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Corruption Governs in Key State

Recent events in one of the nation’s largest states and in its largest city profoundly reflect upon the condition of American politics.

Since 2007, New York has experienced a bizarre period starting with the gubernatorial election held in 2006, in which Elliot Spitzer handily defeated his Republican challenger in a contest in which the state’s media overwhelming failed to provide equal coverage to the GOP candidate.  During the campaign, various state news outlets decided to call Spitzer the “governor presumptive,” dismissing the election out of hand.

Governor Spitzer quickly became ensnared in a sex scandal after being in office only a relatively short period of time. After resigning in its wake, he was succeeded in 2008 by his lieutenant governor, David Paterson, who also became politically wounded due to scandals of his own involving sexual affairs, drug use, and wrongdoing by key aides. He chose not to run for re-election, and was succeeded in 2011 by fellow Democrat Andrew Cuomo, who, in turn, is now being investigated by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

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The state’s federal elected officials have also faced troubles of their own. Former Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Brooklyn Democrat, was forced to resign in 2011 in the wake of revelations that he texted explicit photos of his genitals to several women. The state’s senior U.S. senator, Charles Schumer, Weiner’s mentor, has not been hit by these types of scandals and remains one of the most powerful men in Washington.  However, he has raised many eyebrows by his proposal to alter the First Amendment to allow restrictions on free speech related to campaign contributions.

And then, there is the Mayor of the nation’s largest metropolis.  New York City is the top target for terrorism, yet the federal government cannot include Democrat Mayor deBlasio in its planning because of his questionable past in which he assisted the Nicaraguan government at a time when it was assisting the Soviets.  It has also been found that his wife’s top aide has a live-in boyfriend who is a convicted murderer.