Quick Analysis

Israel Objects to One-sided Negotiations

Is Washington backing off its intensive push for negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis?

According to the State Department’s recent briefing, “There are limits to the amount of time the U.S. can spend if the parties themselves are unwilling to take constructive steps…its reality check time.”

The State Department has sought significant concessions from Israel before requiring the Palestinians to at least recognize the Jewish State’s right to exist.

Israel’s foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, speaking to a Jerusalem Post conference attended by the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, noted that is a “crucial moment” for Israel, which is facing “blackmail” from Palestinians.  He objected to the pressure President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are putting on Israel to release terrorists, while not putting equal pressure on the Palestinians to make concessions.
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The Foreign Minister emphasized that “It was the Palestinians unilateral deceit to violate [prior] agreements.  Israel is ready to discuss any issue.  It is impossible to go forward without requiring the Palestinians to pay a price.”

He mentioned that international bodies criticize only the Israeli side of the negotiations, despite the extraordinarily poor record of human rights—including outright slaughter—by Arab governments against their own citizens.

Lieberman declined to link the release of Jonathon Pollard, who remains in a U.S. prison for espionage on behalf of Israel, to the negotiations.

Quick Analysis

The Practice of “Parent-Ectomy”

The fate of 15 year old Justina Pelletier is receiving national attention.

As noted by Larry Allison on the Vernuccio/Allison Report recently, Ms. Pelletier was being treated for mitrochrondial disease.  Due to a bout of flu, she was rushed by ambulance to a Massachusetts hospital.

Upon arrival, for reasons yet to be explained, Ms. Pelletier was seen not by internist but by psychiatrists, who apparently decided that her symptoms may have been, essentially, psychosomatic. Her medicine for the mitrochrondial disease was withheld.

The neurotransmitter used for the nerve impulses from the brain viagra sale to the penis, resulting impotence. discount viagra However, there is no doubt regarding the sexual libido enhancing drugs. Notify your health care provider if you sip any other non- prescribe tablets prior ingestion of samples of generic viagra. However, the American one is considered viagra cheapest less stimulating than the Asian ginseng. Her parents were vehement in their objections, and in response, the hospital prohibited them from seeking a second opinion.  Ms. Pelletier’s primary physician (pre-admission to the hospital) was forbidden to continue treating the patient. The hospital refused to allow the parents to take the child home, and that institution moved to take emergency custody of her, claiming she had been abused. Security prevented the parents from removing Justina. The Suffolk County Court removed the parents’ custodial rights, in a practice that is known as a “parent-ectomy.”

A registered nurse who formerly worked at the hospital described the situation as “unlawful imprisonment.”

Allison has noted that The ongoing case of Justina Pelletier demonstrates in stark and dramatic fashion, how far down the rabbit hole the nation  has fallen.  The Judge and the staff at both BCH and DFC involved in this horror should  not just be removed and fired but arrested and tried for false imprisonment, for child abuse, and for violating the civil rights of Justina Pelletier who is an American Citizen who has an unalienable right to her life, her liberty and the pursuits of her happiness. She has the right that her dreams…the dreams that all young girls  have… should not turn to sack cloth and ashes because she has become a pawn of the arrogant and powerful.”

Quick Analysis

Lax Immigration Enforcement Prompts Concern

In anticipation of the 2014 elections, the drive to reform immigration policy—and the supposed campaign benefit it brings from the Latino and Muslim communities—has accelerated.

Political disputes about immigration policy frequently center on the plight of those seeking to enter the United States seeking employment, or were brought into the nation as young children and have never known another homeland. However, another side to the softening of immigration rules is the potential to allow criminals or terrorists to enter into or stay in the U.S.

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration eased regulations barring individuals who had provided “limited material support” to terrorists from entering America. Questions have arisen whether the White House can unilaterally change enforcement policies written into law, a debate that has also affected the Affordable Care Act and other provisions.

The Administration contends that affected individuals have innocently and only marginally engaged in activities that benefited terrorists.  Opponents of the move argue that US officials rely only on the word of those seeking to enter that they were not actually sympathetic with those seeking to harm America or other Western targets.

The next issue involves the treatment of non-terrorist criminals by the Obama Administration. There are reports and studies indicating that criminals are being inappropriately released after their apprehension.

KRGV television in Texas reports that the border patrol union has protested against the Administration’s “Catch and Release” policy affecting many illegals captured by agents.
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According to the reported release from the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307,

“Rank and file Border Patrol agents are frustrated with the catch and release process as a whole…illegals will continue to cross and strain the system in order to exploit the weaknesses in the system.  Our nation’s borders are not secure despite what some will try and have you believe…”

The Center for Immigration Studies  review of official records found that “hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens…were released instead of removed under the Administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013,the US Immigration Custom Enforcement  agency (ICE)  reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens…Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals.  In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering.”

According to official records cited by the review, “ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation…in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs…every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity…ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.”

The White House and the Senate leadership continue to frame immigration reform in the context of those seeking to enter or remain in the US for wholesome reasons.  However, the more salient issue is the lax enforcement of laws affecting terrorists and criminals who are within American borders.

Quick Analysis

The Ryan Budget

When Ronald Reagan succeeded jimmy Carter, the phrase “paradigm shift” became ubiquitous due to the radical alteration in the federal government’s focus.

Another such paradigm shift has been proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan, to the great consternation of both Democrats and some Republicans.  Progressives dislikes the concept because it would literally be a complete change of course in almost everything the President has done during his tenure in office. Republicans fear that his blunt assessments and rigorous policies would frighten voters.

Our review of the Ryan proposal, entitled the “Path to Prosperity,”  notes that it begins where both Democrats and Republicans have lately feared to tread: the issue of national defense.  President Obama and Senate Democrats have taken the US rapidly down the road towards significant arms reduction even while China, Russia, North Korea and Iran substantially expand their military.  While Republicans have objected to the White House’s actions, they have not acted as vigorously as expected, in substantial part due to the influence of “budget hawks” who point to the overwhelming national deficit and the isolationist influence of the increasingly popular Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky).

In a complete reversal of that trend, the Ryan budget begins with an emphasis on “Protecting the nation…The first job of the federal government is to protect the nation from threats at home and abroad…” The proposal would halt any cuts that would impede the effectiveness of U.S. armed forces.

In direct contrast to the massive increase in entitlement spending during the Obama Administration, Ryan proposes an emphasis on job creation and a reversal of the dramatic upswing in regulations that affect both individuals and businesses.
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But neither the defense provisions nor the change in course from government growth vs. business growth may be considered the most controversial for both Democrat and Republican observers.

The proposal would, in essence, transform Medicare from an entitlement to a voucher-type system in 2024, allowing those retiring at that point an option to retain the current system or transfer to competing plans.  Even more controversial, it would gradually increase the retirement age.

It would cut $23 billion in agriculture subsidies, and transform the SNAP program (food stamps) into a block grant program.

While Ryan’s proposal can’t be faulted for its fiscal logic or its emphasis on reversing the extremely dangerous Obama defense policies, the potential “fear factor” it could generate among many voters renders it a gutsy but politically risky move.

Quick Analysis

Supreme Court Ruling Protects 1st Amendment

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision in the matter of McCutheon et al v. Federal Elections Commission complies with the view that attempts to interfere in the electoral process in ways not specified by the Constitution must be carefully screened to insure that they do not violate the First Amendment.

Chief Justice Roberts delivered the decision, noting that corruption would be held in check by limiting how large a single donation could be.  The ruling indicates that the ceilings on the total amounts contributed each election cycle would not undermine that goal.

In its 5-4 decision yesterday, the Court held that “The right to participate in democracy through political contributions is protected by the First Amendment, but that right is not absolute.  Congress may regulate campaign contributions to protect against corruption or the appearance of corruption…It may not, however, regulate contributions simply to reduce the amount of money in politics, or to restrict the political participation of some in order to enhance the relative influence of others.”

That part of the decision—stressing that campaign regulations cannot be used to enhance the influence of some at the expense of others– is of extraordinary importance. Although the McCutheon case involves the question of aggregate limits on individual political contributions, that part of the decision may be seen as a cautionary note that the growing environment at the federal, state and local levels of campaign regulation may be violative of free speech rights.

Research indicates that campaign regulation efforts have not achieved the goal of reducing the influence of money in politics.  A study by the CATO institute found that “…there is no serious evidence that campaign finance regulation has achieved or will achieve its goals of reducing the influence of money, opening up the political system, and lowering the cost of campaigns.  Indeed, since the 1974 amendments to the Federal Election Campaign Act, spending has risen sharply, the number of political action committees and the amount of PAC spending are up, and incumbents have increased both their election rate and the rate at which they outspend their challengers.”

Campaign finance regulations have been abused in a number of ways. In some localities, local Campaign Finance Boards have used their authority to heavily influence the outcome of elections and enhance the power of political bosses.  The ability to do this is especially prevalent in jurisdictions where taxpayer funds are provided to help finance campaigns.
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Recent decisions of the Supreme Court—including both the McCutcheon case and Citizens United—have taken positions protective of the First Amendment.

The ban on any contributions from foreign sources, not part of the McCutheon case, continues.  Scandals involving contributions from foreign sources have affected both the Clinton and Obama campaigns.

According to a Washington Times article the web site, owned by a China-based American business man, which attracted an overwhelming majority of foreigners to it, routed visitors to a donation site. Other published reports have revealed that an Obama web site accepted donations from abroad, while a similar Romney site rejected similar foreign donations.

Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign was also linked to a serious foreign contribution scandal. Approximately $100,000 from China’s military was funneled to the Democrat campaign in the summer of 1996 by the daughter of a top general in the People’s Liberation Army, General Liu Huaqing.  The funds were not returned until after an investigation revealed the illegal activity.

Both the limits themselves, and the complicated system of reporting under federal, state and local campaign finance regulations, can be seen as favoring “party-boss” backed candidates who have both access to the specialized skills necessary to timely provide mandated filings as well as access to the type of fund-raising abilities that comply with the regulations.

Quick Analysis

White House Role in Israeli-Palestinan Negotiations Not Succeeding

It increasingly appears that the White House’s role in negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is yielding as little in the way of beneficial results as its prior support for the Arab Spring, or its “red line” for Syria. Combined with the problems the Administration has encountered following its premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, a picture of a region that continues to be mired in antagonism emerges, and the threat of an Iranian nuclear breakout still looms.

In all probability, there will be some isolated and largely irrelevant concessions by both sides. The U.S. is dangling the release of Israeli spy Jonathon Pollard in return for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s release of a fourth group of Palestinian prisoners. The move is an odd gambit, since it does not involve a concession from the Palestinians, only from the U.S., which increasingly is one of Israel’s few allies.

Releasing Pollard, who passed U.S. classified data to Israel in the 1980’s, is a political move on the part of the White House, a response to domestic criticism that it has been unsupportive of Israel.  It is an attempt to deflect that criticism by resurrecting an old dispute between two nations who have a general commonality of interests.
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It is also expected that an understanding will be reached to continue negotiations in some form going forward. Negotiations are, of course, preferable to armed conflict. However, once again, no real progress is taking place.

The Israeli-Palestinian debate cannot move forward until a central issue is resolved: the recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.

Quick Analysis

FCC’s Bid to Hurt Small Broadcasters is the Latest Attack vs. the 1st Amendment

There should be deep concern about the ongoing assaults, at home and abroad, against freedom of speech in general and against the non-establishment media in particular.

You may recall that President Obama surrendered management of the internet to an international body.  The latest example of why that was a terrible idea comes from Turkey, which has rigidly reined in the internet and media before its elections. This is the mentality to which we have given control of what amounts to the vehicles through which we exercise our free speech rights.

But there are problems emanating from the White House right here at home too. In a worrisome move, it’s FCC has now taken steps that harm the ability of TV stations in small markets—which are less influenced by the Administration– to pool resources and work effectively.
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The fact is, politicians only like media they can heavily influence.  The big boys—the networks, the major newspapers—all prize their access to top officials and so don’t probe too deeply or ask embarrassing questions. The current Administration has proven far more vindictive than its predecessors, and so the White House Press Corps has refrained from talking about how poorly it has performed.

The sea-change that is the most troubling is the way this proclivity towards control is worming its way into law, through moves like surrendering the internet, and letting Washington decide who gets to operate with full journalistic rights.  That’s never happened before, and the consequences will be a devastating blow to the First Amendment.

Quick Analysis

Health Care Reform: The Road Not Travelled

This evening the latest Obamacare deadline will pass.  Missing throughout the discussion lately has been the road not travelled—solutions to the high cost of health insurance and the coverage of the uninsured that did not involve the establishment of a vast new federal bureaucracy, the involvement of the IRS, the establishment of “death panels” and forced enrollment.

One of the key reasons health insurance is so high is the relative lack of competition.  Insurers can’t cross state lines to give potential customers a wider selection of choices.  Unfortunately, Obamacare ignored that reality. Part of the reason: the White House needed the support of insurers to gain support for the President’s plan, so their monopolies were allowed to continue.

While poorly performing hospitals and doctors should be forced to pay dearly for their malpractices, the reality is that many lawsuits are without any basis, brought under the concept that merely paying off an agreed upon sum is cheaper than going to trial.  Tort reform could lessen this burden, which greatly increases medical costs, but trial lawyers are key political contributors so this was ignored.
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Nurse practitioners could perform far more routine medical services than they currently do, but this threatens the AMA’s monopoly, and like the trial lawyers, they have great lobbyists, so this approach to reducing costs never got very far.

There were other common sense ideas, but none provided the vast patronage mill and jobs-for-politicians that Obamacare did.

Quick Analysis

Political Parties, Major Media Miss the Point

Was George Washington right about political parties after all? The First President famously disliked the concept of permanent established parties, fearing that loyalty to them would supersede allegiance to the national interest.

As the U.S. continues to battle high unemployment, crushing debt, a sluggish economy, and a rapidly deteriorating international condition, federal elected officials seem helpless to effectuate any substantive remedies.

Despite Mr. Obama’s dismal track record, his fellow Democrats are reluctant to confront him, concerned that criticizing one of their own will lead to party disunity that will harm their re-election chances.

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As both Democrats and Republicans seem mired in a quagmire, key media players, especially the increasingly flaccid White House Press Corps, find ways to dwell on topics that are of lesser relevance.  The Malaysian jet story, tragic as it is, hardly warrants more intensive coverage than a national economy in unrelenting crisis, or the rebirth of international conflict evident in Crimea or the Pacific. Yet, the 24-hour a day, seven days a week concentration on it dwarfs any emphasis on other topics.

President Washington was certainly ahead of his time.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Odd View on Russian Power

The President recently stated that Russia was only a “regional power.”  We recently reviewed the facts to determine whether there is any realistic basis for Mr. Obama’s unexpected contention.

Of course, the first question to arise is, which region is the Comander-in-Chief referring to. Moscow’s vast domain  stretches from Europe to the borders of Iran in the Middle East to the farthest shores of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, and of course the Arctic as well.  Geographically, it is almost impossible to proclaim Russia as a regional power when its territory, the largest on Earth, is so vast.

In terms of strategic power, it is quite difficult to understand how the Russian nuclear arsenal could be remotely considered as regional. Certainly, it’s triad of ICBMs, many with multiple warheads, nuclear bombers and nuclear capable submarines both of which currently patrol the U.S. coasts,  are the equal of America’s.  Additionally, its mobile launchers provide the Kremlin with perhaps the most survivable land-based strategic nuclear weapons system on the planet.

In terms of land power, Russia vastly outstrips the US in the numbers of tanks, mobile artillery, and rocket projectors

Nor can it be said that the Kremlin’s weapons systems are second rate.  Its nuclear arsenal is more up to date than Americas, and much of its conventional arsenal is first rate. Mr. Putin has pledged to spend over $770 billion in further upgrades, including a sizeable sum for its navy.

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Putin also is militarizing the Arctic as well.

In a new wrinkle, Russia’s growing alliance with China gives the Kremlin a global reach in excess of that it enjoying during the Cold War.

All this is being done as the U.S. slashes its military fuding and Europe continues  starve their armed forces of necessary financial support.

We find no basis for President Obama’s contention.