Quick Analysis

Biden’s Coverup

Joe Biden has plagiarized speeches several times in the past, most memorably ruining a prior presidential run in 1988. But his September 1 address in Philadelphia will be remembered not for the precise words he stole, but for the harsh and threatening tone he “borrowed” from the Twentieth Century’s worst dictators. Substitute either “capitalist” or “Jew” for MAGA, and the speeches’ tenor is uncomfortably familiar.

While launching numerous pejoratives at his opposition, there was a startling lack of specificity. What policies Is he condemning? He didn’t just criticize Donald Trump. He included all those who identify with policies Biden disagrees with. Yes, January 6 was bad, but it was the work of a few and cannot be blamed on anyone other than the actual participants.  On this, Biden cannot take the high ground.  As groups such as Antifa and BLM burned cities, assaulted innocents, looted businesses, attacked police stations and federal court houses, his campaign not only remained largely silent, but in some cases supported the outrage. His Vice-Presidential candidate assisted in bailing out the perpetrators.

Why would Biden deliver such a divisive address?  You don’t have to be a political genius to figure that out. His policies have failed miserably, at home and abroad. He, and his party which controls the White House, Congress, the federal bureaucracy and, to a great extent, the media, have wreaked havoc on the nation.   He willfully destroyed American energy independence, destroying thousands of union jobs in the process. His actions have resulted in the worst inflation in decades. He has presented inadequate defense budgets at a time of clear national danger. He has inflamed, rather than cooled, internal tensions. He botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, abandoning Americans and Afghanistan individuals who assisted U.S. forces, and allowed billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to fall into the hands of the enemy.  He stated that he wouldn’t be upset over a “minor” invasion of Ukraine. He has sided with vested interests over the good of the people.  His Department of Justice sought to label parents who merely seek a voice in their children’s education as “domestic terrorists.” He attempted to suppress free speech by establishing a “Disinformation” Board.

It’s more than just poor policy choices. The inappropriate financial relationship of the Biden family with China is a significant concern. The media has attempted to downplay the matter, but the American people have not. Bizarre policy choices Biden has made regarding America’s most serious adversary must be examined in light of that.  Why would the President abandon the existing Department of Justice policy countering the extensive espionage and intellectual theft operations China conducts in the United States?

Consider this warning from the Department of Justice:  “About 80 percent of all economic espionage prosecutions brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) allege conduct that would benefit the Chinese state, and there is at least some nexus to China in around 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases…The Department of Justice’s China Initiative [which Trump initiated] reflects the strategic priority of countering Chinese national security threats.”

Additionally, Biden has moved to undo some of his predecessors’ policies designed to counter Beijing’s unfair trade practices which harm America’s economy and steal jobs from U.S. workers.  

In another China-related issue, Fentanyl deaths increased significantly since Biden took office, a clear result of his refusal to get tough with Beijing on the matter and his “open border” policies.

There are two worrisome aspects of Biden’s de facto open border policy.  The first is his allowing literally millions of individuals to illegally enter the nation, abandoning existing policies that had previously stemmed the flow. This action has resulted not only in vast costs to U.S. taxpayers, but also empowering criminal cartels in their human trafficking and drug dealing activities. The second gets to the heart of the problem with the Biden Administration. Despite clear, convincing, abundant (even televised!) evidence to the contrary, he continuously lies to the American people about his open border policy.

It is an attempt to turn public attention away from all of these failures, self-made disasters, acts of corruption and policy mistakes that prompted Biden’s Philadelphia speech.

Photo: White House