Quick Analysis

Censorship threatens internet

The greatest advance in spreading public information since Gutenberg invented the printing press is, of course, the internet.  From trivial social communications to the vital dissemination of information without the censoring or filtering of governments, media moguls and special interests, the world wide web has allowed an unprecedented flow of news, research and discussions of every sort to reach a far larger audience than had ever been conceived before.

Of course, that success is very threatening to those with a vested interest in restricting what the public reads. Governments such as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and others have vehemently lobbied for censorship, a cause which achieved some success when President Obama agreed to surrender control to an international body in which those oppressive regimes held significant interest.

The Pew Research Center has canvassed internet experts who have expressed significant concerns about the future of this vital medium, which they worry “will be challenged by trends that could sharply disrupt the way the Internet works for many users today as a source of largely unfettered content flows.”

According to the Pew report, the threats are categorized into four areas:
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  1.  “Actions by nation-states to maintain security and political control will lead to more blocking, filtering, segmentation, and balkanization of the Internet.
  2.  “Trust will evaporate in the wake of revelations about government and corporate surveillance and likely greater surveillance in the future.
  3.  “Commercial pressures affecting everything from Internet architecture to the flow of information will endanger the open structure of online life.
  4.  “Efforts to fix the TMI (too much information) problem might over-compensate and actually thwart content sharing.”

The concept censorship, from any source, is a direct repudiation of everything America stands for. Hopefully, these threats, now that there has been sunlight brought to them, will be successfully resisted, if men and women of good will stand firm against them.

Quick Analysis

FCC’s Bid to Hurt Small Broadcasters is the Latest Attack vs. the 1st Amendment

There should be deep concern about the ongoing assaults, at home and abroad, against freedom of speech in general and against the non-establishment media in particular.

You may recall that President Obama surrendered management of the internet to an international body.  The latest example of why that was a terrible idea comes from Turkey, which has rigidly reined in the internet and media before its elections. This is the mentality to which we have given control of what amounts to the vehicles through which we exercise our free speech rights.

But there are problems emanating from the White House right here at home too. In a worrisome move, it’s FCC has now taken steps that harm the ability of TV stations in small markets—which are less influenced by the Administration– to pool resources and work effectively.
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The fact is, politicians only like media they can heavily influence.  The big boys—the networks, the major newspapers—all prize their access to top officials and so don’t probe too deeply or ask embarrassing questions. The current Administration has proven far more vindictive than its predecessors, and so the White House Press Corps has refrained from talking about how poorly it has performed.

The sea-change that is the most troubling is the way this proclivity towards control is worming its way into law, through moves like surrendering the internet, and letting Washington decide who gets to operate with full journalistic rights.  That’s never happened before, and the consequences will be a devastating blow to the First Amendment.