Quick Analysis

Obama’s Strange War

The day after the President Obama announced enhanced airstrikes against ISIS, 13 years into America’s long march against Islamic extremism, Secretary of State John Kerry declared we were not at war with ISIS but “What we are doing is engaging in a very significant counter-terrorism operation, and it’s going to go on for some period of time.”

This was followed by the British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond telling reporters at a news conference in Berlin: Let me be clear; Britain will not be taking part in any air strikes in Syria.”  He said London won’t be “revisiting” the issue after Parliament decided last year against participating in air strikes.  Number 10 Downing Street then had to walk that back by saying that P.M. David Cameron had not yet decided on air strikes.

Further complications occurred after that with Germany stating that they were not yet in the coalition, followed by Turkey and then Saudi Arabia announcing that their contribution would be restricted to the training of the Syrian Free Army on Saudi territory.

Friday it got worse with the CIA in a surprise release stating that ISIS had grown by as much as 300% since June and now numbered between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters in the terror army.  This would make ISIS the 76th largest army out of 106 forces in the world.  It should be remembered that when they took Fallujah in the beginning of 2014 they were estimated to be around 4000 strong.

In matters both foreign and domestic, Obama’s presidency has been one of unnecessarily diminished expectations.  Thus when he gives us a little, many tend to bequeath it a potency that is not there.  He began his fifteen minutes into war making with a pronouncement that ISIL or ISIS is not Islamic nor is it a state.  Who then are the volunteers who have swelled its ranks at 500 a week…Presbyterians?  The insistence of Obama to protect anything and everything Islamic is the source of this obsession.  The reflexive impulse to see Islam in western terms is the source of those non Muslims who always want to begin the conversation with the assertion that “Islam is a religion of Peace”.  They are the 21st century avatars of those with a “little knowledge” and thus are as dangerous as ISIS.

Then came his predictable pledge of no ground troops from the US, causing Speaker Boehner to decry “An F-16 is not a strategy” and that an air war alone will not get the job done.  There is no need for foreign spies in the U.S. when the President gives away military strategy in televised national speeches.

Obama’s claim that ISIS or the Islamic State is highly questionable.  ISIS now occupies 18 cities in Iraq and 22 cities in Syria.  31 of that total are under their full control.  The opposition to ISIS, which includes both the disparate elements of the Syrian Free Army and the Syrian Army of Bashir al-assad  is all in the eastern corridor.  Part of the east, the north central and the west are basically controlled by ISIS.
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In Iraq, Anbar and parts of Diyala, Salahuddin and Nineveh Provinces extending south to Bagdad and west to Kurdistan are controlled by ISIS.  This territory is roughly the size of Belgium or Jordan and estimated by some to be as large as 35,000 square miles.  The 8 Sunni “militias’ in the Sunni triangle at the present time are all either supporting ISIS or in a truce with them although there have been incidents of fighting between ISIS and the Jaysh Rijal al- Tariqa al- Naqshbandia (JRTN) the largest Sunni nationalist groups that also has Caliphate  type dreams.  ISIS also controls one border crossing in Syria and perhaps as many as three in Iraq.

Over two million people in both Syria and Iraq have been displaced and are living in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey or Iraqi Kurdistan.

Obama has now based the foreign policy portion of what remains of his Presidency on a proposal that seems both unstable and unserious.  It is beginning to feel in its infancy like more spin than substance and some openly wonder if this is serious or just more political necessity.

He has tried to convince us that he waited for a new regime in Bagdad and now that he has it no one can really say if it is the real deal or not.  In Iraq, it is a new Sunni Awakening that is needed along with an Iraqi army that can and will fight. In Syria it is a collection of insurgents, some with al-Qaeda ties, who Mr. Obama just weeks ago demeaned as “Doctors, Farmers and Pharmacists” whom he would be stupid to arm.  Then his core principle was “don’t do stupid stuff””.  Now it is “no safe haven” for those who try to kill us.  The truth is that nobody knows what this is or where this is going and that in the long run is the biggest danger of it all.

No American should be sent into harms way if the ultimate objective is not complete and total victory.  Anything less is immoral and illogical.  A three year campaign with the finale left to a new President is yet another example of his propensity to fit square pegs into round holes.  It is a graduate studies exercise devoid of the essence of or the unpredictability of the reality of war.  Why three years?  Three years will allow this cancer to metastasize and grow until ISIS is not just part of Islam but is Islam itself.

Article researched and written by Larry Allison

Quick Analysis

The Speech Obama Should Have Given

In President Obama’s long-awaited address on responding to the growing threat from ISIS, he promised to increase bombing to areas outside of Iraq, and to provide arms to the Syrian Free Army. He noted that several other nations would join in the effort.

Bizarrely, as noted by House Armed Services Committee Chair Bud McKeon, the president used his strategy “in Yemen and Somalia as examples of how the tactics he is recommending can contain violent terrorists. I would remind him that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) remains the al Qaeda affiliate most capable of attacking the American homeland and exporting violent jihad. Al Shabaab in Somalia continues to carry out attacks against American and Western interests, while recruiting fighters from the United States. The President’s approach simply will not be adequate to address the threat posed by ISIL either.”

This is the speech Mr. Obama’s should have given:

“My fellow Americans, I made a terrible mistake when I prematurely pulled American forces out of Iraq just as democracy was beginning to initiate the basis of a stable nation, however imperfectly. This provided a vacuum which ISIS was able to exploit. I had planned to do the exact same thing in Afghanistan, a decision I now regret and which I now renounce.

“I realize that I should have listened to my military and intelligence advisors, and I now plan to do so far more going forward. I had planned to do the exact same thing in Afghanistan, a decision I now regret and which I now renounce. I also realize that my prior statement about al Qaeda being on the run was also incorrect, as was my statement that ISIS was a “JV” and not a serious force to be reckoned with.

“I know that my supporters want me to insure the nation that I will not use ground power against ISIS, but to give that guarantee will only serve to help ISIS’ leaders plan their defense so I will not say that. In light of what has occurred in Iraq, I now also see that my softening of sanctions on another extreme Islamic entity, Iran, was incorrect. It has not resulted in a reduction in their nuclear program. It was done with the best of intentions, but it didn’t work.
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“In retrospect, it is clear that my failure to respond forcefully to the attack on our facility in Benghazi gave an impression of American weakness that emboldened our enemies.

“All of this turmoil makes me realize how valuable our ally Israel is to us. It is on the front lines facing a vicious enemy that seeks to destroy both of us. I will work diligently to undo the damage I have done to our relationship with that small, heroic nation.

“All this has also helped me understand that my continued effort to unilaterally reduce U.S, defense spending and cut the size of both our conventional and nuclear forces doesn’t make sense in world where Russia has dramatically increased the size of its military, and demonstrates an eagerness to use its expanded strength to invade its neighbors. I know now that I should reverse my prior stance of not opening up the federal government’s vast land holders for energy exploitation. It just isn’t a viable idea when Moscow holds Europe hostage to its gas pipelines.

“Seeing how much force, not rhetoric, shapes the world, it is obvious that something must be done to respond to China’s exponentially increasing military strength which it is enthusiastically using against both regional nations as well as America’s Pacific fleet. I intend to quickly but carefully formulate plans to address this growing crisis.

“Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of 9/11. We live in a dangerous world. I wish I could ignore the danger, but that would be irresponsible. From now on, America will not hesitate to respond to threats in a competent, forceful manner.”

Quick Analysis

ISIS Attack on U.S. Border Imminent

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron has increased the United Kingdom’s threat level to severe. Similar measures have not yet been taken by the United States.

In a significant address to the British people, he clearly identifies Islamic Extremism, in whatever form it takes and wherever it appears, as threat to the rest of the world. His American counterpart has failed to respond to this growing danger in any similar manner.

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There is a fundamental, almost childlike, failure on the part of the current White House to acknowledge the very real and very extensive threats facing the American people. This unprecedented incompetence is leading to consequences that will shake the very foundations of the nation.

Quick Analysis

Can Obama Change Course?

The increasing crisis brought about by the depredations of ISIS presents an opportunity for the White House to undo the damage resulting from its prior foreign policy decisions.

In the wake, and partially as a result of Mr. Obama’s early withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, the most powerful, well-funded and organized terrorist organization yet seen emerged. In the President’s own words,

“They have rampaged across cities and villages — killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence.  They abduct women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and slavery.  They have murdered Muslims — both Sunni and Shia — by the thousands.  They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can for no other reason than they practice a different religion.  They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.”
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The need to defeat ISIS is not just based on its actions in Iraq. General Dempsey, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently noted that the group has a “apocalyptic, end-of-days” vision that will eventually have to be defeated …We actually have groups that now kind of are loosely connected, in some cases affiliated, that run from Afghanistan across the Arabian Peninsula into Yemen to the Horn of Africa and into North and West Africa…Some of those groups are local, some are regional, and some are global threats and that means it is going to be a very long contest …”

But Dempsey has apparently been forced to soft pedal his remarks, leading to concerns that the Administration’s record of foreign policy failures—in the Middle East, in the Clinton/Obama “reset” with Russia, in contending with China’s belligerence—has not convinced the President to change course.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Stunning Press Conference

It was, arguably, one of the most stunning Presidential press conferences in U.S. history.

As ISIS continues its rampage throughout Iraq and Syria, pillaging, raping and murdering on a massive scale, and threatening to launch a major terror attack on American soil, Mr. Obama openly admitted yesterday that his Administration had not developed any strategy for dealing with the crisis.

At this extreme late date, the President wants his advisers to provide “a range of options,” and admits that his decision is not immediately forthcoming. Various reports indicate that information was available for his review for up to four years.

Now that he cannot escape public knowledge of his negligence, what is his plan going forward? He stated that he plans to meet with his national security team.  This begs the question: Why hasn’t he been meeting with these experts all along? This is a central part of his duties as Commander in Chief.

This isn’t a conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican question.  If, at this very late venture, the President hasn’t already engaged in numerous, intensive discussions with his key personnel on this deadly problem, then he hasn’t just made an incorrect decision on a particular challenge; he has utterly failed to do his job.

House Armed Services Chair Howard McKeon  noted “We need the President to explain to the American people what is at stake, what our objectives are, and the strategy for how to achieve them.”

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Intelligence officials and military affairs commentators note that ISIS’s rise was not unexpected: They emphasize that this disaster had been brewing since 2009.

Mr. Obama’s premature withdrawal of American forces from Iraq directly led to the vacuum ISIS filled. The President’s own defense personnel, including both uniformed members of the military as well as the Secretary of Defense, have voice alarm at ISIS’s progress.  Why has the President ignored these key figures?

What has the President been doing during this period? There is a disturbing pattern discernable in the Oval Office.  We still do not know where the President was during the Benghazi attack. His reaction to Russia’s expansionism in Eastern Europe has been strangely muted. He has yet to admit that the Obama/Clinton “Reset” strategy was a dismal failure, as Moscow arms to the teeth and displays no reluctance to employ its vast military machine.  As this article goes to press, Russian tanks have invaded Ukraine, with no credible reaction from Mr. Obama. (Important note: Mr. Obama withdrew all American tanks from Europe this year; NATO no longer has a credible deterrent to the Kremlin’s military.) He has barely discussed the growing Russian, China, and Iranian influence in Latin America, just as he has failed to address Beijing’s growing aggressiveness and military might in any manner other than the most marginal ways.

The American people face an urgent question. What steps can be taken to deal with a commander in chief who clearly fails to take his duties seriously?

One question can be answered—how the President escapes public rebuke for his complete failure to perform his duties.  Most of the major media, which strongly supported Mr. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, has abandoned its journalistic ethics and has, essentially, served as a protective shield for this White House.

Quick Analysis

ISIS Massacres: The Background

The Yezidis are an ancient Kurdish/Arab people with a religion that combines elements of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and ancient pre-monotheistic devotion to the sun, the moon, water, fire, earth and air. There were approximately 70,000 Yezidis in Iraq, mostly in Nineveh Province near Mosul in the town of Sinjar until they were forced to flee from the violence of the Islamic State or ISIS.

Now 40,000 to 50,000 of them have fled to Mount Sinjar, a holy place to them since they believe that this is where Noah’s Ark came to rest after the great flood. The mountain has always been their home in Iraq with the remaining 180,000 Yezidis in the world living in Syria, Turkey, Iran, Armenia and Georgia. So the question remains as to why the ISIS wants so desperately to commit genocide on a peaceful people with no homeland, who bother no one and who have lived peacefully amongst both Christians and Muslims for centuries.

The simple answer is that the Caliphate that Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi is creating in the 21st century belongs in the 7th century. The ISIS will tolerate no one who does not subscribe to their fundamental and violent version of Islam for very long even if they pay the Jizya tax and assume the mantle of second class Dhimmitude. They also practice “Takfir” which is determining that those thought formerly to be pious Muslims are in fact not because they do not believe in the Caliph’s version of Islam. This then make them Kaffirs and subject to death as apostates.

The story of their persecution is therefore almost a template for modern middle east politics which for far too many Muslims cannot be separated from their religious beliefs and hatreds. There are Christians on the mountain also. Mosul was for a very long time a vibrant Christian community with numerous churches and monasteries all of which are now occupied by the IS who already have blown up the tomb of Yunus or Jonah. In this act of violent desecration which mimicked what the Taliban did to the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afganistan, the ISIS attacked not just a figure of Christian or Jewish importance but also a Muslim one.

But this was but a mild prelude to the slaughter that came next to both Christians and Yezidis. The ISIS spared no one. Catholic Online reported “There is a park in Mosul,” Mark Arabo told CNN during a Skype interview from San Diego, “where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and have them in the park.” Other children were gunned down with their bodies left to rot in the sun. Men were crucified and beheaded, at least one woman was stripped naked , turned upside down, had her throat slit and her blood filled up a bowl beneath her as if she were slaughtered in an abattoir under religious law.
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We know this because of photos which the ISIS post as well as others to terrorize the population. Christian and Yezidi wives are also separated from their husbands, raped and forced to be wives to ISIS fighters all consistent with the rules of war established by Muhammed in the 7th century. On the mountain parents are reportedly throwing their children to their death rather than let them fall into the clutches of ISIS. 300,000 Chaldean Christians also have fled to Kurdistan or to Mount Sinjar where they beg for rescue.

As late as 2003 there were over one and a half million Christians living in a multi-sectarian secular but murderous Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Now that number has dwindled to between 350,000 to 450,000 all of whom are refugees on the run if in the north. Those who sought sanctuary in Kurdistan under the protection of the Peshmerga are now once again being threatened by The ISIS forces advancing on Erbil the Kurdish capital with state of the art U.S. made weapons captured from Iraqi soldiers who fled when attacked by the smaller forces of ISIS.

The Kurds are running out of ammunition and need to be re-supplied with everything up to date that the U.S. has. The U.S. also has to use overwhelming air power to obliterate this Da’esh army while it is still in the high desert in open convoys.

Meanwhile the people on the mountain wait for food and water to survive knowing that if they come down that mountain they will be butchered. Obama has promised them that help is on the way. He has inferred that he will use air power if U.S. interests are threatened. He has promised to avert a humanitarian genocide, perhaps in recognition that it was his misguided, premature withdrawal of US fores from Iraq that has caused this debacle to occur.

Larry Allison authored this analysis.

Quick Analysis

Diplomats Talk, People Die

The consequences of incorrect foreign policy decisions are paid for by innocent victims.

This is tragically and dramatically the case for vast numbers of Iraqis.  A series of non-actions by the world community, including the premature withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, a failure to counter horrific human rights abuses in Syria, a softening of sanctions on Iran, and the nonresponse to the attack in Benghazi have all given confidence and opportunity to extremist forces to move forward, commit atrocities, and not fear more than token responses.

Vast numbers of Iraqis have been forced to flee from their homes due to ISIS’ practice of murder and torture of any who do not comply with their warped religious and political agendas. World cultural centers have been defaced and destroyed. Most dramatically, Children have been beheaded, and women and young girls have been raped and forced into sexual slavery on a massive scale by ISIS.
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While the world verbally condemns this, it does little to actually counter it. The United States has abdicated its role as a world leader in the protection of human rights, the United Nations remains ineffective because too many of its members, including several of those on the Security Council,  are guilty of their own human rights abuses and don’t want to establish a precedent of action.

The diplomats and politicians don’t endure the consequences of their mistakes. But across the Earth, people die, families are destroyed, and the cultural heritage of the planet burns.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Missing Moral Compass

The “bully pulpit” of the White House has been used by American presidents to steer the nation towards the course they wish to set. Their most important statements also serve as a window into the soul of the nation’s chief executives.

George Washington set the tone for a country ruled by laws, not men, when he proclaimed that “The Constitution is a guide which I will never abandon.” Lincoln’s revulsion to forced servitude was made clear when he stated that “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.” Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to surrender to pessimism during the depths of the depression when he made his famous fireside chat comment that “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” John F. Kennedy inspired generations of activists when he instructed that we should “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do your country.” Ronald Reagan, confounding all the self-proclaimed experts, warned the Soviets to “tear down that wall,” an attitude which lead to the collapse of the Communist regime in Moscow.

Each of those statements was more than rhetoric. They served as the centerpiece of the nation’s policy. That is why Mr. Obama’s stunning quote, delivered Friday to the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman, is so deeply troublesome. Speaking of his goals for the Middle East, the President stated that he wanted a resolution in which there was “no victor and no vanquished.” Right now, thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands, are being murdered, tortured and raped by ISIS in Iraq. Syria’s President Bashir al Assad has used poison gas against his own people. Hamas has launched thousands of missiles against civilian targets in Israel. Iran’s leadership calls America “the Great Satan” and harbors many who plot against western targets.

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It was highly immoral and utterly counterproductive for Mr. Obama to not express a desire to rid the world of those horrific forces committing those atrocities. Why shouldn’t any decent human being, especially the President of the United States, not wish for the vanquishing of such forces? What could possibly have been in Mr. Obama’s mind when he essentially called for a resolution that would not result in punishing these terrible actors?

For far too long, Mr. Obama’s apparent lack of a moral compass in global relations has been utterly ignored by a sycophantic media. His latest comment is a frightening glimpse into the soul of the world’s most powerful man, and what it reveals is a complete rejection of every foreign policy principle the United States has stood for.