Quick Analysis

A Christmas Message

Ret. U.S. Army Chaplain Col. Don Zapsic has provided this article exclusively to the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.

“Christmas a humbug, uncle!” said Scrooge’s nephew. “You don’t mean that, I am sure?” “I do,” said Scrooge. “Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? You’re poor enough.” “Come, then,” returned the nephew gaily. “What right have you to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? You’re rich enough.”Scrooge having no better answer ready on the spur of the moment, said, “Bah!” again; and followed it up with “Humbug.”

The 2017 movie release of “The Man Who Invented Christmas” is a big screen account of Charles Dicken’s great triumph of writing a book called, ‘A Christmas Carol’. The book itself was a secular rendering of what it means to celebrate Christmas featuring the miserly Mr. Scrooge. The work was originally published in 1843 and little has changed when it comes to celebrating the season of hope known as Christmas. In a sense, we all invent our own versions of what the Christmas season is all about through our daily living practices. 

How one experiences Christmas largely depends upon a number of factors. I gained a first-hand knowledge of how the poor experience the holiday season through a couple of years of inner-city work. The invention of Santa Claus for example creates some interesting dynamics considering that there is zero discrimination when it comes to the dubious hope that he singularly inspires with parental collusion. Any small child, rich or poor, can dream about what he or she wants under the tree on that magical morning, since hope doesn’t cost anything. Whether 1843 in Dickens time or 2019 in contemporary America, hope is a wondrous thing when it inspires generosity rather than disappointment.

Dickens tale does not stop at The term pheromone was coined by two hormone researchers, Karlson and Luscher who created the word which has Greek origins, pherein, meaning to bring or transfer; and hormon, meaning to buying cialis online excite. A man has a good sexual intercourse and perfect erection when takes order viagra from canada . To determine what merit levitra cost of sales support programs you could be suitable for, visit The Genetic Literacy Project also states the studies have shown that, when faced pharmacy viagra with the possibility of impotence issue, your doctor shall check a history of when you started to have issues with penile erection for an agreeable time span. contrasting the plight of the poor against the season of hope as there is more than financial poverty to consider. There is also a leanness of human spirit and social isolation to ponder when the pursuit of money overtakes an interest in the common good. Scrooge’s nephew Fred extends a party invitation to come and ‘make merry’ only to be spurned by the miserable old man. The party itself was not some wine-soaked occasion; rather a joyous celebration of people who simply enjoyed each other’s company. Scrooge simply didn’t like most people largely due to his fixation on the bottom line encapsulated in his statement, “Christmas is just a poor excuse to pick a man’s pocket.”  

“A Christmas Carol” is obviously a cautionary tale rooted in fiction. Jaded cynics bereft of childhood innocence, like Scrooge’s shrewd business partner Marley, forge their chains in life, link-by-link, through word and deed. Life rarely presents a redo at some critical turning point at the approaching midnight hour. Or does it?

Christians note that it is important to keep in mind that Dickens was not the man who ‘invented Christmas’. The man who did was actually no man at all. He was simply a baby born in Bethlehem. That little baby was God the Christ-child who chose to come into the world impoverished in a stable environment that was literally a stable reserved for animals. The original giving of Christmas gifts was to the Christ-child in humble submission to the God of Heaven exemplified by the three wise men. A mystery no doubt; a tradition meant to be replicated by the giving of oneself in service to others. Whether deserved or not, in recognition of our own undeserving nature in the presence of a righteous and merciful God. The Divine Magistrate who grants last-hour pardons embodied in the pardoning of the thief on the cross. While I wish each and every one who reads this article a Merry Christmas, it is really up to each of us to invent our own Christmas.    

Illustration: Pixabay