Quick Analysis

Banning the Truth

The weird concept of banning any discussion that could potentially offend anyone, which originated on college campuses and has now spread across the internet and other media is neither harmless nor random.

It is not a coincidence that the proponents of the silencing concept are advocates of philosophies and politics that have a long history of failure and oppression, and which serve to disunite the American nation. Revealing those facts, along with the tainted motives of those endorsing limiting First Amendment rights is certainly inconvenient for the progressives and leftists that seek so diligently to avoid exposure.

The most self-evident of the various issues which some seek to ban honest analysis of is immigration.  Serious review of the merits of essentially open borders (and, yes, that is what the left desires) is cut off by unfounded claims that those arguing for rational policies are racists, anti-immigrant, and therefore their ideas should be ostracized from the public square.

Not having substantive border controls clearly leads to danger on multiple fronts, including the introduction of contagious diseases, admission of criminal gangs such as MS-13, penetration by terrorists masquerading as economic refugees, and extraordinary expense to federal, state and local governments. Legal residents with limited means endure serious competition for housing, jobs, and fair pay.

Why do open borders have so many advocates, when those threats exist? Take a quick look at those who want open borders, and why.

Politically, Democrats profit. New entrants to the nation, by a very large majority, vote for their party because in general they campaign on promising more public assistance of various forms for new arrivals. Progressives not only  look the other way when new arrivals vote illegally, but facilitate the commission of it, as California has done with the provision of drivers licenses to illegals and as various local legislatures do by providing voting rights to them in local elections.

Silicon valley tycoons (and related internet giants) and Wall Street plutocrats love extensive immigration, legal and illegal.  They profit tremendously by the far lower salaries they can pay newcomers.
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But  factual discussion of these realities get drowned out by charges of being racist or anti-immigrant. One internet behemoth decided to ban any use of the legally accurate term of “illegal immigrant.”

Turn to another failed concept, in which attempts to disclose facts are silenced far too frequently. Socialism, in every incarnation, has failed miserably whenever and wherever it has been tried, for a century. But America’s leftist-dominated educational system continues to warp facts about the reality that socialism has failed universally, and invariably results in enlarging poverty and knocking down individual liberties. The Progressive establishment on college campuses would be rebelled against by students if the history of this totalitarian concept was laid bare.

An ancient wrongdoing that proponents frequently seek to avoid honest analysis of, and which continues to be perpetuated, is one that has a long and horrible pedigree. Anti-Semitism has been a staple of history. It has taken many forms, from the religious discrimination of prior centuries to ethnic persecution which reached its worst expression in the National Socialist government of Adolf Hitler. By the way, the fact that “Nazi” is shorthand for the Third Reich’s National Socialist regime is one which  advocates of socialism scrupulously ignore.

The modern form of anti-Semitism wears the camouflage of miscasting Israeli actions as being oppressive.  The tiny nation awash in a sea of enemies has been the target of attempted extermination by hostile regional neighbors since its founding.  It has endured both major military assaults as well as constant terrorist threats, including rocketry  attacks from Palestinian territory and elsewhere. Palestinians could have had a deal providing them with almost all of their desires, but their leaders turned it down in an attempt to preserve their ability to rob their own people. The Obama Administration sought to alienate the U.S. from its Israeli ally, a symptom of the anti-Semitism of the left that the media turns its attention away from.

The list could go on and on, but the strategy is already clear: defend failed, self-serving and oppressive policies by cutting off the debate that exposes its true nature. When countervailing ideas cannot be contained, engage in personal attacks against those exposing the key truths.

Photo: A scene from Harvard University (AANM photo)