Quick Analysis

China Task Force Issues Key Report

The China Task Force was created to establish a multi-agency examination of the threat posed by China. We have a copy of its Final Report, and summarize it here.  

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) more than 40 years  ago, the United States has sought to draw the PRC into  the community of nations as a responsible stakeholder.  U.S. leaders pursued a strategy of engagement based  on the assumption that expanding the bilateral economic  relationship with the PRC would advance the U.S. national  interest and lead the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to  change. This engagement strategy often turned a blind eye  to the CCP’s human rights violations, economic malfeasance,  expansionist aggression, and empty promises, as well as the  CCP’s deep commitment to a hostile Communist ideology  that drives this malign behavior. This strategy has, simply  put, failed.  

In just the past year alone, the CCP has violated an international treaty and dismantled Hong Kong’s civil  liberties; continued its oppression of ethnic minorities,  including Uyghurs and Tibetans; increased its military  buildup, conducted increasingly belligerent provocations,  and violated other nations’ sovereignty at sea; engaged in  fatal skirmishes to conduct a land-grab on the Indian border;  and asserted new territorial claims over Bhutan. Moreover,  by silencing doctors and suppressing medical information  from the world, the CCP allowed a local outbreak of a virus  to turn into a global pandemic, killing almost one million  people to date and devastating the global economy. This  pandemic exposed various U.S. supply chain vulnerabilities,  the dangers of U.S. overreliance on the PRC, and the need  for a more robust domestic medical and technological  manufacturing capacity. 

This series of wakeup calls has revealed how CCP ideology  is undermining the core principles of the international  system and putting Americans’ safety and prosperity at risk.  Leniency and accommodation of the CCP and its oppressive  agenda is no longer an option. To preserve democracy and  freedom around the world, the U.S. must act decisively with  our allies to regain the initiative. Addressing such malign  conduct can no longer be one of many priorities for our  respective governments, but rather the organizing principle  of the free world. 

Assessing the Chinese Communist Party Threat

Recognizing the urgency and magnitude of the CCP’s threat  to American values and interests, Republican leaders in the  U.S. House of Representatives set out to develop a policy  action plan for Congress and the Administration to better  combat this multifaceted challenge. Despite numerous  and repeated invitations over a series of months, House  Democrats refused to join or contribute to this vital effort. The  GOP had no choice but to move forward independently due  to the exigency of the threat. Fifteen Members representing  11 Committees addressed the U.S. strategic competition  with the CCP by focusing on: Ideological Competition,  Supply Chain, National Security, Technology, Economics  and Energy, and Competitiveness.  

Key CTF Recommendations Include:

Ideological Competition

• Evaluating whether the CCP’s crimes against Uyghurs  amount to genocide, fully implementing sanctions  laws enacted in response to the CCP’s Hong Kong  crackdown, and taking further specific actions to  respond to the full range of CCP human rights  violations, from religious freedom violations to  forced organ harvesting 

• Coordinating a whole-of-government offensive  information statecraft campaign to counter the CCP’s  propaganda machine by using truth and our values to  undermine CCP’s lies and malign ideology 

• Ensuring our citizens are aware when they are watching  or listening to CCP sponsored and censored media

• Evaluating whether the CCP’s crimes against Uyghurs  amount to genocide, fully implementing sanctions  laws enacted in response to the CCP’s Hong Kong  crackdown, and taking further specific actions to  respond to the full range of CCP human rights  violations, from religious freedom violations to  forced organ harvesting 

• Coordinating a whole-of-government offensive  information statecraft campaign to counter the CCP’s  propaganda machine by using truth and our values to  undermine CCP’s lies and malign ideology 

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• Ensuring our citizens are aware when they are watching  or listening to CCP sponsored and censored media and  entertainment content 

• Countering the CCP’s global malign influence by  requiring transparency and accountability within the  United Nations system, including at the World Health  Organization 

• Funding technologies and the distribution of devices  that help democracy fighters maintain digital security,  ensure mobile access, and reconstitute websites after a  cyberattack 

• Highlighting the CCP’s rampant environmental  destruction, including its status as the world’s  largest carbon emitter 

Supply Chain

Better securing our medical and national security  supply chains by: 

• Providing aggressive, smart, and targeted  

tax incentives to accelerate our research and  development (R&D) and production of crucial  medicines, medical supplies, ingredients, tests,  and vaccines; 

• Creating a grant program necessary to catalyze  domestic production of important technologies and  designing tax incentives to secure U.S. supply of  advanced semiconductors; and 

• Overhauling the federal permitting process for  mineral development and prioritizing advancements  in mineral refining so neither industry nor the  Defense Industrial Base are reliant on the CCP. 

The Report concludes tomorrow

Photo: President Xj Jingping (Xinghua News Agency)

Quick Analysis

Leftist Fascism Rises

The light of freedom is going out across America, as left-wing fascism takes increasing hold of the nation’s major institutions, under the guise of “Democratic socialism.”  

The assault has been going on for some time. William Kilpatrick, writing in the Catholic World Report, explains:

“It’s important to understand that the recent and sometimes violent protest marches in hundreds of American cities were made possible by a larger, and more destructive march through American society that began decades ago. The ‘Long March through the Institutions’ is a phrase coined by Italian communist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) to describe how a society could be subverted without recourse to arms. By co-opting society’s chief institutions—schools, universities, courts, corporations, media and political parties—dedicated leftists could affect revolutionary change. For a long time, cultural critics have spoken and written about the ‘Long March’ in the future tense—as something that could happen if we’re not careful. But it may be time now to acknowledge that the leftist takeover of American institutions is well underway. In some segments of our culture it has, to all intents and purposes, already been accomplished. In many ways, the current protests, riots, and takeover of city blocks merely reflects the largely successful takeover of social and political institutions over the last several decade.”

The implementation of the Long March was the accomplishment of Saul Alinsky, who was the major philosophical influence on such notable figures as Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama. Major organizations currently in the news such as Antifa, and key movements such as the Green New Deal both have taken their cues from Alinsky and Gramsci.

Commentator and author John Loeffler notes “Remember president Barack Obama’s campaign slogan ‘Change we can believe in’ and his constant proclamations of ‘hope and change’? How he was always advocating the ‘Fundamental transformation of America’? In Chicago in the 1980s as a community organizer, lawyer and ‘agent of change’ himself, Barack Obama studied Saul Alinsky’s methods and made these rules a central part of his political identity and public policy. In 1968, a young Hillary Clinton also corresponded with Saul Alinsky while in law school at Wellesley College. Alinsky was so impressed with her enthusiasm for social change that he offered her a job.”

The Constitution’s First Amendment has been the major roadblock to the success of the Long March. A key element of socialism has been the suppression of individual rights.  Themes such as “social justice” and an extreme form of environmentalism are the cover for this.

The First Amendment has always provided the means to expose these and other ruses. That is why the Left has been so diligent in attacking this most important of all rights. There are four elements to this assault. Socialist ideas do not stand up well under scrutiny, and so measures are taken to prevent intensive discussion of them.

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The first is violence.  This has been seen most explicitly in the attacks on those wearing paraphernalia supporting non-leftist candidates, such as Trump’s “Make America Great” hats. It’s also seen in the burning and looting of American cities by Antifa. It is fascinating that leftist-supporting media, which provided extensive coverage and righteous condemnation of the terrible and inexcusable riot at the Capitol, but chose to call the devastating socialist attack on America’s cities “mostly peaceful.”  

The second is censorship. Attack a left-wing concept on air or in print, and there is a substantial chance that not only will that individual report be “spiked,” but the author may also be suspended. This is seen most often on social media, but also in the way that television talk shows and print media will simply not report on contrary facts and ideas.

Economic boycotts are also in the mix. A recent example is Michael Lindell, the “My Pillow” entrepreneur, who has seen his products pulled from many outlets simply for his non-leftist views. Even elected officials have fallen victim. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) endured his book release and his fundraiser cancelled for opposing the Left.

A relatively new wrinkle is the use of nonsense lawsuits. Reporters and organizations who question a Leftist perspective may find themselves on the receiving end of lawsuits. Defendants will generally win against this abuse of process, but at a considerable cost in legal fees.

The most frightening tactic and the most recent has been the application of false criminal labels such as “Domestic Terrorist” to those opposing socialist ideas. Watch this method carefully. Once an individual or group receives this description, its an easy slide into denying them all rights.

America is on the precipice of having its Bill of Rights become nothing more than a disregarded idea.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Biden and the Middle East

A Biden Administration could spell the end of progress for peace in the Middle East, if it follows the policy of appeasement and support for the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism, Iran. The first step would be a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the Iran nuclear deal.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, writing for The Jewish Press, emphasizes that “Joe Biden played an important role in shaping White House policy toward the region when he was Barak Obama’s vice president for eight years. Moreover, members of the Democratic Party like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib have a clear Middle East agenda, and if Biden retires during his term he will be replaced by Kamala Harris, who it seems clear will adopt this line of policy.”

Much of the extraordinary gains made in that region are the direct result of the Trump Administration’s willingness to counter Iran’s influence.  James Carafano, writing for the Heritage Foundation, notes: 

“The Trump administration inherited a Middle East policy from the Obama administration that was collapsing…Iran had become more belligerent after the Iran Nuclear Deal and its surrogates were on the march everywhere. ISIS was governing a murderous caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq. Syria had collapsed in civil war. Iraq teetered. Israel faced increasing international isolation.” 

President Trump took the opposite course, openly opposed the Tehran regime, and rejected the nuclear deal that virtually guaranteed that the terrorist-supporting mullahs would soon get nuclear weapons. That was completely different than the Obama-Biden policy, which clearly tilted towards Iran.

The Trump Administration’s successes have been extraordinary. Israel and Sudan have agreed to make peace.  That deal came soon after a groundbreaking agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as well as one between Israel and Bahrain. 

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo emphasizes that President Trump’s “Maximum Pressure” campaign against Iran is extraordinarily effective.  That nation’s economy faces a currency crisis, mounting public debt, and rising inflation.  Prior to the Maximum Pressure campaign, Iran was exporting nearly 2.5 million barrels of oil per day. Now it struggles to export even a quarter of that volume.  Since May 2018, The U.S. has denied the regime direct access to more than $70 billion in oil revenue. The Iranian rial has depreciated to one fifth of its former value against the dollar since the start of the campaign, while Iran’s GDP has shrunk by around 6% for three consecutive years.

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Pompeo notes that the sanctions deprive Tehran the funds it would use to carry out its support of terrorism across the globe, its attempts to destabilize the Middle East, and its ambitious nuclear weapons program.

In addition to agreeing to the nuclear deal that gave Tehran the legal right to eventually develop atomic weapons, the Obama-Biden Administration violated existing sanctions on Iran and clandestinely attempted to give that nation unlawful access to America’s financial system. The White House specifically and repeatedly lied to both Congress and the American public about this.

That was just part of the Obama-Biden financial aid to Iran. According to the Wall Street Journal “The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran … Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland….”

The use of cash, as opposed to more conventional international payment means, allowed Tehran to provide more clandestine support for terrorists across the globe.

More than that, it is a clear signal to other regional nations that Iran is clearly the power to be reckoned with, and they engage in peace talks at their own, imminent, peril.

Illustration: Iranian flag (Pixabay)

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Europe to participate in discussions at NATO headquarters in Brussels. In a press conference held there he was asked about  American interests and values that countries share as participants in the rules-based international order. The Secretary responded that “the  challenge is to make sure that we uphold that order. And so when any country, whether it’s China or anyone else, takes actions that undermine it when they’re not playing by the rules, we have an obligation to stand up and say you need to.” Blinken pointed out that the United States accounts for about 25% of the world’s GDP and that when the country is working with its allies and partners is quickly adds to 40%-60% of world GDP. He said that percentage is “a little bit harder for Beijing to ignore.”


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in Beijing in what appeared to be a united stance against the EU and US position on Russian troops in the East and in the Baltic countries. Secretary Blinken said those regions were discussed at the NATO meetings and of great concern to Washington given some of Russia’s recent aggressive actions. The Secretary added that while Russia’s new weapon systems under development also are a concern to America’s allies and partners, collectively they recognize that there “may be areas where, out of mutual interest, we can still work together… the United States extended with Russia the New START agreement for five years. There are other areas in this matter of strategic stability – arms control – where we may find ways to work together, but that is not going to stop us from standing up strongly in a united way with our allies and partners when Russia commits aggressive acts.”


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Secretary Blinken spoke to NATO Members in Brussels Belgium this week and recommitted America to its alliances and to the shared values that sustain them. Second, he said, the United States must modernize its alliances. “That begins with improving our military capabilities and readiness, to ensure that we maintain a strong and credible military deterrent… we must ensure that our strategic nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure, and effective, particularly in light of Russia’s modernization.” Blinken also said that the US will take steps to reduce further the role of US nuclear weapons. It appears the US will now rely more on international institutions. Blinken said the US must confront its own shortcomings and not pretend they don’t exist.

Blinken also pointed out the the United States must expand its ability to address transnational threats – especially climate change and pandemics like COVID-19. He said: “These challenges are so vast – and the measures needed to address them so far-reaching – that tackling them must be integrated into virtually everything we do and coordinated across a wide array of partners.” The third challenge he mentioned was that the US must weave together broader coalitions of allies and partners to address threats in the economic, technological, and informational realms. He called for a deepening of NATO-EU cooperation and greater collaboration on issues including cybersecurity, energy security, health security, and safeguarding critical infrastructure. 


Although Germany is among the US’s closest allies, Secretary Blinken said Washington has “a real disagreement on Nord Stream 2 – that’s not a secret to anyone.” He added that the US is not going to let that stand in the way of the work on issues that are of direct concern to the citizens of the US and Germany.  The pipeline exposes the Ukraine and Central Europe to Russian manipulation and coercion, and goes against Europe’s own stated energy security goals. Blinken said the US will continue to monitor activity to complete or certify the pipeline, and if that activity takes place, Washington will make a determination on the applicability of sanctions.   

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Senkaku Who?

The Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea may not sound familiar to many people in the US, but they could end up ground zero in the new Cold War brewing with China. Last week US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Japanese officials, a day before he held discussions in Alaska with representatives from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While in Tokyo, Blinken reaffirmed the US security commitment to Japan, including its Senkaku Islands. 

China has been increasingly belligerent toward the island chain over the last decade despite America’s explicit reassurance by President Obama in 2014 that the islands are part of the US security guarantee to Japan under Article V of our security treaty. The US and Japan “remain opposed to any unilateral action that seeks to change the status quo or to undermine Japan’s administration of these islands,” according to US officials. Despite Chinese propaganda claiming otherwise, the islands have been under Japanese control most of the time since the late 19th century. After WWII ended the US held the islands until they were returned to Japan in the 1970’s. 

Mostly uninhabited or dotted with flourishing fishing villages, the islands have taken on a new significance as advanced undersea mining technology may be able to extract valuable oil reserves in the area. The Jamestown Foundation estimates that China currently smuggles in up to 40 million liters of oil daily from Iran. The Daqing oilfields in northeast China produce low quality oil and are almost out at a time when President Xi Jinping is calling for increased domestic manufacturing during the 100th anniversary celebration. China needs more petroleum resources to grow its domestic economy. The Senkaku are one potential answer. They have the added benefit of connecting the East China Sea to other sea lanes making them a prime target for China’s expansionist maritime plans.

“The United States and Japan acknowledged that China’s behavior, where inconsistent with the existing international order, presents political, economic, military, and technological challenges to the Alliance and to the international community,” according to the American statement released recently by the State Department. Washington and Tokyo are committed to maintaining the international rules-based international system that has kept the region stable in recent decades. Last year the Japanese Ministry of Defense outlined, in a detailed White Paper, the extent of Chinese incursions in waters surrounding the islands and throughout the Japanese archipelago. 

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In November 2013, when Chinese set  up its East China Sea ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) it claimed the islands as Chinese on its maps. The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies points out that this is significant because China “requires aircraft flying” in the “East China Sea ADIZ” to “abide by rules set by its Ministry of National Defense and claims to take military ‘defensive emergency measures’ against aircraft failing to do so, unduly infringing on the principle of freedom of overflight.” In 2018 submerged Chinese submarines and destroyers pierced the contiguous zone around the island chain multiple times. In 2019 the Russians and Chinese held Joint Sea 2019 naval exercises in the East China Sea. Last year the PLAN sailed through Japanese waters along with a flight of carrier-based military aircraft. During the last two years increasingly large, Chinese vessels have transited the Japanese territory on an almost daily basis. Add Chinese drones and military aircraft violating Japanese airspace to the equation and a dangerous pattern emerges. 

As recent Chinese claims of sovereignty intensify, along with increasingly provocative naval operations around the island chain, the likelihood of a maritime accident or other conflict also increases. Beijing appears ready to make this the new norm in 2021. “China relentlessly continues in its attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by coercion in the sea area around the Senkaku Islands,” according to Thomas Joscelyn, a senior fellow and senior editor of Long War Journal. In what is also becoming more common, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian accused Japan of “acting as a strategic vassal of the United States, going so far as to break faith, harm relations with China, invite the wolf into the house, and betray the collective interests of the whole region.” The CCCP will celebrate its 100th anniversary next July. The world already is witnessing China’s increasingly confident aggressive moves throughout the region. The Sekaku appear to be the latest hot button item on China’s list. Quite possibly it could become the site when the new Cold War turns hot.

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Friday, she presents key updates on China.

Illustration: Several target aircraft take off successively from the amphibious dock landing ship Wuzhishan (Hull 987) during the actual combat training in late February, 2021. The amphibious dock landing ship is attached to a naval landing ship flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command. The flotilla organized its vessels to conduct main gun firing, close-in weapon system firing, landing craft air-cushion formation maneuver in late February, 2021. ( by Qiao Chenxi)

Quick Analysis


This article was provided by Judge John H. Wilson, (ret.) who served on the bench in New York State

Why would the Democrats turn on their “messiah of governance?”  Who is most responsible for bringing Cuomo to the brink of a disgraceful exit from office?

According to CNN, in May of 2018, “New York Attorney General Letitia James was only a few months into her second term as New York City’s public advocate when, over a few hours during a dinner party with friends, a stunning twist of fate put her on a collision course with the state’s most powerful man, Gov. Andrew Cuomo…then-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was leveled with a series of domestic and sexual abuse allegations. Within hours… Schneiderman had announced plans to step down. The next week, James declared her candidacy to replace him.”

Ironically, Cuomo supported James’ candidacy for Attorney General.  “The pair, who exchanged endorsements that spring, made for strange political allies. James is a favorite of New York progressives, Cuomo their longtime rival and antagonist. But the support of the governor proved too much to turn down and, despite some grumbling on the left, James joined his ticket.” 

 Letitia James has made a remarkably fast rise in New York politics.  According to her biography on the website for the Office of New York Attorney General, “(s)he is the first woman of color to hold statewide office in New York and the first woman to be elected Attorney General.  In 2013, Ms. James was elected Public Advocate for the City of New York and became the first woman of color to hold citywide office…(p)rior to serving as Public Advocate, Tish James represented the 35th Council District in Brooklyn in the New York City Council for ten years. As a Council Member, she passed the Safe Housing Act, legislation that forced landlords to improve living conditions for tenants in New York City’s worst buildings.”

There can be no doubt that AG James is, and always has been, a progressive.  “James won her first public office, a seat representing central Brooklyn on the New York City Council, in a 2003 special election, in which she ran exclusively as a Working Families Party candidate. With the party-cum-progressive pressure group’s help, she defeated the Democratic Party’s chosen candidate…”  However, when she ran for Attorney General, “she sought the blessing of Gov. Cuomo, a sworn enemy of the WFP. James had a history of difficulty in raising money and Cuomo’s access to big donors looked essential.”  Nonetheless, when she was elected, Bill Lipton, the New York State director of the Working Families Party, said “Tish James is going to be the strong, progressive attorney general we need to stand up to Donald Trump.”  Further, “(a)t her victory party in Crown Heights, a diverse neighborhood in Brooklyn, James vowed to use the attorney general’s office to stand up to Trump ― and promised she’d remain the same scrappy fighter progressives had come to know and love.” 

Now, after taking Cuomo’s endorsement and support, James has positioned herself to be Cuomo’s successor. “New York Democratic strategists, operatives and progressives are viewing state Attorney General Letitia James as an appealing primary challenger to Gov. Andrew CuomoHer bombshell reportabout how the coronavirus rocked New York’s nursing homes focused on the issue Cuomo rode to a heightened national profile during the past year…Several operatives said Democrats can’t make the same ‘mistake’ they have in the past, as one put it, and nominate a white, liberal woman…(James is) a Black woman at a time when the Democratic Party publicly calls that constituency the backbone of the party.”

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Can it be any coincidence, then, that Cuomo’s descent from Olympus was precipitated by James’ report on Cuomo’s attempts to hide data regarding the number of elderly residents who died as a result of exposure to the Covid-19 patients the governor placed in those same nursing homes?

While the focus in media reports has been the Governor’s inappropriate sexual misconduct, the end for Cuomo begins with the James report.  Not happy with a Governor who mouthed support for progressives, the extreme left wing of the Democratic party wasted no time in renouncing Cuomo and embracing James.  As described by Politico,  “The nursing-home probe had been ordered by the Cuomo administration itself when Covid-19 cases began to spike, but was all but forgotten as many political insiders regarded it as the kind of investigation in which a sympathetic AG could disguise any bad news amid caveats and contradictory findings. To their surprise — and the governor’s — the 76-page report was frank in its tone and clear in its assessment that the way the Cuomo administration tallied Covid-19 deaths in state nursing homes served to mask the true toll.

Suddenly, one of the state’s most underestimated politicians may be holding the future of New York politics in her hands, even while she herself gets mentioned as a possible gubernatorial candidate…” 

A more objective interpretation?  James saw her opportunity to advance both the cause of progressives, and her own career, and took it.

What can New Yorker’s expect from a Governor James?  Let us quote from the platform of the New York Working Families Party as an answer; “The Working Families Party is leading the fight for social, racial, and economic justice in New York state. By pushing for progressive legislation and by also training, recruiting and supporting progressive leaders to run for office, we form a unique bridge between progressive activism and electoral success.” 

In other words, the old school, Democratic Machine, liberal politics of Andrew Cuomo is dead in New York State.  All hail progressivism!    

Photo: Coronavirus (NY State official page)                  

Quick Analysis


This article was provided by Judge John H. Wilson, (ret.) who served on the bench in New York State

Recently, a series of allegations have been made against New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo.  According to CNBC, “Multiple women, including three former aides, say Cuomo sexually harassed them, while a fourth woman, who currently works for Cuomo, reportedly has told supervisors that he aggressively groped her under her blouse in the governor’s mansion.  Other women have said he touched them and spoke to them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable.”

As a result of these allegations, “(a) majority of Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York districts…called on Cuomo to resign.  Those calls came a day after nearly 60 Democratic members of the state legislature demanded the governor quit, and after the Democratic Assembly speaker authorized an impeachment investigation into Cuomo’s conduct toward women and a cover-up of data related to Covid nursing home deaths.”

To date, the Governor has rejected these calls to resign his office.  “’I’m not going to resign,’ Cuomo said. ‘I was not elected by the politicians, I was elected by the people.’” 

Whether Cuomo resigns, or is impeached, or decides not to run again in 2022, or loses to a primary challenger, the end result will surely be the same – Andrew Cuomo is not long for the office of Governor.

This is a stunning reversal of fortune for Governor Cuomo.  In November of 2020, Cuomo’s Pandemic update news conferences were so well regarded, he received an Emmy Award.  As reported by Fox News, “Cuomo received the Founders Award ‘in recognition of his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world’ at the International Emmy Awards ceremony on Nov. 23, and liberal celebrities like Ben Stiller, Spike Lee, and Robert de Niro heaped praise upon him in a pre-recorded video.  The briefings ‘gave us hope, gave us clarity, gave us the truth, and gave us something we were not getting from Washington: leadership,’ comedian Billy Crystal said. ‘You are the epitome of New York tough.’” 

Capitalizing on that “New York tough” image, Governor Cuomo also wrote a book – American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Described by Barnes and Noble as a “New York Times Bestseller,” “Governor Andrew Cuomo tells the riveting story of how he took charge in the fight against COVID-19 as New York became the epicenter of the pandemic, offering hard-won lessons in leadership and his vision for the path forward.” 

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Since the onslaught of allegations against Cuomo, according to the New York Times, “(t)he publisher of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s book on his leadership during the pandemic said it had stopped promoting the title…(s)ales of the book…had already slowed severely as the governor found himself embroiled in overlapping crises of his own making, including a drumbeat of accusations about his inappropriate behavior toward younger women and his aides’ manipulation of nursing home data. Gillian Blake of Crown Publishing Group said…there were ‘no plans’ to reprint Mr. Cuomo’s book or to reissue it in paperback…” 

Further, “as the governor’s reputation begins to crumble and his COVID-19 response is accused of including manipulating data to conceal tragic deaths, some are calling for Cuomo to be stripped of the entertainment honor. Democratic New York City Councilman Robert Holden said that accusations against the embattled governor should show the Emmy organization he no longer deserves the honor…(l)osing the Founders Award amid controversy is not without precedent. Actor Kevin Spacey was stripped of the honor in 2017 after being accused of trying to seduce actor Anthony Rapp.” 

This fall from grace is remarkable, particularly when one considers the adulation Cuomo once received not so very long ago.  In May of 2020, the aptly named Kristine Looney wrote an article titled “Why Cuomo will be President in 2024,” fawning uncontrollably over her idol with statements like this; “Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has been our messiah of governance, our guiding light…The foundation of leadership is built upon integrity, clarity, composure, guidance, action, inclusivity and reassurance. As this foundation is so desperately lacking in the (Trump) White House, Andrew Cuomo has provided some much-needed relief…Citizens across the nation have spread their adoration via social media and insist Cuomo begin campaigning for a 2020 presidency.”   

10 months later?  “Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, who represent New York in the U.S. Senate, have called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign as he faces multiple sexual harassment allegations and a scandal stemming from his handling of the Covid-19 crisis.  Schumer and Gillibrand, both Democrats, are the most prominent officials yet to call for Cuomo’s resignation. Their statement added further momentum to a growing tide of Cuomo’s fellow Democrats urging him to leave office.” 

The report concludes tomorrow

Photo: Corona virus (NY State website)

Quick Analysis

Teachers Unions Have Become Communist Fronts, Part 2

This article was written by the distinguished jurist, John H. Wilson (ret.)

In 1922, the Anarchist Political Activist Emma Goldman made these observations about the Russian educational system after the revolution: “the Bolsheviki, to whom the State is supreme, use education to further their own ends…the ‘proletarian dictatorship’ has completely paralysed every attempt at independent investigation. The Communist criterion is dominant. The least divergence from official dogma and opinion on the part of teachers, educators, or pupils exposes them to the general charge of counter-revolution, resulting in discharge and expulsion, if nothing more drastic…Communism is the State religion and, like all religions, it discourages the critical attitude and frowns upon independent inquiry. Yet without the capacity for parallelism and opportunity for verification education is valueless.” 

With these understandings in place, let us examine the American Teacher’s Unions of the 21st Century.

In my article calling for the reform of Public Unions, I quoted from the 2019 dissertation of Chloe Asselin; “a movement of social justice caucuses is growing within teacher unions… this study finds that social justice caucus activists…have critically engaged the project of democratizing their unions…(S)ustaining cultures of solidarity, and participating in protest activity, all while developing a sharp analysis of the larger political context in which the caucuses organize that enables educator activists to raise the consciousness of those around them.” 

Her dissertation provides great detail for these “democratizing” activities; “School activists, who demand the labor movement look beyond the collective bargaining process, with its narrow focus on issues of wages and working conditions, and instead partner with parents, students, and progressive social groups and organizations to engage in social justice struggles beyond the workplace, compose social justice teacher union caucuses. Educator activists, in partnership with other members of school communities, use their power as workers to be change agents in their public schools…(d)uring the writing of this dissertation, in January 2019…the leadership team of the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) committed to social justice unionism, organized and mobilized educators into a six-day strike…UTLA’s bargaining demands…included expanding green spaces at schools, a legal defense fund for students and families facing deportation, and a stop to random searching and racial profiling of students in school. While these demands were not within the legal scope of collective bargaining, UTLA ‘pushed the envelope in using collective bargaining to reimagine public education for children who live in poverty.’”

Asselin further details the activism of the LA Teacher’s Union; “UTLA’s fight for educational justice is also a fight for racial justice. The union has called out the racial discrimination in public school funding, supported the Black Lives Matter movement, and opposed the racial profiling of students in schools. UTLA has also supported immigrant justice by fighting for sanctuary schools, helping Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients renew their papers, opposing deportations, and bargaining for an immigrant defense fund. UTLA and the CTU (Chicago Teachers Union) show the power of social justice/movement unions.”

Asselin makes it clear that these demands are coming from caucuses within the various Teacher’s Unions; “Social justice caucuses are key players in the educational justice movement…member-driven caucuses within traditional business/service-style locals of the American Federation of Teachers, in Democratic cities with rich histories of labor uprisings, especially by educators…organize around traditional ‘bread and butter’ services, such as improved wages and benefits, but also fight for internal union democracy and build power at the school level through collaboration with parents, students, communities, and other social movements fighting for social justice.

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“This dissertation seeks to highlight the role of educators as agents of change and the important role that teacher unions play in the labor movement. Intersecting educational studies, labor sociology, and social movement theory, this dissertation explores how educators, caucuses, and unions play active roles in movements for social justice.”

Asselin’s study makes very clear the utter and complete takeover of many large urban Teacher’s Unions by caucuses of “change agents,” who devote most of their time to “social justice” issues.  One teacher who calls herself “Tenacious T,” spends almost all of her time involved in activism.  “I’m an educator in Seattle Public Schools. I’ve been with my district for 5 years now, and in that short time I have become so deep in racial justice activism that it’s the first answer to both questions, ‘What do you do for a living?’ and ‘What are your hobbies?’… In addition to my ‘day job,’ I was recently appointed to the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board…Teaching Tolerance is the education advocacy program of the Southern Poverty Law Center…I am also a doctoral student! My focus is on curriculum, assessment, and instruction especially as it pertains to the creation and implementation of ethnic studies and racial justice…”   

Pamela Osmond-Johnson, an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Regina, Canada, is more blatant in stating her goals.  “(T)he reason I moved from being a K-12 educator to being a professor of education (was) to challenge future generations of teachers to question traditional notions of the work of professional teachers and promote the development of an activist teaching identity… an activist teaching identity implores teachers to embrace their collective voice and refuse to yield to narrow, managerial, understandings of teacher professionalism…If we really want educators to be the change agents and 21st century proponents our students desperately need, we need to re-imagine teachers as leaders, learners, and policy actors whose influence goes beyond the walls of any one classroom.”   

Then there is The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism, a book written by Keith Catone, the Executive Director of CYCLE — the Center for Youth and Community Leadership in Education — which is part of Roger Williams University in Providence Rhode Island.  According to the Book’s website, “Keith was the project director for the Youth 4 Change Alliance in Providence, Rhode Island, and before that, he taught high school social studies at Banana Kelly High School in the South Bronx and co-founded the New York Collective of Radical Educators, a citywide teacher activist organization. Keith serves on the board of directors of the Education for Liberation Network.”  The focus of this book?  “(T)he stories of four teacher activists―how they are and have become social change agents―to uncover important pedagogical underpinnings of teacher activism. Embedded in their stories are moments of political clarity and consciousness, giving rise to their purpose as teacher activists…” 

These, then, are some of the change agents and activists responsible for the education of your children.  All believe that their primary responsibility is to enact “social justice” and not to teach your children a basic education.  Instead of reading and writing, they teach progressive political theory and racial equity.

And all are members of, and active in, their respective Teacher’s Unions.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Teachers Unions Have Become Communist Fronts

This article was written by the distinguished jurist, John H. Wilson (ret.)

Recently, I was at a buffet lunch, and sat down with some people I did not know.  In the course of my conversation with one gentleman, I mentioned that much like the labor unions of the early twentieth century, Teachers Unions had become heavily infiltrated with communists.

“That’s a ridiculous statement!” The man across from me yelled out.  “I don’t want to hear anything like that!”

I informed him that I was possessed of research to support my position, however, he made it clear that he was unwilling to listen to any evidence I might provide.

Putting aside the tendency many on the left have to “cancel” any viewpoints not in line with their own thinking, it occurred to me that many people do not fully understand the Marxist ideology that now holds sway over the various Teachers Unions across the country.  I touched on this topic in my article of August 2020 while discussing Public Unions in general.  A fuller exploration of the issue now follows.

The primary method for the infiltration of most organizations is by the introduction of “change agents.”  “The individual or group that undertakes the task of initiating and managing change in an organization is known as a change agent. Change agents can be internal, such as managers or employees who are appointed to oversee the change process…(c)hange agents also can be external, such as consultants from outside the firm.”  This description sounds innocent enough on its face.  However, “(i)t is important to note that Marxist, collectivist thinkers understand that in order to effectively transition a free society from Capitalism to Collectivism they must first concentrate their efforts on reshaping the people’s overall view of their work and the labor force.”   

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From the beginning, communist ideology has concentrated its efforts on education.    As Marx stated in the Communist Manifesto, “(a)nd your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.” In 1869, the German socialist August Bebel described the Socialist system of education; “A proper education of the young must be one of the chief tasks of the new society…The system of education will be purified and improved, just like the system of production. Many antiquated, superfluous methods and subjects, which only serve to hamper the child’s mental and physical development, will be dropped.  The knowledge of natural things, adapted to the child’s understanding, will incite a far greater desire for study than a system of education where one subject conflicts with and contradicts another; for instance, when, on the one hand, children receive religious instruction as taught by the Bible, and, on the other, are taught science and natural history.”   

In 1869, the German socialist August Bebel described the Socialist system of education; “A proper education of the young must be one of the chief tasks of the new society…The system of education will be purified and improved, just like the system of production. Many antiquated, superfluous methods and subjects, which only serve to hamper the child’s mental and physical development, will be dropped.  The knowledge of natural things, adapted to the child’s understanding, will incite a far greater desire for study than a system of education where one subject conflicts with and contradicts another; for instance, when, on the one hand, children receive religious instruction as taught by the Bible, and, on the other, are taught science and natural history.” 

In other words, religious instruction and the Bible are replaced by natural studies and science.  After all, as Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin said in 1919, “(o)ne of the instruments for the obscuring of the consciousness of the people is the belief in God and the devil…in short–religion. The masses of the people have become accustomed to believe in these things, and yet, if we approach these beliefs sensibly…we shall clearly understand that the function of religion at present is to act as a poison with which the minds of the people have been and continue to be corrupted. And then we shall also understand why the Communist Party is so resolutely opposed to religion.” 

Lenin noted the necessity for an organized approach to education, with centralized leadership; “The touchstone of a Communist’s work in education (and educational institutions) should be his efforts in organizing…(t)he Communist leader must prove his claim to leadership by recruiting a growing number of experienced teachers to help him, and by showing his ability to help them in their work, to promote them…(t)he Communist who is a real leader will correct the curricula drawn up by the experienced teachers, compile a good textbook and achieve practical, even if slight, improvements in the content of the work of a score, a hundred, or a thousand expert teachers.” (Emphasis in original.) 

The Report concludes tomorrow.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


Under Secretary of State Hale announced then more than $80 million in humanitarian assistance to respond to the crisis in the Sahel region. This lifesaving assistance is critical for the survival of nearly three million refugees and internally displaced people in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. The State Department Spokesperson, Jalina Porter, said “It will provide them with vital protections, economic opportunity, shelter, essential health care, emergency food assistance, safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services. It will also help host communities across the Sahel.” The United States is the largest single donor of humanitarian assistance globally and in the Sahel region.


“Secretary Blinken and NSA Sullivan are in Anchorage having serious discussions,” according to the Department of States Spokesperson. In meetings in Alaska with Chinese officials the United States continued to publicly call on the PRC to end the arbitrary and unacceptable detentions of the Canadians citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. “The United States is deeply concerned by the PRC’s decision to hold a closed-court hearing with the Canadian citizens. Obviously, no one from – no diplomat from Canada or the US were involved in that. And we’re also deeply alarmed by a report that the PRC will commence the trial of Canadian citizen Michael Kovrig on March 22nd and we renew our call for PRC authorities to attend this trial,” according to the Department Spokesperson. 

“Knowing that the exaggerated diplomatic presentations in front of the media are aimed at a domestic audience, we will continue to map out our planned agenda,” she said.  

In what sounded like a statement of weakness, Secretary Blinken and NSA Sullivan have emphasized that America’s approach will be “undergirded by confidence in our dealings with Beijing, even as we have the humility to know that we are a country that’s eternally striving to become a more perfect union regardless of any of our shortcomings and challenges we’ve had.” 


Secretary of State Blinken is traveling to Europe for the NATO Ministerial meeting next week.  Afterwards he is expected to meet with European leaders, including the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and his counterpart, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

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“As we face a critical challenge in rebuilding the global economy from the effects of COVID-19, advancing and strengthening these European partnerships are going to be essential for the economic recovery,” said Porter. The Secretary is going to also consult with the European Union on how the US can work together on the basis of the country’s shared values to address global challenges that come from Iran, Russia, and China. According to the State Department, in his meeting with the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sophie Wilmes, the Secretary is going to underscore the strength of the bilateral relationship.


According to Acting Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Reeker, the United States is continuing to work very closely with international partners to support Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace negotiations.  He said the goal is to bring to an end the 40 years of conflict in Afghanistan. He added that he “can’t preview any of the discussions the Secretary will have.” It is expected that Afghanistan and NATO’s role there will be a topic at the ministerial.   


The United States is deeply concerned by the electoral impasse in Somalia, which is creating political uncertainty that threatens security, stability, and development in the country. Secretary of State Blinken called on Somalia’s federal and member state leaders to set aside narrow political objectives, uphold their responsibilities to the people of Somalia, and agree to immediately hold transparent and inclusive elections.

The current impasse, he said, undermines progress made to date, delays reforms urgently needed for Somalia to continue on the path to full debt relief, and hinders the fight against terrorism.  The United States supports the right of Somali citizens to protest peacefully and firmly opposes the use of violence by any party.   

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Saturday, she presents key updates on U.S. foreign policy from the State Department.

Illustration: Pixabay