Quick Analysis

The Angry, Worried Mood of the U.S. Public

Americans, undeniably, are angry and worried. Rasmussen reports that only 21% believe the nation is heading in the right direction.

It is not difficult to understand why.  The lack of decent jobs, the decline of the middle class, terrorism, the giant step back in race relations, and the unprecedented deterioration in national security, all indicate a nation in an unnecessary decline.

The decay was not inevitable.  It was the result of the adoption of policies that have caused precisely the same undesirable effect in every other nation in which they have been tried.  Big government economics have never promoted long term prosperity, and they are causing the same descent in America as they have wherever tried throughout the world. Appeasement and unilateral reductions in arms only invite aggression in adversaries. Appealing to people not as a unified whole but on the basis of race, gender or ethnicity doesn’t bring a nation together, it drives it apart.

There is nothing as incendiary as treating the voters as though they had no common sense, and as though they were subjects, not citizens. That, however, is precisely what Americans have endured for almost eight years.

They have been told that their Constitution does not bind their President to strict adherence, because he can “interpret” it differently than its obvious language states.   They have told he can pretend that the legislative process can be, essentially, replaced through executive action.  They have been informed that international treaties, which are supposed to be approved by the Senate, can be established by the fiction of calling them “agreements” which require no oversight.

Americans have been consistently denied access to the truth about the content of deals with other nations. The U.S. surrendered the lead in nuclear arms to Russia thanks to the New START treaty, and got nothing in return. An “agreement” was struck with Iran that, it now turns out, gives that nation the right to build nuclear arms far sooner than the public was told, and the lack of adequate inspections will result in developing an atomic arsenal even earlier.  They have been told that there will be no harm resulting from surrendering control of the internet to an international body containing nations that enthusiastically support censorship. The lies that, it has now been proven, were told about Benghazi were the most deceitful in U.S. history.

While those policies were the work of the White House, support for other unpopular international efforts such as the TransPacific Partnership deal had broad support across both party lines.

The public has been told that evildoers pledging allegiance to ISIS aren’t Islamic Terrorists.

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When Americans have sought to act as citizens, not subjects, they have been slapped down forcibly. When many pointed out that government policies about environmental matters weren’t based on proven science and that the “solutions” imposed by the EPA would be ineffective, Attorney General Loretta Lynch considered prosecuting those dissenters, and various state attorneys general illegally harassed them. Those who disagreed with the White House overall were maltreated by the Internal Revenue Service.

Voters have been told there is no inflation, and therefore seniors need no cost of living increases. Have the bureaucrats involved been to a supermarket lately?

Workers have been told that allowing vast amounts of illegal immigrants into the nation would not affect wages, and that maintaining the highest corporate taxes in the developed world would not cause companies to take their jobs overseas, concepts which defy common sense.

Despite an eagerness to impose regulations on everything from mom and pop grocery stores to major corporations, the worst offenders of unnecessary and outrageous cost hikes—colleges and the medical industry-never get substantially touched. Why?   Look at the incestuous relationship between those institutions and political parties. You find ridiculous, unnecessary, and expensive jobs offered to their adherents (using titles such as community relations specialists and diversity officers) as well as outrageous speaking fees for those with significant influence.

And, of course, there has now been an acceptance of different standards of justice for the ultra-powerful and the rest of the populace.

Many voters in both parties and even junior Representatives feel abandoned, and have reacted sharply. They gave support to unlikely candidates across the political spectrum, from Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump, and deposed the former House Speaker John Boehner.

The public has every right to be furious.