Quick Analysis

A City Imperiled, a Nation Endangered

New York’s descent is a microcosm of the challenges facing the entire nation.  Its’ repeated pattern of chaos under “progressive” rule, followed by revival when more rational administrations take hold, is an object lesson in how to, and how not to, govern effectively.

Bill de Blasio is an updated and even more radical version of another wholly failed leftist mayor, David Dinkins. In the early 1990’s, Dinkins served as the Big Apple’s chief executive.  He was soft on those who rioted, created disorder, and committed crime. He presided over record high taxes. He dwelled on that which disunited his constituents, including, especially, his use of the phrase “Gorgeous Mosaic,” denoting groups which retained their identity instead of becoming culturally united as Americans, as opposed to the use of the more familiar “Melting Pot”  which described the  molding of disparate groups into a united citizenry.

Dinkins was more interested in spending on social service programs as a way of fighting poverty, rather than in expanding job opportunities through business growth.

The result was disastrous. Urban experts began calling New York the “Ungovernable City.” Crime soared. Businesses were discouraged.

Rudolph Giuliani ended Dinkins’ hope for a second term, and immediately began replacing progressive policies with rational government. He emphasized tough crime fighting, holding city agencies accountable, and fiscal discipline. He worked to encourage job-creating businesses.

The results were stunning. The “ungovernable city” became known as “The World’s Capital.” Businesses began moving into, not out of, town. Crime levels dropped to almost unprecedented lows.

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The lesson has been wholly lost on de Blasio, who is even further to the left than Dinkins. He concentrates on progressive ideological issues rather than actual governing. As a left-wing extremist, (he cheered on the USSR when it put combat equipment in Latin America) he sees businesses as oppressors, and not instruments of prosperity. He ignores vital administrative duties and prefers concentrating on almost anything rather than his actual responsibilities. De Blasio’s administration has made incompetence into an art form. Just one example: close to a billion dollars meant for mental health issues have gone missing. Both he and his health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, ignored the onset of the COVID crisis, and called President Trump racist and xenophobic for the emphasizing the problem. As a result, NYC became the international epicenter of the pandemic.

De Blasio’s schools chancellor, Richard Carranza, is an ideologue who views the COVID crisis not as a problem but as an opportunity to push education further to the left.  As noted in the New York Post: “…as tens of thousands of New Yorkers died around him, Carranza callously said: ‘Never waste a good crisis to transform a system. We see this as an opportunity to finally push and move and be very strategic in a very aggressive way what we know is the equity agenda for our kids.’”

Similar to the national Progressive trend, de Blasio has been at war with the NYPD since his initial candidacy. Time Magazine notes that New York’s current mayor has never been on friendly terms with New York’s finest. The strained relationship dates back to de Blasio’s campaign, when he pledged to reform the city’s stop-and-frisk practices, which the police credited for a decrease in crime.” Murders have soared, and New York has suffered more intense civil disorder than anytime since the 1960s.

The sharp drop in NYC’s fortunes and in its quality of life is directly due to the implementation of precisely the same policies that national progressives seek to enact nationwide. Having failed to learn from the consistent international failures of socialist regimes throughout the world, leftists have also chosen to ignore them when enacted within America’s own shores.

Photo:  NYC’s failed Mayor Bill de Blasio