Quick Analysis

Biden’s Call for Violence

It is deeply troubling that major political figures in the Democratic Party continue to condone and even call for violence. To be clear, what is being advocated is not just extremely harsh language (both parties are guilty of that) but actual, physical attacks.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden issued a deeply troubling statement on June 17, reports Trending Politics. In an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, the former Vice President said “”There are certain things where it just takes a brass knuckle fight…Let’s start a real physical revolution if you’re talking about it.”

His statement comes almost precisely two years to the day (June 14, 2017) after Rep. Steve Scalise was shot at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia, where 24 Republican congressmen gathered to practice for an upcoming baseball game. The incident, perpetrated by Bernie Sanders supporter James Thomas Hodgkinson, was politically motivated. Where it not for the swift response by on-scene police, far  more GOP electeds would have been shot.

It has become customary to describe the violence. In many cases typified by frequent disorders on city streets, government offices, and college campuses as the work of extremist organizations such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and related organizations.  But the reality is that these tactics have been, although not directly organized, then certainly encouraged or condoned by many established Democrat party leaders.

The alliance of some key Democrat leaders with violent extremists is not new.  Not much coverage was provided by the media about Obama’s closeness with figures who embraced violent tactics.  Joel Pollak, writing in Breitbart described Obama’s alliance with Bill Ayers, which continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate. Ayers was a leader of the “Weatherman” organization, which issued a “Declaration of War” against the United States, a document authored by Bernardine Dorn, who became Ayers wife.

The Weather Underground has described  William_Ayers  as “responsible for roughly 72 bombings in all, including the United States Capitol (March 1, 1971), The Pentagon (May 19, 1972), the United States Department of State (January 28, 1975) and numerous other targets. In 1969, the Weather Underground planted a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot. The statue was blown into pieces, but was rebuilt in 1970. It was blown up again by the Weather Underground, five months later…In 1970, Ayers explained what the Weather Underground was all about: ‘Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.’”

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Other Democrat leaders continue the association with political violence.  Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca.) called for the harassment of White House officials, stating: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Portland’s Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler refused to intervene when disruptive left-wing protesters produced prolonged chaos in his city. As a result, his city’s police force has at times merely observed as leftist extremists blocked traffic, destroyed property, and assaulted people.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, following an attack on a Manhattan GOP headquarters and clashes between right and left wing groups, blamed the violence on “President Donald Trump and New York Republican Party.”

Tim Haines, writing in Real Clear Politics, noted that Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Hillary Clinton’s vice-presidential running mate said Democrats must fight back in “Congress, the courts, and in the streets.”

Must of the most recent harshness of our political relations can be traced back to Hillary Clinton herself.  During a primary debate, she was asked whom she considered “the enemy.”  She could have named terrorism, poverty, Russia, China, or any number of problems.  She chose instead to simply say, “Republicans.”  She recently added, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

It is time to have a bluntly honest discussion about the violent and aggressive tone of the Left, their staunch allies in the media, and their supporters in the entertainment industry. Include also those in academia who either tolerate or perpetuate violence on campuses whenever a non-leftist speaker is invited. Indeed, the very leadership of the Democrat Party, especially DNC Chair Tom Perez and former Deputy Chair Keith Ellison have strong links to extremists, who condone  violence. The very way many on the left describe themselves—“the Resistance”—gives rise to a self-perception of an aggressive movement that employs violence.

Illustration: Pixabay