Quick Analysis

Corruption Threatens National Security

America’s national security is threatened by internal corruption.

There is a terrible reality that Americans must face. The system of checks and balances that has prevented abuses of power in the past is facing an unprecedented challenge. Our journalists, who previously provided the transparency so urgently required are now mired in partisanship, leading them to extoll the virtues of their favorite leaders and ignore their crimes.

Throughout history, otherwise dignified and intelligent nations have fallen prey to elements within whose abuse of power is so overwhelming that it can change the very character of its society.  The Roman Republic was crushed when powerful men destroyed its traditions and commenced a monarchy.  The people who overthrew a Czar were themselves overthrown by Communists who established a nightmare regime.  One of the more educated countries on Earth descended into the insanity of Naziism.

Many believe that an end to individual liberty cannot happen in America. Our freedoms seem to be as ever-present and permanent as the very oxygen we breath. Our institutions were established by brilliant men who understood the dangers that could be faced, and set up a system of checks and balances that could withstand the onslaught of greedy and power-hungry interests.

That paradigm stood the test of time. Despite individual incidents of corruption and assaults on liberty, American government stood strong. The original evils of slavery, segregation and the disenfranchisement of women were overcome. When one branch or sector disregarded the law or the Bill of Rights, others corrected course.

The threats of the 21st century are, however, unprecedented.  The corruption from individual persons or parties is not the whole issue; frankly, that could be dealt with in the same manner as past instances. The problem is the systemic rise of partisanship within key portions of the government, and the dire failure of the media to report the issue.

If the abuses were limited to mere financial crimes with no further implications, the current environment of corruption would be bad but not necessarily a threat to the very safety of the nation and the foundation of our freedom. Unfortunately, that is not the case.  What has occurred in the 21st century is far worse. Bluntly, President Biden has accepted family and probably personal financial gain from China, not for the sale of a product or legitimate service, but from the provision of illicit influence. 

It’s not a case of first impression.  There is little doubt that Hillary Clinton destroyed federal evidence.  Anyone other than a powerful government insider would have been charged, convicted and punished for this act, let alone the underlying crime that was covered up.

As Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton set up an unsecured private email server, endangering national security. When discovered, it was necessary to examine the evidence to determine what damage had been done to the nation.  Ms. Clinton willfully destroyed that evidence, both physically by smashing relevant devices and by using a “bleach bit” program to permanently erase computer files.  According to 18 U.S. Code § 1519, “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

But Ms. Clinton, a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State was neither charged nor punished.

Similar to Biden’s relations with China endangering the nation, Clinton approved the sale of uranium, the basic ingredient of nuclear weapons, to the Russians.  Russia was then able to own about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity. The payback? A related donation was made to the Clinton Foundation of millions of dollars.  Bill Clinton then received a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia. Were there details in those destroyed emails?

As dangerous as these deeds are, the failure of the normal procedures of justice to properly respond to them are even more distressing. Similarly, the normal journalistic response has been missing with just a few exceptions. 

When the New York Post exposed the Hunter Biden laptop revelations, most media sources ignored the issue, and some outlets even ridiculed the newspaper for its work, which should have been awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

Illustration: Pixabay