Quick Analysis

Democrat Convention Disappoints the Nation

It is healthy for rival political parties to have vigorous, sometimes even harsh, debates.

However, there are lines that should not be crossed. The use, threat, or condoning of violence must never be used.  The employment of outright lies does not move the national discussion forward; it only makes the environment far worse. The use of political power to silence opposition is completely unacceptable. Inciting hatred and prejudice between different segments of society is abhorrent.

Since the Democratic Party lost the election of 2016, it has crossed those lines, repeatedly and substantially. In its convention this summer to nominate a presidential candidate, it had the opportunity to return to a more appropriate course of action.  It failed to do so, and that failure bodes ill for the future.

The Democratic Party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy no longer exists. The mid-twentieth century emergence of a political party that captured much of the center of the American electorate has been replaced by an elitist core that does not honor patriotism, national unity, and a willingness to work hard to build a better future. To those small business owners that labor countless years and long weekly hours to build success, Obama said, “You didn’t build that…”  To American workers who trusted him to bring back the jobs that China stole, he said “…hard truth is that some of the jobs that have been lost in the auto industry and elsewhere won’t be coming back” 

Following the horrific riots that occurred in Democrat-run cities such as New York, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and elsewhere, it was reasonable to expect that a very substantial rejection of such tactics would have played a major role at the DNC convention. It did not occur.

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The sharp leftward tilt of the party, as evidenced by the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib has alienated many Democrats. The clear and unmistakable acceptance of anti-Semitism by Democrats such as former DNC vice-chair Keith Ellison and Linda Sarsour has violated the trust many Jewish voters placed in the Democrat Party, as did the anti-Israel, pro-Iran policies of the Obama Administration.

While seeking to portray himself as a moderate, nominee Joe Biden has fully accepted the extremist policies of the radicals. Indeed, he has done so for some time.  During his tenure as vice president, he counselled Obama not to take out Osama Bin Laden. He has remained comparatively silent as his party increasingly accepted socialism and anti-Semitism. As vice president, he was part of an administration that used illegal and unconstitutional tactics to harass and intimidate political opponents. He willingly went along as President Obama sent billions in cash to Iran. He has promised to return to the intimidation of Catholic organizations such as the Little Sisters of the Poor who refused to accept Obama’s mandate to provide coverage for acts their religion deems unacceptable. These are not policies that Democrats that cherish the legacy of JFK and Truman find acceptable.

Following almost three years of an outright lie that sharply divided the nation, the now thoroughly disproven “Russian collusion” nonsense that Democrats made the centerpiece of their politics, it was reasonable to expect that Democrats would have used their convention to call for a new emphasis on actual issues and challenges, not political infighting. That did not occur. While the political urge to not alienate anyone, even fringe groups, is understandable, the utter failure of Democrat Party leaders to forcefully and repeatedly renounce the actions that has shaken American cities to their core is condemnable. Calling the disorder “mostly peaceful” is false.

There is room for all perspectives in the national dialogue, but there is no place for the tolerance of violence, bigotry and falsehoods.

Photo: Biden-Harris official site