Quick Analysis

The Left’s Illicit Rise

Politicians and pundits who would alter America’s successful path to one that resembles nations that have failed politically and economically have risen to power and influence.

Monumental changes do not always occur with fanfare and explosive action.  Sometimes, they happen gradually, as a result of actions that seemed relatively inconsequential at first but develop into extraordinary alterations in the very fabric of society.

That is currently occurring in the United States.  Since the 1960s, radical takeovers of the fields of education, journalism and entertainment by individuals and groups who have a profoundly different view of America than the majority has had an undeniable impact.

At least two generations of U.S. students have been taught by educators who have an exceptionally negative view of the nation.  Journalism, both traditional and online, has morphed from a profession that originally sought to objectively inform the public, to one that preaches a predominately left-wing party line to it.  Hollywood has followed that move, as well. 

The result is a nation profoundly divided and substantially divorced from an accurate view of its own legacy and its current condition, a society that has forgotten how it achieved unprecedented success and established the freest population in history. The left will point out the horrors of slavery and segregation, but ignores the reality that those original sins, shared with the rest of the world, have been overcome. And yes, they have been overcome. There is no “systemic racism;” the isolated acts of a small numbers of bad actors cannot be imputed to the country as a whole.

The intensity of this underreported change towards the radical left is stunning.

Consider the bizarre case of New York City, as just one example.  Its mayor, Bill de Blasio, defended and cheered on the Soviet Union as it placed offensive military equipment in Nicaragua.  He honeymooned in Cuba, and can barely contain his love for the Castro regime.  In 2019, he even quoted a Cuban revolutionary slogan during his abortive presidential campaign.

It’s more than just an odd foreign policy perspective. As mayor, he disdains the very essence of America, and the protection of private property.  In 2017, he stated: “Our legal system is structured to favor private property…If I had my druthers, the city government would determine every single plot of land, how development would proceed. And there would be very stringent requirements around income levels and rents. That’s a world I’d love to see.”

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De Blasio has used the Covid crisis as an excuse to continue his vendetta against private business, doing everything in his power to roadblock the reopening of restaurants, a key private sector industry in the city.

This pivot towards extremist policies is not limited to outlier politicians. The former vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, Keith Ellison, followed the harsh policies of racial division advocated by Louis Farrakhan. Admitted socialists Bernie Sanders and the “squad,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Illhan Omar, Ayannar Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib are clearly the ideological guideposts for Democrat leadership.

Some may seek to portray this harsh turn to authoritarian socialism as a grass roots progression. That couldn’t be further from the truth. 

The leftist’s false portrayal of the justice system as overbearing and racist has been a key tenet of progressive philosophy. This, as well as the release of criminals from prison under flimsy excuses, and allowing accused offenders to be let loose without bail did not occur naturally. The strategy to accomplish this was well planned and well financed.

The Capital Research Center explains:

“Financier and left-wing philanthropist George Soros contributed large sums to progressive candidates running for district attorney…all around the country, apparently in hopes of changing the law enforcement system at the county or district level. Since 2015, he has spent more than $17 million on district attorney and other local races in swing states… [and] in large, predominantly left-of-center states such as California and New York. In 2016, Soros dropped $2,000,000 into a single sheriff race in Maricopa County, Arizona… These huge contributions often make it almost impossible for the other candidates to compete because district attorney elections are on such a small scale and the campaigns typically do not need to raise millions to run local ads and mobilize voters.”

Illustration: Pixabay