Quick Analysis

Anti-Semitism and the U.S. Left, Part 2

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government continues its three-part examination of the growing acceptance of anti-Semitism by the Left and Progressives.

 College campuses have become breeding grounds for the anti-Semitic Left. The Observer  notes that “United against Israel, activists for LGBTQ rights, gender equality and anti-war efforts, joined by Black Lives Matter, have been hijacked by anti-Israel student groups who not only attack the Jewish state, but do so under the guise of their new code word for demonizing Jews—Zionists.

 Anthony Berteaux, writing in The Tower reports: “the campus progressives…weren’t only ignoring anti-Semitism and attacks on Jewish identity—they were sometimes the ones perpetuating it…it was the progressive students…who were the propagators of ancient hatreds against the Jewish people.”

Despite engaging in the Progressive concept of “safe spaces” and fighting against “micro-aggressions” in speech, the left-leaning world of college campuses have become increasingly hostile to Jews.

The Observer notes: “Anti-Semitic activity on college campuses with the largest Jewish undergraduate enrollment drastically increased during the first half of 2016 compared to the same time last year, reports anti-Semitism watchdog group AMCHA Initiative.

“After examining over 100 public and private colleges and universities from January through June of 2016, the study found 287 anti-Semitic incidents occurred at 64 schools, compared to 198 occurrences that took place during the same time last year, reflecting a 45 percent increase. ‘The growing problem of campus anti-Semitism is no doubt a serious threat facing the Jewish community. But this disturbing and dangerous spike and the bolder, more brazen methods of those perpetrating this hate are particularly alarming,’ warned Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, AMCHA Initiative director and co-founder. Suppression of free speech is among the more disturbing trends revealed in the study. The report cites ‘14 incidents in which Jewish students’ civil rights were violated by suppressing their speech, blocking their movement or hindering their assembly. Found on 12 campuses, these incidents reflect a significant increase from the first half of 2015, in which eight incidents of suppression occurred on seven campuses.”

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Michael Lumish, writing in the Jewish Press notes that “the western progressive-left has made a home of itself for malicious anti-Semitic anti-Zionists… calls for anti-Jewish violence tend to be supported not only by other progressive-left students, but also by sympathetic university administrators who could hardly care less that students are calling for violence against Jews on their very own campuses.”

While anti-Semitism has an unfortunately long and bloody history, the version committed by Leftist/Progressives in the United States is different. During the Obama presidency, a stunning change in attitude towards religious freedom—as well as other First Amendment rights—became manifest.  This change was most clearly expressed in a 2016 report by the United States Commission on Civil Rights .

The Committee Chair, Martin R. Castro, expressed a clearly hostile attitude towards religious freedom.  In the report, he stated:

“The phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance.”

The Report concludes tomorrow.