Quick Analysis

Contempt for Western Civilization

The Magna Carta is currently touring the United States, a reminder of the deep roots the concept of freedom has in Western civilization, the same civilization that is constantly criticized by its own academics and politicians.

What, exactly, is the basis for their contempt?  Unlike every other culture on Earth, the West has centered on the rights of individuals, and an adherence to rigidly evidence-based thinking.  Yes, like all other parts of the planet, periods of religious or racial intolerance existed in the past. But what differentiates the West is that those attitudes have been rejected and outlawed.  Compare that with the intense bigotry, totalitarianism, and religious hatred that predominates in much of the rest of the world.

The suppression of free speech, ethnic hatred, dictatorial governments, and the subjugation of women are the norms throughout much of the planet outside of the West. Rather than condemn that horrifying reality, western social scientists and the self-appointed politically correct elite proclaim that no critical judgments should be made.

This has led to terrible policy decisions on the part of western leaders, misguided education in academia, and warped news reporting.

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Signing arms control agreements that leave the West vulnerable is not giving peace a chance, its surrendering the safety of free people to men of ill will and hostile intent.

Teaching students that the merits of the civilization that has composed the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights shouldn’t be valued above cultures that demand the suppression of personal freedom to the will of despots and tyrannical philosophies aren’t superior is not being fair-minded, it’s being dishonest and harmful to young minds.

These practices are destroying the greatest culture Earth has ever seen.