Quick Analysis

Has Washington Lost the Will to Win?

According to research from the website, North Korea is developing a missile submarine.  This places the United States at the mercy of the most aggressive and irrational regime on Earth. The failure to eliminate this regime will resonate throughout throughout this century.

Has Washington lost the will to win? Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States has fought in numerous military engagements.  Despite the extraordinary heroism, skill and dedication of its warriors and the superiority of its armaments, the U.S. government has repeatedly stopped short of the type of total victory that led to the end of threats in previous hostilities.

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There are many reasons for the decisions not to proceed to total victory. The threat of initializing a nuclear exchange always looms legitimately large. But one of the most worrisome is an increasing lack of realization that threats not effectively contained are threats continued. As Russia and China rapidly and substantially enlarge their military might while America and its allies cut funding to theirs, as North Korea, Iran and terrorists pledge to attack the U.S. homeland, it is useful to remember these lines from the fourth stanza of the Star Spangled Banner, which celebrates 200th anniversary this month:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war’s desolation! …Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just…