Quick Analysis

Excuses to Impose Censorship

Unlike Roseanne following her infamous tweet, it appears that those on the left pay no price for their harsh statements.  The latest entrant in that category is Peter Fonda, who advocated throwing President Trump’s pre-teen son into a cage full of pedophiles, a thought far more horrific than anything said by Roseanne or (the very few) similar Hollywood figures.

While scurrilous and harsh remarks are always inappropriate and counterproductive no matter which side of the political divide they emanate from, they are protected under the First Amendment for a very good reason. If they were not, someone would have to be the arbiter of what is appropriate and what is not.  Sooner or later, that scheme devolves into tyranny.

Dangerously, however, left-wing academics, media chieftains and internet powerhouses are self-appointing themselves into that role. Dissent from them, and your show gets cancelled, or your tenure gets rejected, or you just don’t hired at all.

Both officially and through various types of pressure, universities ignore the First Amendment when it comes to expressions that do not dovetail with left-wing views. At the University of Marquette, reports National Review,  Professor John McAdams  was terminated for criticizing philosophy instructor Cheryl Abbate, who had informed a student that he was not allowed to state his criticism of same-sex marriage.

The issue, of course, is not same-sex marriage, but the right to discuss it, or any other social issue.

It also increases the oxygenation of blood, enhancing viagra pfizer try for more now the absorption of nutrients and flush toxins. The problem is that most men do not submit to seeing a doctor even for health reasons. cialis on line This drug has long been a identified purchase levitra online prescription drug; could be availed of upon doctor’s prescription only. Doctors have called this condition by a range of the compounds found in sildenafil viagra these drugs is only in the patent and scientific literature. There are frighteningly innovative ways that the left has devised to justify censorship. In January 2017, the Free Beacon reports, A man shot up a Quebec City mosque. At his trial, prosecutors stated that he frequently read columnist and Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro, who has expressed blunt facts and opinions about the actions of some Muslims.  Based on this flimsy connection, Shapiro has been accused of the serious crime of ‘incitement.’

The end result of that concept would be that almost any writing discussing serious issues could lead to an indictment.  There will always be extremists and, frankly, mentally unbalanced individuals who will seek to justify their actions based on something they read, and most probably, misinterpreted. The chilling effect would lead to the almost total elimination of serious public discussions of major issues affecting the nation.  Under that concept, for example, Abraham Lincoln could have been indicted for inciting the Civil War for discussing the horrors of slavery.

Shapiro was a not unlikely target for university dons, since he has been sharply critical of their anti-First Amendment proclivities. He has written that “there is no place less tolerant on the planet than the faculty lounges of America’s major universities.  Not only is dissent not tolerated, it’s not even acknowledged to exist…The question isn’t why universities see fit to hand over six-figure salaries to unrepentant former terrorists Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. The question is why there’s nobody on the other side of the aisle. And the answer is simple: in order to become a professor, you need other professors to oversee your Ph.D. studies…”

The problem extends far beyond the bounds of campuses. CBS’s Sacramento affiliate  WEST SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — reports that  West Sacramento has launched a program that watches what people post about it online. “The city is using Zencity, a system that crawls through publicly available social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It takes all of that data and sorts through to find what people are talking about and whether it’s positive or negative.” The city maintains that it is doing so to monitor potential crimes. However, sooner rather than later, unpopular opinions will be singled out for repercussions. In essence, the program is a trial-run for how censors can monitor a population.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Rejecting the New Normal

The very faint dismay expressed by a number of pundits and politicians over the verbally violent restaurant ejections of Administration officials, and the encouragement of that tactic by Rep. Maxine Waters, is insincere, at best. The reality is, as leftists have repeatedly lost most federal and state elections, violence and shock tactics have replaced traditional campaigning, and far too many have remained silent in response.

The question now is, what happens next? The tactic is a clear and obvious outgrowth of the extreme language perpetrated by far too many Democrats, who have sought to divert attention from their ballot box losses, their failed policies, and their unprecedented scandals (IRS vs. Tea Party, Benghazi, Clinton emails and the uranium sale to Russia, free speech assaults, and the stealing of the Democrat primary from Bernie Sanders, to name a few.)

The failure to adequately condemn the riots following the 2016 election, and the virtual condoning of the attempts to disrupt Trump campaign gatherings during the election cycle, led directly to the current state of affairs. I covered the Inauguration in 2016. Before Trump was even sworn in, there were calls for his impeachment—never mind the complete lack of any legal reason to do so. I saw the harsh demonstrations against him, which included acts of destruction. The response from Democrat leaders was largely “I understand how you feel.”

There is no precedent for this in American politics. While there have always been radicals and extremists saying and doing inappropriate things, on both sides of the ideological divide, never before has a major political party been so encouraging–even involved– in such activity.

That is the point the pundits miss either intentionally or through ignorance. And those pundits share complete culpability with every rioter, every perpetrator of verbal violence out there, for failing to portray these domestic terrorists–these would-be socialist revolutionaries–as the villains they truly are.

Indeed, in many ways, the media scribes, the Hollywood establishment, and the late-night comedians have enabled this dangerous behavior.  When one normalizes the most egregious comments, including Peter Fonda’s desire to lock up pre-teen Barron Trump in a cage full of pedophiles, or Johnny Depp’s inquiry into why an actor hasn’t assassinated a president lately, it changes the tenor of the national mood into something unrecognizably dangerous. Entertainers have always mocked presidents, but suggesting violence against them was not included in the mainstream satire as it is now.
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How did it get this ugly? Consider the current leadership of the Democrat Party. Chair Tom Perez

is a radical who has openly encouraged the new brand of vicious protests. The Vice Chair is anti-Semite Keith Ellison, well known for his comment that the U.S. Constitution is the “best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.” Consider the people Obama associated himself with, including the bomber Bill Ayers, to cite just one example. Let’s not forget who Ayers was. He was a leader of the Weatherman terrorist group, that engaged in bombings of federal buildings. Not many asked for specifics when Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally change” America.  The failure to pursue the details of what he wanted to fundamentally change the nation into was a major indication of media bias.

No one has the right to be surprised about what happened to the Democrat Party. Every step of the way, the evidence was overwhelmingly clear that the Party that once commanded the loyalty of working men and women was now the tool of radical elitists, of race baiting firebrands, and those who wish to replace Constitutional government with left-wing authoritarian rule.

What’s next? Unless the vast majority of Americans, including most Democrats, loudly divorce themselves from the violent tactics, threatening remarks and rejection of Constitutional norms that have become the new normal as of late, the radicals will succeed in irrevocably dividing the nation.

Photo:  Official photo of Rep. Maxine Waters

Quick Analysis

President Trump’s Reorganization Plan

According to President Trump, “Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results.”  A White House release states that today’s Executive Branch is not equipped to meet Americans’ 21st century needs.”

The Administration has produced a document, “Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations” that proposes reshaping a portion of the federal bureaucracy.  We have excerpted key portions and present them here:

… Government in the 21st Century is fundamentally a services business, and modern information technology should be at the heart of the U.S. Government service delivery model. And yet, today’s Executive Branch is still aligned to the stove-piped organizational constructs of the 20th Century, which in many cases have grown inefficient and out-of-date. Consequently, the public and our workforce are frustrated with Government’s ability to deliver its mission in an effective, efficient, and secure way.

To that end, Executive Order (EO) 13781, entitled “Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch,” highlights the need to evaluate the organizational constructs that support today’s mission delivery objectives… the EO focuses specifically on the role of organizational alignment in reducing “duplication and redundancy,” and improving “efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the executive branch.”

This report outlines the Administration’s analysis and recommendations for structural realignment of the Executive Branch to better serve the mission, service, and stewardship needs of the American people. While some of the recommendations identified in this volume can be achieved via Executive administrative action, more significant changes will require legislative action as well.

… while some of the proposals are ready for agency implementation, others establish a vision for the Executive Branch that will require further exploration and partnership with the Congress.


The first principle of organizational reform in the 21st Century is to start with the mission. Specific reforms must ensure that Government activities are rooted in the missions that the American people, through their elected officials, require. Within these mission areas—from national security to infrastructure to food and water safety—Government must have clear and aligned structures that allow Federal programs, staff, and agencies to deliver the outcomes the public expects.


Understanding the customer or stakeholder needs in the 21st Century is critical to understanding how to realign the organizational model. In many cases, outmoded assumptions about customer and stakeholder needs have distracted from core mission, hindered outcomes, and fallen out of step with customer expectations. Federal customers—ranging from small businesses seeking loans, to families receiving disaster support, to veterans expecting proper benefits and medical care—deserve a customer experience that compares to or exceeds that of leading private-sector organizations, which most Federal services lag behind. The Executive Branch must develop capabilities to better facilitate endto-end customer experiences that cross agency boundaries, and create faster, more convenient, and more cost-effective interactions.


Effective stewardship of taxpayer funds is a crucial responsibility of the Federal Government, from preventing fraud to maximizing impact. Taxpayer dollars must go to effective programs that produce results efficiently. For example, Government too often recreates similar administrative functions across programs and agencies, failing to take advantage of opportunities for shared services, centers of excellence, or other arrangements that leverage the highest-performing organizations and free up resources to focus on mission. Using data-driven methods, Government must shrewdly consider how structural alignment can best support efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars.


Merge the Departments of Education and Labor into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of Education and the Workforce, charged with meeting the needs of American students and workers from education and skill development to workplace protection to retirement security. As part of the merger, the Administration also proposes significant Government-wide workforce development program consolidations, streamlining separate programs in order to increase efficiencies and better serve American workers.

Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance programs currently in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service into the Department of Health and Human Services—which will be renamed the Department of Health and Public Welfare. Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, comprised of all agencies that administer public benefits, with statutory authority to set cross-program policies including uniform work requirements.

Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD) to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these agencies.

Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service and the food safety functions of HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a single agency within USDA that would cover virtually all the foods Americans eat.

Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and rental assistance programs to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), allowing both agencies to focus on their core missions and, over time, further align the Federal Government’s role in housing policy.
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Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce) National Marine Fisheries Service with DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service. This merger would consolidate the administration of the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in one agency and combine the Services’ science and management capacity, resulting in more consistent Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved service to stakeholders and the public, particularly on infrastructure permitting.

Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materials Management program into the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program. This consolidation would allow EPA to address environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and USDA would maintain their existing environmental compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for non-CERCLA sites.

Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication of efforts and fragmentation of decision-making. A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020 Budget request to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Federal Government’s humanitarian assistance across State and USAID, establish unity of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.

Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development finance tools, into a new Development Finance Institution in a reformed and modernized way to leverage more privatesector investment, provide strong alternatives to state-directed initiatives, create more innovative vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms, and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.

Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-driven structural reorganization of headquarters Bureaus and Independent Offices as a foundational component of USAID’s overall plans to better advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support U.S. national security, and ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of foreign assistance.

Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the President, and elevate its core strategic mission while devolving certain operational activities –the delivery of various fee-for-service human resources, IT services, and background investigations – to other Federal entities better aligned to provide non-strategic transaction processing services that meet 21st Century needs. This new structure would better accommodate an overhaul of the Federal civil service statutory and regulatory framework.

Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and operation of select military and veteran cemeteries located on DOD installations to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery Administration. This transfer assures these cemeteries will be maintained to national shrine standards to continue the recognition of service of those interred therein, gains efficiencies, and limits mission overlap based on a common-sense approach to good government.

Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics under Commerce to increase cost-effectiveness and improve data quality while simultaneously reducing respondent burden on businesses and the public. Together, these three agencies account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical System’s annual budget of $2.26 billion and share unique synergies in their collection of economic and demographic data and analysis of key national indicators.

Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE) applied energy programs into a new Office of Energy Innovation in order to maximize the benefits of energy research and development and to enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing energy technology needs.

Devolution of Activities from the Federal Government

a) Sell the transmission assets owned and operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Power Marketing Administrations within DOE, including those of Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration, to encourage a more efficient allocation of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary risk to taxpayers.

b) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return it to a sustainable business model or prepare it for future conversion from a Government agency into a privately-held corporation. The President’s Task Force on the United States Postal System will make recommendations on reforms towards this goal in August 2018.

c) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s core missions and programmatic responsibilities, reduce transportation program fragmentation across the Government, and improve outcomes. Changes would include spinning off Federal responsibility for operating air traffic control services, integrating into DOT certain coastal and inland waterways commercial navigation activities and transportation security programs, and reassessing the structure and responsibilities of DOT’s Office of the Secretary.


Photo: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

There are about 2 million civilian federal employees. Are they being used effectively?


Quick Analysis

No Illusions About Putin

Presidents Trump and Putin are meeting, but the fundamental underpinnings of the contentious relationship between Moscow and Washington will not change anytime soon. The animosity has existed for over a century and involves both ideology as well as geopolitics.

The Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Revolution resulted in a government that saw human rights, the central concept of the West, as a serious impediment to the will of the state and the implementation of the Communist system. Vladimir Putin is a product of the most brutal portion, the KGB, of one of the most brutal governments to ever exist. He describes the fall of the Soviet Union as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the  century.”

That’s a telling comment.  It’s not the Holocaust that killed six million Jews, or the devastation of World War II, or the 50 million destroyed by Mao Tse-Tung, but the fall of an empire that intentionally starved to death 25 million of its own people, enslaved half of Europe, and had allied itself with Adolf Hitler that ranks, in Putin’s mind, as the greatest tragedy.  The ideological differences between the current leadership within the Kremlin and that of the West will not be compatible or peaceful so long as Putin or his allies remain in power. And, while his unsuccessful attempt to influence the 2016 election dominates the news, the reality is Moscow has continuously sought to interfere in Western politics since the Communists first took power over a century ago.

Putin came to power at a time when Russia had few security concerns. China was no longer a rival.  Both nations were and are working together to replace American influence. Their geopolitical goals are largely in synch with each other. The armed forces of both The United States and its European allies were a shadow of what they had been at the end of the First Cold War. Much of the forces held by the European nations were only paper tigers, with ships, planes, and tanks in serious disrepair.  A significant portion of America’s reduced, remaining military strength was exhausted and overused from two wars in Iraq, and the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan.

The Obama regime made dramatic gestures of peace.  The NEW Start treaty negotiated by the American President, Secretary of State Clinton, and their Russian counterparts gave Moscow, for the first time in history, the lead in nuclear armaments.  Secretary Clinton even approved the sale of uranium, the basic ingredient in nuclear weapons, to Russia. Obama’s administration (and Congress) cut the U.S. defense budget, and even withdrew all American tanks from Europe, an act unprecedented since the end of the Second World War.

We get the medicine by the name of Kamagra, Kamagra oral jelly, order levitra, Caverta, Zenegra, Silagra, Zenegra, and Forzest etc. The symptoms of this kind of cost of viagra pills spinal nerve damage include pain in the neck area. In this condition, a man is unable to sustain it long enough for his or her teens to use PTDE to finish their driver coaching, like not having a suspended license in the last 3 years, or have more than one pill to enjoy their love making session with all the passion and have innumerable sessions with the help of just a single pill. viagra generic is a drug which has been. Being the very first foremost drug solution, viagra levitra online was an expensive drug hence most of the patients were not able to get this medication, due to its higher prices. Putin’s response was extraordinary.  As America and the West cut their defenses, Putin, despite his nation’s faltering economy and the absence of any threats, substantially strengthened his armed forces.  He reintroduced medium range nuclear missiles to the European theater, violating an accord banning them signed by Reagan and Gorbachev in the 1980s. His dramatic military buildup features offensive weapons, including advanced submarines that threaten Atlantic shipping, and exceptionally powerful long range missiles with warheads more powerful than anything else in existence. He has returned to meddling in Latin America, particularly in Nicaragua, where he has built nuclear bomber bases and provided tanks and other armaments.

Putin has returned to the Cold War tactic of sending manned, nuclear bombers to fly just off the east and west coasts of the United States.

And, of course, for the first time in over seven decades, he authorized the invasion of other European nations, including Georgia and Ukraine. Putin now is undertaking threatening moves against Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Talking is always better than fighting.  It makes sense for the leadership of the United States and Russia to meet and keep the channels of communication open.  There should be, however, no illusions of just what Putin’s dangerous intentions are, or his willingness to undertake any measures to reach his aggressive and hostile goals.

Photo: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Politicization of Immigration

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on President Trump’s September 2017 executive order, known as the “travel ban” simply follows existing law and procedures. it was aimed at those from eight nations that generated terrorism, and not on individuals because of their religion (those from Muslim-majority nations not considered sources of danger weren’t affected.)

It has, however, implications far broader than just the issue at hand.

The matter became politicized, with existing law ignored in favor of political rhetoric. The purpose and intent of the order was to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States, which were becoming increasingly frequent, a national security argument accepted by the majority. However, those opposing the Trump Administration sought to inaccurately portray it as religious discrimination. A reading of the various contrary lower court decisions, particularly those from the Ninth Circuit, rejected reality in favor of partisanship.

Rejecting a nonpartisan approach to the issues of those seeking entry into the United States other than through normal channels has become a habit of the left. Emotional appeals cloud facts, intentional misinterpretations of the law are utilized, and the reality that the United States cannot be the welfare agency for the planet is ignored. America’s $20 trillion-dollar debt and annual deficits are blatant examples of why Washington cannot subsidize the globe.

Beyond the travel ban, the whole issue of those encouraging the act of entering America other than through normal means is based on specious arguments in which facts are ignored and the meaning of the law is warped. the use of the term “refugee” is a clear example. Consider the actual legal definition of the term:
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Federal law, 8 USC 1101(a) INA 101(a) (42) states:

The term “refugee” means (A) any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, or (B) in such special circumstances as the President after appropriate consultation (as defined in section 1157(e) of this title) may specify, any person who is within the country of such person’s nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, within the country in which such person is habitually residing, and who is persecuted or who has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. The term “refugee” does not include any person who ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. For purposes of determinations under this chapter, a person who has been forced to abort a pregnancy or to undergo involuntary sterilization, or who has been persecuted for failure or refusal to undergo such a procedure or for other resistance to a coercive population control program, shall be deemed to have been persecuted on account of political opinion, and a person who has a well founded fear that he or she will be forced to undergo such a procedure or subject to persecution for such failure, refusal, or resistance shall be deemed to have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of political opinion.

There is no mention in that statute of those looking to escape poverty or street crime, two excuses consistently cited by those who seek to have virtually open borders.  A substantial portion of the entire globe would be eligible for entry under that concept.  Indeed, the citizens of many U.S. cities would be eligible as well. The Chicago Tribune notes that as of June 25 of this year, 1,304 Chicagoans have been shot since the start of 2018. Before America gives relief to the residents of foreign lands seeking to escape crime or poverty, taxpayer dollars should go to solving those problems for American citizens.

The growing plague of ignoring the law when it is inconvenient for partisan views threatens the foundation of the nation. It is a practice that should end.

Quick Analysis

Left Rejects America

The rejection of U.S. political norms that prevails in many of the current positions of the American left is unprecedented.  The inherent bias of major news organizations, (Example: CNN’s Jim Acosta recently broke any semblance of protocol—and decent behavior—when he  yelled at the President during a speech) as well as that of academia, major internet search engines and key social media sites obscures this rather controversial reality.

This can be seen most clearly in the abandonment of a general agreement to follow the precepts of the Constitution, which has kept the nation united.  The Civil War was the terrible exception to this.  Even that conflict, however, was largely fought over whether the rights it guaranteed belonged to all people. The left’s insistence that this ultimate safeguard of national unity can be ignored or reinterpreted to suit its political needs of the moment has produced an era of extraordinary danger. The United States is an entity based not on race, ethnicity, or religion. The concept of individual rights enshrined and protected by a universally respected Constitution is all that keeps it together.

A salient example of how the Left intentionally disregards the law in attempts to achieve its goals: Leftist Ninth Circuit Judges wholly ignored established statutes in order to attack the President’s travel ban.  The U.S. Supreme Court, in rejecting a Ninth Circuit’s decision, wrote:

“By its terms, [federal law] exudes deference to the President in every clause. It entrusts to the President the decisions whether and when to suspend entry, whose entry to suspend, for how long, and on what conditions. It thus vests the President with “ample power” to impose entry restrictions in addition to those elsewhere enumerated…”

The Left has changed the current American political battlefield.

The bone of contention is not a single issue, such as the Vietnam War was in the 1960’s, or even slavery and segregation, two terrible evils of the past, or the Iraqi war of the early part of the 21st Century.  It is the wholesale rejection of significant positions which had previously been accepted by almost all, including the need to protect U.S. borders, the superiority of capitalism over socialism, the acknowledgement that America has been a force for good throughout the world, and the moral requirement to peaceably accept the results of elections.

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In far too many areas, the Left has also abandoned adherence to civil discourse.  Furious over its loss in the 2016 elections, many of its leaders have not only condoned but even encouraged violence. That problem continues to grow, as it has advocated physical violence in the streets, and harassment of Administration officials in public places. Horrific statements about family members of the incumbent President by prominent leftist figures have become commonplace.

The Democrat Party, home to the Left, has moved far away from its traditional roots. As part of its near-hysterical reaction to its 2016 campaign loss, it has taken to blanket condemnation of anything emanating from the White House, even when it adheres to the goals of its own traditional base of support.  Opposition to attempts to rectify tariff imbalances which harm American workers provides on example.

The Left’s political strategy that emphasizes promoting group grievances over negotiations to address exiting problems continues to add to the alienation of Americans from each other. It has carried its positions to extremes that seem tailor made to promote controversy. Its abortion rights advocacy has now morphed into, essentially, an acceptance of infanticide. Its acceptance of large scale illegal immigration has moved into calls to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement.) The list grows ever larger.

Those engaging in this intentional rabble-rousing have a moral obligation to review their actions, and pull the nation back from the brink. According to a recent Rasmussen poll   “Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters say it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, with 11% who say it’s Very Likely… 59% of all voters are concerned that those opposed to President Trump’s policies will resort to violence, with 33% who are Very Concerned.”

Picture: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

NATO’s Crucial Meeting

This week’s NATO summit, now in session ,is a test both of the stability of the most important military alliance in existence, and the maturity and realism of key European governments.

At the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States possessed the west’s sole major functioning economy. It was both appropriate and logical that it provided, by a vast degree, the lion’s share of the alliance’s resources.

That conflict ended over 70 years ago, however.  The nations of western Europe have fully recovered, and some, like Germany, have become economic powerhouses.  The need for NATO to exist remains vital, particularly in light of Putin’s’ aggression and massive military buildup.  However, the rationale for European nations to continuing to depend on American taxpayers to pay a major portion of Europe’s defense no longer exists.

Overall, just four out of 27 NATO nations comply with the alliances’ military budget guidelines.  Under President Trump, American defense spending on Europe has doubled.

Defense News reports that Germany, the economic powerhouse of the continent, has allowed its military to deteriorate to a dangerous degree. “The Bundeswehr had a peak force of 600,000 at the end of the Cold War when West Germany conscripted young men, and has since shrunk to a 177,000-strong volunteer force…Systemic budget shortages now endanger training, military exercises and missions, while many barracks are crumbling…”

In 2015, Kyle Miokami, writing for the National Interest asked, “Is Germany’s Military Dying?… “… numerous articles have arisen demonstrating the Bundeswehr’s lack of readiness. Fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and other vehicles have been grounded due to lack of spare parts, bringing readiness rates below 50%. Indeed, Germany’s military, while armed with some of the world’s most deadly weapons, faces some tremendous challenges.”

Germany is not alone. Euronews notes that “The UK’s defence spending is ‘far too low’to combat threats facing the country, including Russian aggression, MPs warned…In its latest report, Britain’s Defence Committee urged the government to hike defence spending from its current level of 2% of GDP to 3%. Defence spending is far too low,’ MPs wrote in the report. ‘The Government now needs to apply the resources that are necessary to keep this country safe, and must begin moving the level of defence expenditure back towards 3% of GDP, as it was in the mid-1990s.’’”

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It is interesting to note that some Eastern European NATO members, especially Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, that only escaped Russian occupation in the past few decades, have moved more diligently to provide their fair share than their western counterparts.

Despite promises to do more, several nations still fail to live up to their commitments. The Wall Street Journal reports that “There is a long history of U.S. frustration with its allies’ military spending. Following Russia’s military intervention in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, NATO nations promised at a summit meeting in Wales all members would spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense by 2024. At least 20% of that was to be spent on weapons and improving military capabilities—a target that was set to ensure that the funds didn’t go just for military pay.”

Many published reports are extremely critical of President Trump’s push to have fiscally capable European governments  meet their commitments. While almost all U.S. presidents have called for greater cost sharing , the current White House has been the most diligent on pursuing the matter.  That has led  to a great deal of criticism, even portraying the move as being soft on Russia.

President Trump has warned European leaders that “It will…become increasingly difficult to justify to American citizens why some countries continue to fail to meet our shared collective security commitments.”

Radio Free Europe broadcast comments that “Fifteen of NATO’s 29 members have laid out plans to meet the alliance’s defense spending goal by 2024, overall increasing spending by $46 billion,” according to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.” Stoltenberg emphasized that “After years of decline, since 2014 we have seen three years of increasing defense spending across European allies and Canada.’ His comments come as U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is expected to pressure U.S. allies in Europe to increase military spending to levels targeted by NATO, fulfilling a key commitment sought by U.S. President Donald Trump. NATO has set a goal of each member spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense, but until recently only a few of NATO’s 29 members met that target. Stoltenberg said that in 2014, only three allies met the goal, but the number has increased to eight this year. The increase in the last four years has added $19 billion to spending on weapons and equipment for the alliance, he said. An additional seven NATO members have laid out plans to meet the goal by 2024.”

The question, of course, is whether those goals are adhered to.

Photo: NATO Secretary Stoltenberg addresses the European Council. (NATO)

Quick Analysis

China’s Drive Towards Military Supremacy and Global Influence, Part 3

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government concludes its review of the  extremely worrisome revelations about China’s military capabilities and its aggressive intentions that were revealed at a recent hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

 Dan Blumenthal, the Director of the American Enterprise Institute’s Asian Studies section   discussed China’s ongoing and successful drive to project its military power:

“Since 2014, China has substantially expanded its ability to monitor and project power throughout the South China Sea via the construction of dual civilian-military bases and the placement of military assets at its outposts in the disputed Spratly and Paracel Islands. These include new radar and communications arrays, airstrips and hangars to accommodate combat aircraft, shelters likely meant to house missile platforms, and deployments of mobile surface-to-air and anti-ship cruise missile systems at Woody Island in the Paracels. On May 2, 2018, it was reported that China installed YJ-12B cruise missiles and HQ-9B long-range surface-to-air missiles (that have ranges of 295 and 160 nautical miles, respectively) on the Spratly Islands. This was the first Chinese missile deployment to Chinese reclaimed ‘islands.’ Some Chinese forward operating bases in the South China Sea are complete, giving China the capability to make costly third party intervention in the region. In April 2018, new satellite imagery suggested that China had deployed electronic warfare equipment to the Spratlys, and later reports revealed that U.S. Navy fighters had encountered some jamming problems as its Growlers patrolled the South China Sea. If China continues along this trajectory and deploys forces onto these reclaimed islands, then China will be able to ‘extend its influence thousands of miles to the South and power project deep into Oceania,’ as Admiral Philip Davidson noted…

With this newfound military power, China has also become more confident in engaging in coercion campaigns against regional states. (See New York Analysis of Policy & Government)Within in the South China Sea, China aims to limit other countries’ access to the waters through coercive tactics by the Chinese ‘maritime militia’ patrolling the waters and trailing U.S. patrols in the region. Against regional neighbors, the Chinese maritime militia, which is not officially part of the PLAN, consists of ‘fishing’ boats that are equipped with large steel rods and strong spray water hoses that ram against and spray Filipino and Vietnamese fishing boats that try to fish near the contested islands. Moreover, China continues to engage in unsafe intercepts of U.S. planes conducting routine surveillance flights around the South China Sea and Korean peninsula, sometimes coming within 1000 yards of U.S. Navy P-3s…

Driven by the need for resources, China has been more military active in the Indian Ocean, Eastern Africa and the Persian Gulf. Despite the challenges facing the Chinese economy, Xi Jinping has also aimed to project Chinese power worldwide through the Belt and Road initiative that aims to link China with Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The creation of a new ’Silk Road’ is highly unlikely. However, targeted investments and projects that aim to secure Chinese energy and oil supply lines are ongoing. Beijing has also deployed a toolkit of economic inducements to purchase the support of countries it has deemed strategically valuable – from the eastern coast of Africa, where it wants naval bases, to the Middle East, where it needs oil. In these cases, Beijing is trading money for access to ports and other potentially useful military facilities. If you carefully track the numbers as my colleague Derek Scissors does in his China Investment Tracker, you find that China has mass investment and construction projects in countries that offer potential access to the Indian Ocean, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. In addition to infrastructure and capital investment, China has bought up many global ports around key trade routes and maritime chokepoints, usually first for commercial purposes and then sometimes transitioning their use for military assets as well.”

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In his testimony,   Richard D. Fisher, Jr, Senior Fellow International Assessment and Strategy Center, emphasized that “Historically, China’s Communist Party would hide military goals such as becoming the world’s dominant power in any or all domains. It would not announce such goals in press conferences or White Papers. Instead it would ritually deny such goals so as to discourage the United States and its Allies from preparing sufficiently to defend themselves. However, China recently has begun to acknowledge in its official statements that it plans to project military power beyond Asia. But the Chinese leadership continues to ritually deny that it seeks ‘hegemony’ or ‘world domination.’ …China’s denials are undermined by China’s actions…

“Chinese actions suggesting larger goals include: budding Chinese strategic cooperation with Russia; China’s building of alternate institutions that challenge U.S. leadership; China’s ongoing attempt to change the Latin American balance of power by encouraging a second war over the Falklands Islands; and indications China will militarize the Moon.

“Furthermore, China’s two decades average of near double-digit growth in defense spending, growing PLA power projection forces, and China’s drive to create or obtain greater overseas military access combine to suggest the trajectory of China’s development toward global military power. China’s creation of new military bases in the Spratly Island group — and its potential creation of nuclear, naval and air bases on Taiwan, should that island democracy be conquered — point to an early objective of isolating and coercing Asian democracies such as Japan and the Philippines, leading to great pressure to end their alliances with the United States. China will also seek greater military access in the Indian Ocean to further contain India, while political influence, military engagement, and debt default acquisitions will accelerate PLA access in Latin America and Africa It can be expected that the actions of a globally powerful China toward the world’s free societies will be informed by the CCP’s pervasive domestic suppression of democratic impulses, freedom of expression, religion, and domestic dissent. A Chinese conquest of Taiwan could provide a stark demonstration of the CCP’s organized and brutal suppression of democracy. Today, China’s loud criticism of democracy, and its potential to promote a rebranded Marxism, suggest that overarching anti-democratic and anti-American ideological campaigns could underscore China’s drive for global power projection.”

Photo: China’s People’s Liberation Army

Quick Analysis

China’s Drive Towards Military Supremacy and Global Influence Part 2

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government continues its review of the  extremely worrisome revelations about China’s military capabilities and its aggressive intentions that were revealed at a recent hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Captain James Fanell, a retired Naval Intelligence officer, testified that China’s military forces, “particularly its navy, air and missile forces, and rapidly expanding marine corps, [are positioned] as the arbiters of a new global order–one that stands opposed to U.S. national interests and values, and those of our friends and allies. China has spent billions of dollars on a military that can achieve the Chinese Communist Party’s dreams…The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in a total, protracted struggle for regional and global supremacy. This supremacy is the heart of the ‘China Dream’. China’s arsenal in this campaign for supremacy includes economic, informational, political, and military warfare. The campaign at its heart is opportunistic; we have already witnessed them expand into the vacuum of a diminishing United States in East Asia.

“…in spite of having a GDP per capita on a par with the Dominican Republic, China’s leadership has invested staggering amounts of national treasure in a world-leading complex of ballistic missiles, satellites, and fiber-linked command centers with little utility but to destroy U.S. aircraft carriers on demand. With China’s children kept indoors because of hazardous levels of pollution, a health care system in crisis, toxic rivers, a demographic time bomb caused by government-directed population expansion and then forced contraction, and only one third the GDP per 4 capita of the United States, Beijing chooses to spend its precious resources on better ways to kill Americans and her allies…

“The PLA Navy is China’s point of the spear in its quest for global hegemony. As I speak to you today, the PLA Navy consists of over 330 surface ships and 66 submarines, nearly 400 combatants. As of 4 May 2018, the U.S. Navy consists of 283 battle force ships: 211 surface ships and 72 submarines.3 By 2030, it is estimated the PLA Navy will consist of some 550 ships: 450 surface ships and 99 submarines.4 As currently debated in the halls of the Congress and Pentagon, it remains unclear if the U.S. Navy of 2030 will even reach a total of 355 ships and submarines…From a technological standpoint, the PRC has quickly achieved parity with U.S. Navy standards and capacities for warship and submarine production.

“[the U.S. must take timely steps] to avoid geopolitical defeat globally and a likely naval disaster, the likes of which we have not experienced since the early, dark days of World War II.”
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Dan Blumenthal, the Director of the American Enterprise Institute’s Asian Studies section   noted:

“China’s boom in wealth over the past four decades has provided the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with means to implement a large-scale military modernization initiative that will allow China to power project far beyond China’s borders. Second, China has begun using this newfound military power to engage in campaigns in the Asia-Pacific to coerce regional neighbors into accepting China’s territorial claims and, over time, its dominance. Beijing has changed the regional balance of power by undermining the United States’ historical ability to operate freely in the region. Third, through increasingly sophisticated military exercises, ‘defense diplomacy’, and targeted investment and construction projects, the CCP is demonstrating its desire to operate further afield in what we call the ‘second island chain’ that is closer to our homeland, as well as through the Indian Ocean.

“The Chinese Communist Party aims to achieve the ‘China Dream’ of ‘Great National Rejuvenation,’ which means reordering the Asia-Pacific with China at its center as the “Middle Kingdom.” China has always been a continental empire and remains one to this day. However, now it is a continental empire ‘going to sea.’ At first this was driven by the desire to recapture one of the last remaining parts of the Qing empire not currently under CCP control: Taiwan. But now its ambitions have grown beyond that as we see from its actions in the South and East China Seas and in the Indian Ocean…

The Report Concludes Tomorrow

Photo: China’s People’s Liberation Army

Quick Analysis

China’s Drive Towards Military Supremacy and Global Influence

The unprecedented extent of China’s combined military, financial, and political challenge to the United States and its allies has been unveiled at an unclassified hearing called by the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence.

According to Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, “For many years, the Committee has warned about the threat posed by China’s increasingly aggressive activities around the globe…Past administrations have sought to assuage China through measures such as helping Beijing join the WTO; taking steps to build better military-to-military relationships; avoiding confrontations over China’s unfair trade practices, predatory economic policies, and theft of U.S. intellectual property; and responding softly to China’s aggressive territorial claims and military force projection. These previous attempts to appease China failed to improve our bilateral relations. In fact, China has only become emboldened and may now be the preeminent threat to American security, our economy, and our values.”

Nunes outlined his belief that China’s growing military capabilities and global strategy, especially Beijing’s efforts to modernize and expand its military as well as its ability to project power abroad, is a crisis of extraordinary magnitude. Combined with China’s predatory economic activity, it’s use of civilian port facilities and bases to expand its military presence, renders this a challenge equal to that faced during the first Cold War.

China, Nunes explained, has a broad-based strategy that includes modernizing military capabilities across the air, land, sea, cyber, and space domains; the rapid expansion of China’s access to ports and overseas bases; and its international propaganda campaign. From its “One Belt, One Road” initiative, to its unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, China is using its economic and military power to subvert international norms, undermine U.S. national security, threaten our friends and allies, and re-shape the global balance of power.

China’s also threatens U.S. government and private sector research and seeks to undermine America’s global leadership role in technological innovation. Beijing has engaged in an influence campaign across political, ideological, economic and informational spheres to win supporters and undermine opposition to the Chinese regime within America. This includes its use of economic leverage to exert influence including through financial and trade strategies, pressure on U.S. companies operating in China, and “Confucius Institutes” and “Chinese Student Associations.”

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Captain James Fanell, a retired Naval Intelligence officer, revealed that:

“The strategic balance has shifted in the PRC’s favor and against America’s security and interests. China’s unilateral expansion into and through the international waters within the First Island Chain—or what Beijing now calls China’s ‘Blue Territories’—over the past six years has dramatically altered the strategic balance of power in the Indo-Asia Pacific region. In addition to building of a modern, blue-water Navy, the PRC has taken a wide range of destabilizing actions that pose an increasingly threat to global security.

“These actions include the PRC’s construction of naval air stations atop buried coral reefs in the South China Sea, including Mischief Reef within the territory of our ally the Philippines; their declaration of an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea near Japan, their claims of sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, and their flat out repudiation of the authority of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the world’s oldest standing international law arbitral body. The threatening actions also include China’s unprecedented and increasing naval operations in the Western Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas, the Arctic and Antarctic and finally into the Atlantic Ocean: these actions are clear empirical indicators of China’s future malign intentions and actions.

The Report Continues Tomorrow

Photo: Chinese People’s Liberation Army