Quick Analysis

Biden’s National Security Negligence

President Biden’s reckless disregard for America’s national security is a crisis that will lead to disastrous results.

Most chief executives enter office with a tendency to concentrate more on one area, and perhaps less on others. Rarely, however, has a commander-in-chief so totally disdained and ignored defense issues. 

There have been stunning errors. A few examples include the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving vast quantities of military equipment behind; the President telling Putin, essentially, that he wouldn’t mind a “minor” invasion of Ukraine, and failing to take down Chinese surveillance balloons that have reaped intelligence bonanzas.

These deadly missteps present only a small portion of the current Administration’s utter failure to protect the nation.

Systemic assaults on the budget, by failing to account for the inflation the Biden White House is responsible for, have created severe shortfalls.

 Its politicalization of the military has produced a massive recruitment crisis. A key reason is the accurate perception that the military, rather than being a distinguished, “mission first” institution, is now seen as being just another over-politicized government bureaucracy.  Young people who previously viewed joining the armed forces as a way of proving their valor and patriotism look aghast at the White Houses’ use of the Pentagon as an outlet for its social programs and culture war initiatives. Not many youngsters inclined to signup will be happy with the constant nonsense of drag queen recruitment programs and extremist drumbeating of racial propaganda.

According to the military information site War on the Rocks, “…a perilous recruiting crisis began just after the United States fully withdrew from Afghanistan … and it shows no sign of abating anytime soon… …that may have enormous implications for the U.S. strategic position in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world… During the last fiscal year, the Army missed its recruiting goal by 15,000 active-duty soldiers, or 25 percent of its target. This shortfall forced the Army to cut its planned active-duty end strength from 476,000 to 466,000. And the current fiscal year is likely to be even worse. Army officials project that active end strength could shrink by as much as 20,000 soldiers by September, down to 445,000. That means that the nation’s primary land force could plummet by as much as 7 percent in only two years.”

The prospect of joining an armed force that is deprived of sufficient funds due to the inadequate budgets Biden proposes, and being rapidly outclassed by foreign adversaries (Russia has a better nuclear force, China’s navy is expanding as America’s shrinks) is equally discouraging.

Add to that is the accurate perception that the current White House is reluctant to defend the country and the military at all.  The Navy was ordered to withdraw from the Black Sea. Russians shoot down U.S. drones, and Biden simply ignores the challenge. Iran is on the verge of a nuclear breakout, with no real pushback from the Oval Office. Indeed, the Islamic State has waylaid oil tankers destined for American shores and receives no punishment for the piracy. Despite the terrorist takeover of Afghanistan, Washington continues, amazingly, to funnel cash to that nation.  America’s nuclear arsenal is slipping into obsolescence while Russia adds new nightmare weapons, and China has surpassed the U.S. in launchers and soon will do so in warheads. The Navy continues to shrink.  Absurd plans to replace effective key weapons systems with “environmentally friendly” substitutes that have major inadequacies abound.

A look at who gets promoted in the Pentagon leads to the accurate perception that personnel that fit a political profile, rather than a demonstration of skill and courage, have the definite edge.

During his tenure in office, Biden has eliminated vital anti-espionage efforts. Why?

Capping it all is the perception that the Administration is reluctant to address very real and immediate threats to nation.  Over five million illegals  have entered the U.S. under Biden. Many are just seeking a better life, but a significant number, according to most estimates, have crossed over for nefarious purposes. The Congressional Committee on Homeland Security notes that “an unprecedented number of people on the terrorist watchlists are attempting to cross the border, and all semblance of law and order has been lost. President Biden’s dangerous and reckless policies are responsible …”

Rather than attempting to mitigate the threat, Biden has chosen to harass U.S. Border Patrol agents who are merely doing their job.