Quick Analysis

When is a Boy not a Girl? Part 2

Part 2 of Judge John Wilson’s (ret.) concludes his examination of the issue of parental roles and involvement in transgender issues.

Recent studies have recognized the value of “pretend play” to the development of a young child.  Such activity allows a child to learn about what they like or dislike, or to confront scary and confusing situations.  When a child goes to the doctor, the child will sometimes pretend to be the doctor, in an effort to assimilate and interpret the experience for him or herself.  Parents who understand the value of this form of play often have “prop boxes” at home, which allow a child to pick up an item, such as a shield and helmet, and pretend they are a knight.  .

While many of us may not approve of our 9 year old daughter proclaiming that she is a boy, and exclusively wearing masculine clothes, acceptance of this decision may aid in the development of your child.  (I do not advocate for such a choice here – but I also will not stand in judgment of the parent who decides this is the best path for their particular child).  However, the real issue of concern develops when the parent of such a child decides to use chemicals and drugs to make the child’s perceived identity into reality.

When a child moves beyond mere play, and seriously demands that others consider the child to be other than their biological gender, a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” may apply – that is, “distress” caused by a conflict in gender.  For this diagnosis to apply, the child must exhibit a series of behaviors lasting more than 6 months, including insisting that they are the opposite gender; a strong desire to wear the clothes, play with the toys, and play with other children of the identified gender; and express a strong dislike of their actual anatomy.    .

When is it appropriate to chemically “transition” a child with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria?  The responsible answer is, not until they are an adult, and can make the decision for themselves.  As reported in the New York Times, “Several studies have tracked the persistence of gender dysphoria in children as they grow. For example, Dr. Richard Green’s study of young boys with gender dysphoria in the 1980s found that only one of the 44 boys was gender dysphoric by adolescence or adulthood. And a 2008 study by Madeleine S. C. Wallein, at the VU University Medical Center in the Netherlands, reported that in a group of 77 young people, ages 5 to 12, who all had gender dysphoria at the start of the study, 70 percent of the boys and 36 percent of the girls were no longer gender dysphoric after an average of 10 years’ follow-up.”  .

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Yet, there are medical professionals who would give a child as young as James Younger hormone blockers that could chemically castrate the child for life – on the orders of that child’s parent.

Why would a parent want to perpetrate such an act, with such finality, upon a child?  In the Younger case, the evidence points to the mother and not the child, as truly desiring the change.  Jeff Younger has video recorded his son informing him that his mother tells him he is a girl and painting his nails.  Dr. Georgulas is also reported to have rejected James’ first choice for a name – “Starfire,” a character in the popular “Teen Titans” cartoon.  Dr. Georgulas considered that name ridiculous and encouraged the child to adopt a name more to her liking – “Luna.”  .

It is one thing to accept your child’s determination to dress as the opposite sex, and role-play that choice.  But to use powerful hormone blockers and other chemicals to prevent the onset of puberty to effectuate a childish choice is irresponsible parenting in its best light, and child abuse at its worst.

Frankly, the social desire to encourage gender fluidity, which is prevalent in today’s society, must stop at the doors of the nursery.

Illustration: Pixabay