Quick Analysis

Biden Consistently Favors America’s Enemies

The time has come to say (or print) aloud what is obvious, but which pundits are reluctant to acknowledge: almost every foreign policy decision made by the Biden Administration has harmed American interests and aided our international opponents.

The extent of Biden’s anti-American foreign policy actions that harm U.S. interests, and indeed, the very safety of the nation’s citizenry, is long and deadly.

 It was widely agreed that the U.S. should end its ground war in Afghanistan, but that Bagram air base should remain as a guarantee that terrorists would not march into the void and take over.  Biden not only inexplicably closed down that vital facility, but he left billions of dollars in military equipment to the very terrorist groups responsible for the 911 attacks. He abandoned vast numbers of pro-Americans and indeed some Americans to Al-Qaeda.  The disaster didn’t end there.  Recently, he appointed Tracey Ann Jacobson, a key figure in the Afghanistan debacle, to serve to be the next US ambassador to Iraq

Equally as inexplicable, Biden has bent over backwards to help Iran, the nation whose leaders regularly chant “Death to America.” The Wall Street Journal’s editorial Board argues that “You’d think the Biden Administration would have realized by now that enriching the Iranian regime is a dangerous mistake. You’d be wrong. Relaxed U.S. enforcement of oil sanctions continued through October, refilling Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s coffers even after the Oct. 7 slaughter and the more than 40 attacks on U.S. troops by Iran’s proxies in the weeks since.” .  Biden also is responsible for Robert Malley’s role as the United States Special Envoy for Iran. Malley had his security clearance pulled and was suspended from his post at the State Department while the FBI investigates his alleged mishandling of classified documents.  On top of that, there is an allegation that some of his associates were compromised by the Iran Experts Initiatives (IEI), a vast Tehran-controlled propaganda operation.

After tolerating Iranian-backed attacks on U.S. and international ships, and assaults on U.S. facilities that led to injuries and deaths to American servicemembers, it is reasonable to assume that the President would respond directly against Iran.  He chose not to do so, and indeed, telegraphed his plans allowing the effectiveness of the strikes he did make against Iran’s proxy to be minimized.

Biden’s actions towards China are the most perplexing of all. He ended an existing anti-espionage surveillance program that addressed Beijing’s massive spying on both American companies and the U.S. military. He allows the Chinese Communist Party to harass their nation’s emigrees in America.  Stunningly, he permitted a Chinese spy ballon to traverse the entire length of the United States, taking detailed pictures of sensitive military installations from coast to coast. His White Houses has pursued energy policies that have little effect on the environment but massively strengthen Chinese industries as the expense of U.S. workers and companies.

The most visible of Biden’s refusals to protect the nation he leads is his push to open U.S. borders and facilitate illegal immigration.  While the drastic impact on crime levels and state and local budgets has been well documented, the threat to national security has not been adequately stated.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK), lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, has sounded the alarm about “military-age, single adult men” coming across the border illegally from non-Spanish speaking countries.

Senator Steve Daines (R-Montana) reported in October that “Since the first of October, Border Patrol agents have apprehended individuals from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya. Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.”

24,000 Chinese citizens were caught on the southern border during the 2023 fiscal year, more than the las ten years combined.  That’s more than the past 10 years combined.

It is a futile gesture to attempt to get inside the mind of the President or those who are making the decisions for him. However, the Progressive, woke cadre dominates his policy choices. Those choices reflect an indoctrination by leftists that America is evil.

In Newsweek, C. J. Pearson wrote “The identity crisis fueling Gen Z has been cultivated by the left-wing indoctrination into which we are inculcated at every educational and cultural institution in America. … We have been groomed to be disgusted by tradition, ashamed of our identity as Americans…” 

It’s a mode of thinking that gained prominence in the Obama-Biden Administration. Thomas Sowell noted in a 2012 Newsmax article    “Many of Barack Obama’s actions as president of the United States reflect neither political expediency nor an attempt to promote the best interests of the American people…Are Americans supposed to let foreigners tell them how to live their lives? The implied answer is clearly ‘Yes!’ When President Obama went to the United Nations for authority to take military action and ignored the Congress of the United States, that was all consistent with his vision of the way the world should be…How has Obama gotten away with so many things that are foreign to American beliefs and traditions? Partly it is because of a quiescent media, sharing many of his ideological views.”

Biden has continued and expanded upon that, and in doing, has placed the nation in ultimate peril.

Illustration: Pixabay