Quick Analysis

Free Speech May Soon Die

On Monday, two conservative spokespeople were added to the growing list of those assaulted, in restaurants, bookstores, and elsewhere by leftists.

On college campuses, students and professors not kowtowing to left-wing orthodoxy are ostracized, attacked, and banned. Social media giants censor out voices they disagree with, and cut deals with Communist regimes. The mayor of one city discourages his police from protecting the property of a federal agency leftists dislike. Hollywood moguls harass entertainers who contradict leftist positions. Major news media ignore facts that don’t fit in with their left-wing views.

In addition to the academic, political, and financial acts against those disagreeing with the left, violence has been employed.  One group, Antifa, which, despite describing itself as “antifascist” actually uses the classic tactics of fascists and totalitarians to assault any that dare disagree with it, serves as the shock troops of the anti-free speech movement.

The Tea Party’s Judson Phillips writing in the Washington Times notes that left wing groups “have repeatedly disrupted peaceful … rallies….They have called for and used violence against people who … disagree with them and even against members of the media who will report things Antifa doesn’t want reported….Conservatives and those perceived to be conservatives have been attacked. The weapons have included glitter-filled gel, urine bombs, chains, bicycle locks and baseball bats….Antifa …has made college campuses virtually no-go zones for conservatives. Noted conservatives…cannot go onto many college campuses to speak without having their events disrupted to the point where they cannot go on. If this violence continues, the choices are not good. The left-wing academic establishment has quickly surrendered to these groups. They are allowed to riot on campus and even given relief from homework and exams so they can riot.”

These Gestapo-like tactics are being supported and encouraged by some political figures. Fox News has reported that “Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California … sought to bring the ‘resistance’ to a new level when she urged supporters to swarm Cabinet members at gas stations and anywhere else they’re seen. ‘If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,’”

Last January, Keith Ellison, the vice-chair of the Democrat National Committee, signaled support for ANTIFA.

Writing in the Chicago Tribune almost exactly one year ago,  John Kass reported “There is a disturbing silence from leaders of the Democratic Party over those gangs of black-masked leftist thugs shutting down free speech and beating people to the ground …It’s all over the internet, young men of the hard left in black masks, black gloves, armed with clubs, hunting down prey who dare speak their minds. What’s striking about all this is the silence…There has been no concerted media effort to pressure Democratic politicians to denounce Democratic muscle. So Democratic politicians have been relatively silent, as have many of their loyal pundits…This is all corrosive and dangerous. And in a loud political year, the silence of Democratic politicians explains so very much. Because silence is consent. And in this silence you may hear something terrifying: The rule of law breaking down.”

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In a 2017 Atlantic article, Peter Beinart wrote: “[Antifa’s]tactics have elicited substantial support from the mainstream left. … In June of [2016] demonstrators—at least some of whom were associated with antifa—punched and threw eggs at people exiting a Trump rally in San Jose, California. An article in It’s Going Down celebrated the “righteous beatings.”… Antifa believes it is pursuing the opposite of authoritarianism. [and]have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not. That authority rests on no democratic foundation. Unlike the politicians they revile, the men and women of antifa cannot be voted out of office. Generally, they don’t even disclose their names.”

Despite the direct, clear, and abundant evidence of aggressive, militant and widespread attacks on free speech by the left, there is no sense of urgency, no condemnation, of the greatest threat to freedom in America’s history.

Rather than criticize these acts, some leftist politicians find excuses to condone them, and the media lionizes the celebrities that support totalitarians at home and abroad.

On opposite geographical shores of the nation, Antifa has in recent days established a heightened climate of fear and terror against those whom dare dissent against their left-wing views. It is no longer appropriate to view these events as isolated incidents. The ANTIFA attack Monday on conservatives Charlie Kirk and  Candace Owens, just after the same organization assaulted citizens exercising free speech in Portland is evidence of significant move to suppress free speech throughout the United States.

If at least half the political establishment, most of academia, and substantial portions of the media continue to ignore or even support these practices, free speech will vanish from America in the very near future.