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Public Health & Safety Reasons for Stopping Illegal Immigration

Statements and evidence submitted by U.S. border patrol agents and others onsite indicate that the general perception of what is happening on our southern border is both incorrect and incomplete.

While some of the illegals are, indeed, young children, there is a significant number whose classification as “children” is quite misleading. Young men who are members of Mexican drug cartels are also part of this dramatic influx, and the ramifications that will have in terms of increased crime will be long-term and dramatic.

But it is also incorrect that only Latin Americans are entering unlawfully.  Border patrol officials report that there is evidence that Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Africans from areas affected by the Ebola outbreak are also arriving.  The threat of infectious diseases is very real to U.S. border patrol agents.

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Reports of scabies, tuberculosis and other maladies have been made, and these can jump to the general U.S. population when the illegals are sent to sites across the nation.

Generations of Americans, who entered the United States lawfully through portals such as Ellis Island, were inspected for contagious diseases and other impediments to admission. That public safety and public health reason is why not adequately controlling illegal immigration is a terrible idea. Common sense and basic safe medical practice warrants far stricter border control.