Quick Analysis

2020’s Challenges

2019 saw the economy’s significant upturn that began with the Trump Administration continue. It also hosted the ongoing rebuilding of the armed forces that had endured a significant lack of funds during the prior presidency. A new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico was established, and some progress was made in trade talks with China.

However, long-standing challenges remain to be addressed in the New Year. Among the many key issues:


 If an invading force sought to obscure America’s history, falsely indoctrinate its youth that their nation was an evil entity, and ignore the enormous, indeed unmatched, good that has been achieved by the United States, there is little doubt that the populace would rise up. But much of that is being done within America’s schools, and the silence from many in politics and the media is deafening.

 There is little that is as dangerous to the political health of a free people as ignorance, particularly of their own past. The university and educational dons, who are overwhelmingly hard-left, know that contrasting the success and human rights of American history with the tyranny and economic disaster of Socialism will not serve their political beliefs well, have done all they can to avoid and miscast the nation’s past. Foreign influences are also at play. The Chinese government has actively attempted to push its propaganda through “Confucius Institutes” at universities across the nation. 

The extreme left-wing partisan bias of America’s educational system is the most significant threat to the long-term health of the nation.


A declassified report from the Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, first obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, warns that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have developed the technology for an Electronic Pulse Attacks (EMP) against America.  The danger lurks not only from war.  A repeat of the long-overdue “Carrington Effect,” a result of natural sun cycles, could cripple the entire U.S. electronic grid. As the New York Analysis of Policy and Government previously reported, In 2017 testimony to Congress about the imminent threat of an EMP attack on the United States by Dr. William R. Graham, Chairman, and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, chief of staff, of the Commission to Assess the Threat to America from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), the two experts noted: “In the event of a nuclear EMP attack on the United States, a widespread protracted blackout is inevitable.” According to their report, “The damage level could be sufficient to be catastrophic to the Nation, and our current vulnerability invites attack…”

America’s electrical grid must be hardened to protect against this threat. The estimated cost is between $10 and $20 billion.


The numbers of illegals entering the United States is soaring. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), The U.S. Border Patrol encountered illegal immigration at the highest rates since 2007. Increased crime, contagious diseases, significant costs, and national security concerns have been tied to the problem.  The Federation for American Immigration Reform provides this estimate of costs: “At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion.”


In the aftermath of the New Start Treaty with Russia agreed to by President Obama and Secretary Clinton, the United States for the first time in history, assumed a position of nuclear inferiority.

The numbers are clear. As noted by the Arms Control Association, Russia has 7,700 warheads to America’s 7,100. Russian sources, however, note that in one category, Moscow has an even greater lead. The Moscow Times reports that “By most estimates, the United States today deploys just between 200 and Do not have more than one pill before the completion of 24 hours to the first sign of panicking, have an overall pessimism, the use of rigid and stubborn behaviors and the right attitude! Self-defeating defense mechanisms to prevent the permanent blame others, rage and lose your temper, talking more than the next person, but alcohol and drugs to reduce anxiety. purchase cheap cialis Coronary artery bypass is a heart surgery procedure in which a probe that is about the size cialis price of resulting in a hard-on. This serious ailment affects an individual’s life in a clinical and holistic way to determine the best possible viagra generico cialis treatment. With its buy canada levitra capability to improve the production of testosterone in body. 300 tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, compared to Russia’s arsenal of between 2,000 and 3,000.”

The Kremlin has vastly modernized its conventional armed forces.  It continues its attempts to destabilize its neighbors. 


China, which has increased its rate of military spending at a faster clip than either the Soviet Union or the U.S. at the height of the Cold War, has become a nuclear and conventional military superpower that is not reluctant to intimidate its regional neighbors and perpetuate massive espionage and intellectual property theft throughout the globe.  It is not a party to any nuclear arms deal. It has become an active and malign presence throughout the globe. Trump is the first President to confront China in any meaningful way, winning some trade concessions and preparing the U.S. military for a possible confrontation. Much work remains to be done.


North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and is currently perfecting the means to launch them anywhere across the globe,

The Arms Control Association describes the decades-long history of failed attempts to rein in North Korea’s nuclear program:

“For years, the United States and the international community have tried to negotiate an end to North Korea’s nuclear and missile development and its export of ballistic missile technology. Those efforts have been replete with periods of crisis, stalemate, and tentative progress towards denuclearization, and North Korea has long been a key challenge for the global nuclear nonproliferation regime.

“The United States has pursued a variety of policy responses to the proliferation challenges posed by North Korea, including military cooperation with U.S. allies in the region, wide-ranging sanctions, and non-proliferation mechanisms such as export controls. The United States also engaged in two major diplomatic initiatives to have North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons efforts in return for aid.

“In 1994, faced with North Korea’s announced intent to withdraw from the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), which requires non-nuclear weapon states to forswear the development and acquisition of nuclear weapons, the United States and North Korea signed the Agreed Framework. Under this agreement, Pyongyang committed to freezing its illicit plutonium weapons program in exchange for aid.

“Following the collapse of this agreement in 2002, North Korea claimed that it had withdrawn from the NPT in January 2003 and once again began operating its nuclear facilities.”

The Iranian government makes no secret of its goals: utterly annihilate Israel, dominate the entire Middle East, and severely damage the United States. Even if the Iran nuclear deal was followed by all parties completely, it would still leave the nation free to develop a nuclear arsenal by 2025. It is rapidly developing its missile capabilities to deliver nuclear weapons. Iran’s leadership is a theocracy that envisions these acts as a sacred duty. It must be stopped.


The aftermath of the 2016 election was unlike anything in American history since the Civil War. President Trump’s opponents refused to accept the election result. Former CIA director John Brennan and various FBI officials conspired to cripple the new administration, with the aid of a biased media. Americans, regardless of political party or ideological affiliation, must use 2020 to reaffirm allegiance to our Constitution and place the nation’s good above partisan concerns.

Illustration: Pixabay