reports that homicides have spiked 20% since last year. Crimes in previously safe areas of the city have made spectacular headlines.
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The reasons are obvious. Discrediting and discouraging law enforcement personnel, largely for political reasons, is an invitation to lawlessness. Unfortunately, for many politicians, the strategy of riling up their base by inflammatory claims of racism is a far too tried-and-true a strategy to give up, and there is little indication of a change in their rhetoric.

The same problems holds true for international relations.  In an attempt to appease a base of support that wishes to transfer as much as possible of the 1/6 of the federal budget dedicated to defense to domestic spending, the Obama administration made a series of foreign policy-related moves that reduced global U.S. military influence and presence. The results have been disastrous. Withdrawal from Iraq led to the conditions that allowed ISIS to gain power. The “Reset” with Russia has encouraged dangerous adventurism on Moscow’s part that eerily resembles the conditions leading to the start of the Second World War. The refusal to counter Chinese aggression towards the Philippines and Japan has now reached a potential flashpoint over Beijing’s unlawful occupation of strategic areas that is a hair-trigger away from a clash of arms.

It can be argued, with credibility, that these are complex issues, with far more antecedents than the biased comments of the media or the political aspirations of some politicians. But policy is made by politicians and public support is gained through media coverage, and, despite the unwanted results, there is, again, no indication of a change in course due to the poor outcomes.

When politics trumps the good of the nation, the citizenry inevitably loses.