Quick Analysis

America Endangered by Authoritarians

There is a worrisome and growing resemblance to authoritarian regimes evident in portions of American government.

Dictatorial regimes have much in common. Freedom of speech and journalistic independence are restricted. Judicial systems are used as weapons of the ruling party.  Weapons are kept out of the hands of the general population. Elections are subjected to conditions that reduce their validity. The concept of citizenry is diluted. A particular group is scapegoated. The importance of basic national documents and traditions are downplayed. Through taxation or regulation, the financial independence of individuals and small businesses are limited.

Disturbingly, each of those characteristics is clearly present in both the Biden Administration and Democratic jurisdictions throughout America. That’s not a partisan allegation. It is solidly substantiated through verifiable facts.

The First Amendment was long considered untouchable, but that began to change during the Obama White House. In an attempt to silence opposition, concepts such as “Disinformation,” and the attempt to create an entire related agency, were commenced. The move was widely criticized, but the Biden Administration has sought to engage in a similar move.

 Groups that do not follow the progressive-Democrat line are subjected to recrimination. The IRS harassment of the Tea Party was a prime example. Over the years, the leadership of the Democrat Party has furthered the concept.  The senior Senator from New York, Charles Schumer, argued that “The First Amendment is not absolute.”

Ben Shapiro notes that the establishment media, which does the bidding of the Democrat Party, “…broadly promoted that idea of deplatforming mainstream conservatives and conservative outlets…Max Boot suggested in the pages of the Washington Post that Fox News be removed from Comcast, or even that the Federal Communications Commission be empowered to to censor cable networks,,,”

Over the decades, Democrats steadily gained control of the federal bureaucracy, a pace that wasn’t even disturbed during periods when the GOP held the presidency. That bureaucracy, particularly in the Department of Justice and the Intelligence services (remember that John Brennan, former CIA chief, was once a registered member of the Communist Party) used their immense power and influence to assist Democrats.

Americans may argue forever whether the 2020 election was fair, but the reality is partisan federal bureaucracies clearly and undeniably used their power to lean on media outlets to censor news facts, such as the Hunter Biden laptop, that would have swayed many voters to reject Biden’s candidacy. This was similar to how those same organizations conspired (I employ that term in the full legal sense) to create a false narrative about “Russian collusion” of the prior GOP president.

Totalitarian regimes do not view the judicial system as an objective arbiter of the law. Rather, it is viewed as a means of enforcing control. Judges that do not tow the party line do so at their own peril.  When several Supreme Court justices disagreed with Democrat positions on abortion, they were threatened both physically and institutionally.  Senator Schumer warned that they would “reap the whirlwind” for their decision. When protestors jeopardized their homes and families, the Department of Justice failed to live up to its obligation to provide timely protection. The Washington Examiner noted that “By failing to arrest and prosecute people who harass Supreme Court justices, Attorney General Merrick Garland is dangerously, almost criminally guilty of supreme dereliction of duty.”

Discussions were circulated to “pack” the Supreme Court to ensure a majority that would agree with Democrats. False allegations of impropriety were levelled against justices who disagreed with the White House. In one instance, as noted by National Review, internal Facebook emails obtained by the House Judiciary Committee revealed that  the White House pressured Facebook to remove posts differing from thew Democrat Party line on Covid, and Facebook felt forced to comply.

Frank V. Vernuccio Jr., J.D. serves as the editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy and Governement.

The Reports Concludes Tomorrow.

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