Quick Analysis

The Biden Crime Family

If you listen to the legacy media, or read the majority of what are generally considered mainstream news sources, and are trying to get information about the Congressional investigation into the Biden Family business, maybe you experience the same feeling as when you come upon a traffic accident, or a crime scene.  Usually, there is a police officer waving you away, telling you “Move along citizen, nothing to see here.”

Here, it’s the media telling you to be on your way, and ignore the carnage that’s plain to see.

For instance, Politico stated in April that “House Republicans charged into the majority vowing an investigative onslaught against President Joe Biden and Democrats. But they’ve gotten almost nowhere so far.”  Then, in May, according to the New York Times, “(a)fter months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House GOP inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.” 

These reports are from earlier this year, before the testimony of Devon Archer to the House Oversight Committee in July.  “Archer said…Hunter Biden (made) millions in business deals with…foreign companies, including Burisma and CEFC China Energy,” as reported by Yahoo! News. “after Burisma added Hunter Biden to its board in 2014, that helped the company survive because it was associated with what Archer called ‘the Biden brand…I think Burisma would have gone out of business if it didn’t have the brand attached to it,’ Archer said. ‘People would be intimidated to mess with them.’” 

Did this dramatic testimony by Hunter Biden’s former business partner change the minds of the media? 

No.  According to PBS. “The Republican-led House Oversight Committee conducted a more than-five hour interview with Devon Archer as part of its expanding congressional inquiry into the Biden family businesses…(b)oth Republican and Democratic lawmakers inside the closed-door interview said Archer testified that over the span of 10 years, Hunter Biden put his father on the phone around 20 times while in the company of associates but ‘never once spoke about any business dealings.’” 

What did President Obama talk with his son about during those business calls?  If you ask New York Democratic Representative Dan Goldman, who was present for Archer’s testimony,  “The witness was unequivocal and stated very clearly that they never discussed any business on [those] phone conversations…There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was…but it was never any business.” 

The weather?  No business discussed?  20 calls, all while Hunter was “in the company of associates?”  Frankly, this doesn’t pass the smell test.  As the Oversight Committee Republicans asked “Who dials their father into 20 business phone calls?” 

What did Archer actually say? “’You have to understand that there was no business conversation about…a fee or anything like that,’ Archer told Congress. ‘It was, you know, just general niceties and…conversation in general, you know, about the geography, about the weather, whatever it may be.’ Hunter was selling what Archer called an ‘illusion of access’ to Joe Biden’s decision-making power. ‘People send signals and those signals are basically used as currency. And that’s kind of how a lot of D.C. operators and foreign tycoons and businessmen work,’ Archer said.”

Besides the 20 phone calls, “Archer also asserted that then-Vice President Joe Biden met a Burisma executive in 2015 at a dinner with Hunter Biden and others in Washington, D.C.”   

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-KY), put the issue of Biden’s corruption in its proper perspective; “Devon Archer’s testimony confirms Joe Biden 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐃 when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved. Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ & he joined Hunter’s dinners with his foreign associates in person or by phone over 20 times.” (Emphasis in original.) 

The article concludes tomorrow

Judge Wilson served on the bench in NYC

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