Quick Analysis

Obama’s Misguided Focus on Terror

The United States has been victimized by radical elements from the Middle East since the earliest days of the nation’s existence.

In 1786, notes Blake Hall writing in Forbes,  Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the Tripolitan ambassador to Britain, “to discuss the unprovoked attacks of the Barbary pirates on American ships. [Tripoli’s ’] Ambassador Adja’s response to their inquiries [was] … ‘that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners…’ The justification contained in this passage never mentions economic goods like oil or political issues like Israel, most notably because the first was not relevant at the time and the second did not exist. The central driver of the war was the …duty … to subjugate the infidels.”

That historic lesson is one that the current White House has ignored. Neither the recent attacks on American soil nor the stunning crimes against humanity committed by ISIS in the Middle East have done much to readjust Mr. Obama’s focus. It should not be forgotten that his administration famously declared that ISIS was a “JV team” that Americans shouldn’t be concerned with.

Instead of responding to the challenge, President Obama has used the horrific tragedies in Orlando and San Bernardino to further his partisan agenda on gun control and expound on his obsessive views on the divisions within American society. He insisted on calling the Jihadi attack on Fort Hood “workplace violence.”

The tragedy in Orlando was not the result of homegrown bigotry against gays. It was the direct result of the unbridled hatred radical Islam has against anyone with different beliefs. It is evident in the Iranian practice of hanging gays from construction cranes, and the ISIS practice of tossing gays off of rooftops.

The federal agency directly responsible for countering terror attacks within America continues to focus on political partisanship rather than its primary duty of fighting terror. The Department of Homeland Security’s leader, Jeh Johnson, continues to obsess about “right wing extremism.”

Johnson’s comments about gun control in particular should raise eyebrows. In a CBS interview, he claimed that implementing the President’s views on reducing the Second Amendment were critical to protecting homeland security, stating  “We have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of homeland security as well, given the prospect of homegrown, home-born violent extremism in this country.”

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Under the Obama Administration, the Department of Homeland Security has had a terrible record of ignoring real threats and painting innocent Americans as a problem.  It must be recalled that in 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano despicably called returning U.S. veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan a threat.

The shootings in San Bernardino and Orlando were not the fault of the Second Amendment, which has been in existence since the Constitution was ratified centuries ago. Those incidents were a result of the failure to effectively confront radical Jihadis, neither with appropriate military action or with ideological counteractions.

Indeed, exactly the wrong message has been sent. The President began his Administration with an “apology tour” of the Middle East, in which he ignored the reality that Americans had no reason to apologize to those nations. Perhaps Mr. Obama was unaware that in the 1950’s, the United States defended Egypt against attempts by the United Kingdom and France to take control of the Suez Canal. Possibly the President forgot that when Muslims were being slaughtered in the Yugoslav breakup, it was the United States that rescued them.

Mr. Obama’s statements made after the San Bernardino shootings regarding American attitudes towards Muslims have been wholly incorrect. Despite the long history of hostility from the Middle East, Muslims in the United States have not experienced official bias by the government or substantial episodes of prejudice from the general population.  One can always point to an isolated act by biased individuals, but that’s all they are—isolated incidents.

Effective action has not been taken in response to the escalating threat. The failure to respond to the Benghazi attack and the lies told by President Obama and then-Secretary Clinton extended n image of weakness. Our airstrikes against ISIS continue to be inadequate to the task on hand. The White House refuses to provide the Kurds, who have been the most effective in combatting ISIS, with the types of weapons necessary for victory. His refugee admission program continues to ignore the plight of Christians, Kurds and Yazdis who have been the chief victims of terror; less than 1% of those brought to the U.S. are from those oppressed groups.

Mr. Obama must face facts. The Orlando, San Bernardino and Fort Hood tragedies were not the result of faults within American society, or the ownership of guns by private citizens.  They were another in a long history of attacks by radical Islam against the United States.

Quick Analysis

Appeasement will not stop terror

The ruthless assault on a gay nightclub in Orlando illustrates a reality that those who have advocated reducing America’s activist role in the world fail to comprehend.  The bitter hatred against the United States is not the result of anything America or Europe has done, not in the Middle East, not in Afghanistan, and not anyplace else. It is not the result of the size or reach of our formerly dominant armed forces.  It is not the result of our economic system.

Indeed, if no U.S. or European soldier had ever set foot in the Middle East, if no oil had ever been drilled, if no interaction had ever taken place at all, the West would still be despised and targeted, not for what it does, but for what it is.

The Jihadist’s fury exists solely because of their extreme abhorrence of the essential nature of Western Civilization itself: the concept of individual freedom, of live and let live, of the triumph of reason over primitive instincts.

Yes, I did say primitive instincts, and that will probably infuriate most of the nation’s academics and the self-righteous chattering classes. For far too long, those in positions of influence in government, education, and the media have declined to emphasize the unique and wonderful accomplishments of Western Civilization. In the rush to be “multicultural,” they have relegated the achievements that have produced the greatest freedom, prosperity, health, and, yes, tolerance for all faiths that humanity has ever experienced to a par equal to that of other civilizations that are marked by substantial degrees of continued political repression, economic backwardness, and secular hatred that have been sharply diminished in the West.

No, the West is not perfect.  But (and I realize that this will also anger many) it has done much, much better than the rest of the planet, despite its faults. By “Western Civilization,” I do not limit the definition to just a geographical or ethnic description. Consider the difference between North and South Korea. Between Israel and many of its neighbors. Even within the New World, nations that have followed western patterns of government and tolerance, such as the U.S. and Canada, have advanced, while those that have adopted, some recently, (like Venezuela) the philosophy (even though it started with western thinkers) of socialist government, which more closely resembles that of the rest of the world,  have declined.

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When terrible practices take place, such as the massive rape of females by ISIS, or the continued practice of slavery in certain parts of the world, it is not inappropriate for other nations, despite their own (far lesser) imperfections, to express horror at those heinous acts.

The typical response to Jihadi acts has been a study in self-delusion.  Responding, for example, to the terror assault in San Bernardino by criticizing gun ownership or falsely claiming there is a widespread bias against Moslems in America merely encourages and emboldens those who cling to any irrational justification for their actions. President Obama and Secretary Clinton inadvertently invited terror by their failure to respond to incidents such as Benghazi, and the ridiculous Oval Office comments following the San Bernardino shooting.

It is naïve to believe that all America has to do to avoid being targeted is to provide more diplomatic doubletalk. It is unrealistic to expect that Orlando-type attacks (or worse) can be avoided by appeasement.

The West is under relentless assault. Ignoring the crisis or blaming it on itself is a worthless and foolish response. If, indeed, the concepts of personal freedom are to survive, a far more viable and realistic response must be undertaken.