Quick Analysis

Marxists Allege they are “Morally Correct” Even When Factually Wrong

Communism, a philosophy increasingly popular with leftist and progressive groups in the United States, has been responsible for 94 million deaths, through executions, man-made hunger, famine, war, deportations, and forced labor.  Massacres, torture, forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, terror, ethnic cleansing, enslavement and the deliberate starvation of people such as during the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward have been described as crimes against humanity. David Slater, writing for the Wall Street Journal, notes that “Although the Bolsheviks called for the abolition of private property, their real goal was spiritual… For the first time, a state was created that was based explicitly on atheism and claimed infallibility. This was totally incompatible with Western civilization, which presumes the existence of a higher power over and above society and the state.”In his exclusive report to the New York Analysis of Policy and Government, Judge John H. Wilson (ret.)  examines how Marxists insist they have the moral high ground despite their unconscionable record.

During a January 2019 interview, New York State Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez made a statement that confused many of her listeners.  When asked about the mathematical inaccuracies of her tax proposal, she stated “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.” 

Being “morally correct” and “factually wrong” is not a concept invented by Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez.  Another example occurred during the protests after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2015.  To this day, anti-police protestors often throw their hands in the air and cry “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” while claiming that Brown had made this gesture and uttered these words before being shot by Police Officer Darren Wilson.  In fact, according to Politico, “a St. Louis County jury could not confirm testimonies to the effect that Brown had been holding his hands above his head and telling Wilson not to shoot him. A Department of Justice investigation (also) could not corroborate those details, either, after interviewing roughly 40 witnesses.”

Yet, despite the lack of factual support for the gesture, according to CNN, “(t)o people who have embraced the ‘hands up’ gesture, though, the varying accounts don’t seem to matter much. Within hours of the shooting, ‘hands up’ became a rallying cry, a social media meme and a T-shirt slogan…(t)he image has transcended the specifics of Ferguson to make a longstanding grievance a national issue. It started a conversation about racial politics and allegations of police misconduct…” 

Thus, the factual truth of the matter is irrelevant – it’s the moral truth that matters here.

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The ability to divorce truth from the facts lies in the rejection of “moral realism” – that is “the position that there are mind-independent facts about ethics that are true and binding even if we have beliefs to the contrary. For example, the moral realist would say that it is objectively wrong to rape, even if the vast majority of people and cultures believed otherwise—the truth of ‘rape is wrong’ holds irrespective of our opinions and judgments about rape.”  Someone who holds to “moral realism” believes that truth is based on fact, regardless of opinion or belief.

On the other hand, for the “moral relativist” “there are no mind-independent facts about morality; morality can be constructed or is merely relative to culture… Moral relativism, broadly construed, is the view that ethical codes are relative to the standpoints of the peoples who embrace them.”  

Holding to a position of moral relativism would allow Ocasio Cortez or any anti-police protestor to believe that the factual truth is not important – in their view, every police officer wishes to deprive every black person in America of their rights and lives regardless of the objective truth.

The Report Concludes Tomorrow