Quick Analysis

U.S. Policy Shouldn’t be Set by U.N.

For a prolonged period, the terrorist organization Hamas has launched vast numbers of missiles at civilian targets in Israel.  The United Nations and other international organizations remained silent. Throughout the Islamic world, women have been oppressed, and adherents to minority religions have been persecuted.  The United Nations has done nothing constructive. Numerous U.N members in good standing oppress their own people, and act aggressively towards their neighbors. Members of the U.N. Security Council have openly engaged in hostile acts, starting military actions without any provocation.  The U.N. does nothing. The prevailing attitude at the U.N. is that individual freedom is subservient to the state’s needs.

Despite all that, the Obama Administration continues to pursue a course that renders American policy, foreign and domestic, increasingly subject to international measures emanating from that organization, which fails to adhere to standards of human rights that most in the West recognize as essential.

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There is nothing wrong with international cooperation when it adheres to principles that are acceptable.  But the trend to render the policies of freely elected governments subservient  to an organization that fails to adhere to any standards of personal liberty, and indeed violates the tenets of its own founding charter,  is a violation of the rights of the citizenry of those nations, and a betrayal of oppressed peoples throughout the planet.