Quick Analysis

America Last?

Has Joe Biden forgotten that he was elected as president of the United States, not Secretary General of the United Nations?

The question, asked often since his inauguration, has attained new importance since the bizarre revelation that the 46th President has sent scarce energy supplies to China and elsewhere from the U.S. oil reserve, even as American citizens pay unprecedented prices to fuel their cars and heat or cool their homes. The issue has gained even more attention due to the unsettling fact that the Chinese company that received the oil was one in which Hunter Biden had at some point a vested interest in.

Biden’s entire energy policy has benefited China while causing high inflation at home.  Despite the reality that only 20% of U.S. energy needs can come from solar and wind, he has slashed U.S. fossil fuel production in favor of those renewables, the equipment for which is largely produced in China.  

The preference for questionable international concerns over the good of the American people was inadvertently revealed recently.  In a Bloomberg interview, Biden’s National Economic Council Director Brian Deese spoke not about the needs of the American people, but referred instead to preserving a “Liberal World Order.”

During his less than two years in office, Mr. Biden has done far more than merely ignore the needs of the American people. He has consistently put the citizenry in a position where they must sacrifice for the desires and needs of people throughout the globe, often without any real gains for them or their domestic counterparts.

Indeed, the current occupant of the Oval Office has not been reticent in his opposition to the “America First” policies of his predecessor.  Isn’t it the job of the President, who, after all, is the employee hired by the nation’s people, to but their needs first?

During the 2020 campaign, Biden harshly criticized Donald Trump’s trade policies, which sparked a rebirth of domestic industrial employment, in addition to protecting U.S. industry from Chinese practices which sought to undercut and eliminate Beijing’s American competitors. Biden has essentially abandoned that initiative. Ironically, the most significant opposition to that move comes not from Republicans, but from his own supporters in the labor movement. The former president was also making significant headway with the United Kingdom in a trade deal that would have enriched both nations, an effort now ignored by the Biden Administration.

Biden disparaged Trump’s attempt to get European members of NATO to pay their fair share of defending the continent from Russia, a policy which, ironically, Vladimir Putin may have achieved by reminding all of the danger he presents through his invasion of Ukraine. For far too long, U.S. taxpayers largely funded the defense of Germany, a nation with more than sufficient financial resources to pay its own fair share.

There is no more obvious issue where Biden puts the interests of others ahead of the American people than in his immigration policy.  While staunchly denying reality, Biden clearly has established an open border.  He has even unfairly criticized U.S. Border Patrol agents for merely doing their job. The issue has become so desperate that officials from the Texas counties of Kinney, Goliad, Terrell, Jeff Davis, Edwards, Presidio, and the city of Uvalde have declared an “invasion” due to the massive numbers of immigrants streaming across the border, and the extraordinary levels of crime, drugs, human trafficking and taxpayer expense they have brought in with them.  

It’s not just a question of law breaking.  The current U.S. national debt  is over $31.4 trillion.  The annual cost to provide services to illegal immigrants is estimated to approach $120 billion annually, an expense the taxpayers cannot afford.

The Biden Administration is violating its moral and Constitutional duty to put the interests of the American people first.

Photo: White House