Quick Analysis

That’s Propaganda, Not Entertainment

Censorship can take many forms.  In some regimes, books are burned, in some others, nonconforming authors are jailed.  In America’s academic, mainstream news, and media culture, one side of the political spectrum is crowded out of the marketplace of ideas, not by government, but by the over-politicized and hyper-biased elites within university leadership, editorial boards, and Hollywood power brokers. “Progressive” positions are force-fed to the public in classrooms, news broadcasts, and entertainment venues.

That bias is exceptionally prevalent in the entertainment industry.

A National Review examination notes, “If you think liberal media bias is strictly an issue for the New York Times and the Washington Post, you haven’t looked at your average entertainment site lately. Nearly every major Hollywood news site leans left. It has been that way for some time, but in recent years it has gotten worse… Reporters routinely cover Michael Moore like he’s a truth-teller, not a hard partisan. This is hardly a new problem.”

Warner Todd Hudson, writing in Western Journalism, notes:  “It is well known that …Hollywood … is anti-conservative. Let’s just take a few examples in recent movies. In 2010 the director of the then in production Captain America movie suggested that his Cappie would not be a flag waver.” Further, the studio intended to take the “America” out of the title for overseas distribution. That same year the movie Machette portrayed whites as racists out to murder Mexicans, Roger Ebert said that Americans are all racists, and Whoopi Goldberg wondered why anyone would think Muslims might be terrorists. There are certainly too many cases of Hollywood bias to report in this small space…Episodic television is no different than Hollywood in its attacks on the right. For a few examples: NCIS featured a story about terrorists not long ago. Of course, the terrorists were white people mad at US government failures, not Muslims. The series Medium created a character evoking comparisons to the law-and-order Sheriff Joe Arpiao in Arizona. Only the TV show’s version was a child rapist and murderer… naturally. This is not to mention the bias belched out by the chicks on The View on a daily basis…there is, of course, one religion that the Old Media attacks with regularity: Christianity. The anti-Christian bias in the media is endemic…attacks on football player Tim Tebow’s religion [are] a prime example.”

The entertainment industry apparently believes that it’s never too early to start the indoctrination. Hudson reports that “comic books are demeaning conservatives in yet another example of the media attacking the right. For just a very few examples, we had the Captain America comic that portrayed the Tea Party movement as dangerous and anti-American, the Batman comic that portrayed Muslims as heroes…Unfortunately, comic books have for a long time been filled with anti-conservative themes.”

Examples of Progressive perspectives being force-fed through entertainment are voluminous. Many of the scripts of this years’ television dramas, including Designated Survivor, Homeland, 24, the various iterations of NCIS, read more like political screeds than action-adventure dramas.  In one recent instance, an entire episode of Designated Survivor was almost entirely dedicated to an hour-long endorsement of gun control, complete with portrayals of Second Amendment advocates as dishonorable characters.

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Andy Kiersz and Hunter Walker, writing in Business Insider, provide  “quantitative proof” of Hollywood bias by demonstrating the almost total domination of donors to left-wing causes vs. centrists and conservative causes.

Some publications covering the entertainment industry have reported on the matter. Paul Bond, writing for The Hollywood Reporter reports that TV Executives have admitted, while being  interviewed for a new book,  that Hollywood pushes a liberal agenda.The book makes the case that TV industry executives, writers and producers use their clout to advance a liberal political agenda. The author bases his thesis on, among other things, 39 taped interviews… Leonard Goldberg — who executive produces Blue Bloods for CBS and a few decades ago exec produced such hits as Fantasy IslandCharlie’s Angels and Starsky and Hutch — [admits] that liberalism in the TV industry is ‘100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth.’ Author Shapiro asks if politics are a barrier to entry. ‘Absolutely,’ Goldberg says.

“When Shapiro tells Fred Pierce the president of ABC in the 1980’s that ‘It’s very difficult for people who are politically conservative to break in”to television, he responds: ‘I can’t argue that point.” Those who don’t lean left, he says, ‘don’t promote it. It stays underground.'”

Stephen Galloway, who is liberal, also discussed the issue in the Hollywood Reporter: “In an astonishing reversal of Hollywood history, just as liberals here once considered themselves an endangered species, so do conservatives today. They no longer are free to talk in the open, because they feel — rightly — we’re no longer prepared to listen… And that worries me. Because nobody should be afraid to speak. Freedom of speech means freedom for all, for our opponents as well as ourselves.

Hollywood’s power brokers are, of course, free to push whatever causes they believe in.  That’s the right guaranteed by the First Amendment.  But their oppressive tactics against those within their industry that have differing views is an affront to the entire American tradition of free speech.