Quick Analysis

How Will Future Generations View Us?

Societies at times engage in terrible practices which appropriately astound and horrify subsequent generations.  The enslavement and segregation of a racial minority and the subjugation of women are past practices in America which certainly deserve historical condemnation.

All acts of infamy are not in long-ago decades. However, the current limitations of political correctness, the desire to not sound “uncool,” and the fear of attack by screaming mobs of Antifa-type protesters all work together to prevent an honest dialogue about today’s wrongdoings. Break away from the reporting by biased news shows, false stories on the internet, and late-night comics who dominate the national conversation, and see the present as future generations might.

America’s greatest achievement is the concept of individual freedom, expressed in the Bill of Rights. That sacred document is under full scale attack by the political Left, which vehemently challenges the First (freedom of speech, assembly and religion,) Second (right to bear arms,) Ninth and Tenth Amendments (powers not given to Washington are reserved to the people and states.)

Similarly, the concept of logical thought based on empirical observation, a crowning accomplishment of western civilization (and the reason it has accomplished so much more than societies across the globe—a true statement sure to enrage the Left) is increasingly criticized. It is criticized because logical thinking overturns the goals of the Left.

Consider the utter nonsense we are told to accept. 

Several serious contenders for the presidential nomination support turning America towards socialism, either overtly or under semantical pretenses.  In over a hundred years and in every inhabited continent, socialism has resulted in poverty, dictatorship, and misery. Astoundingly, a number of politicians, pundits and Hollywood types even support the awful socialist leadership of Venezuela, a nation that sits atop an ocean of oil, inhabited by wonderful people, that has been reduced to starvation, deprivation and political enslavement by socialism.

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We are told that there is nothing wrong with infanticide by the leftist governors of New York and Virginia and their supporters.  This is NOT about abortion.  It is about the murder, yes, murder, of viable babies with the ability to survive outside the womb.  There is little doubt that future generations will condemn this practice in the same way we abhor other acts of mass genocide.

The Left seeks to convince us that they are “for the workers.”  Really?  Why, then do they oppose reasonable measures to prevent the theft of U.S. jobs by China and other nations?  If it’s just because they want to weaken President Trump, why didn’t they do something about Beijing’s actions during the eight years of the Obama Administration? Why did President Clinton do everything possible to allow China to destroy American manufacturing?

Leftists support religious hatred. Consider the rise of anti-Semites: Keith Ellison, the former Democratic National Committee vice chair and now attorney general of Minnesota, as well as Illan Omar and Rashida Tlaib (Democratic congresswoman.)  Anti-Catholicism has returned, too. Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (California) and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) have questioned the ability of practicing Catholics to serve as judges The Left insists that, if empowered, they would not limit religious freedom, the same way other socialist governments, from Russia under Soviet rule, Germany under the National Socialists (Nazi is the shorthand phrase) China, North Korea, and so many others have. Mounting evidence proves otherwise.

An extraordinary feat of our Constitution has been the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the next, regardless of party or ideology. What was done by the Left following their loss in the 2016 presidential election was unprecedented. From rioting in the streets to attempts to cripple the incoming Administration through false charges and the resistance of entrenched bureaucrats, it was an attack not just on one president but on the whole concept of respecting election results.

These, and a number of other issues, haven’t received the intense public scrutiny they deserve, and that is intentional.  Those opposing the Left face an uphill battle getting around the increasingly bold censors on network news and social media.