Quick Analysis

How Divided is America?

How divided is America?

A Gallup poll  conducted in early 2014 found that Democrats and Republicans agree that the economy is the most important concern, but differ after that. Republicans rated, following the economy and in order of importance, these as their key concerns: terrorism, defense, healthcare policy, education, taxes, social security and Medicare, crime, immigration, world affairs and poverty. Democrats chose education, poverty, healthcare policy, social security and Medicare, distribution of wealth, crime, the environment, terrorism, and gun policy.

Within specific issues, there has been a significant difference between the majority of voters and that of leadership.  While President Obama has identified allowing illegals to stay within the U.S.,  A Rasmussen poll   conducted earlier this month found that “only 40 percent of voters approve of the President’s plan to bypass Congress and allow nearly five million illegal immigrants to remain in this country legally…”

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Generally, those considered to be on the left favor an increasingly powerful federal government. But those on the right point out that despite the heavy intervention of federal authority and federal dollars into areas not envisioned by the Constitution’s framers, little progress has been made, specifically in areas having to do with poverty. Education, too, has not prospered under federal intervention.  They also raise the very serious concern that if the Constitution and the Bill of Right is not allowed to restrain Washington, what other rights reserved for the people may be imperiled?

That question may one of the most important of the era, and it sharply divides the electorate.